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Taehyung's Pov:-

"Did you find something?"I said as we surrounded Jaebum.
"I am trying to trace tae but I can't trace it."he groaned as I clenched my jaw.
"Fuck!! Please Jaebum she took my baby. I don't know what the hell she is planning." Try everything you could, trace her,jimin's number also."I growled banging on table.
"Calm down tae. We will find out."Jackson said patting my back.
"Look. I have found your mother's phone location. But it is in stray area somewhere in forest."he said.
Let's go. We have search whatever we can find."I said as we started rushing out of our spot. I halted as my phone ranged showing my mother's name flashing on screen.
"Stop!!."I said everyone surrounded me. I picked up the call clenching my fist.
"Where the fuck you took my baby?"I growled angrily.
"Calm down tiger."a voice I hate most in the world said.
"How are you talking on my eomma's phone, where is eomma and my baby? I will kill you fucking asshole."I fumed wanting to ruin him.
"Bastard, I have your boyfriend in my hand. Watch your fucking mouth before you speak. How will you feel I I told you that your mother gave up your boyfriend to me" He said in smirking tone. I punch the wall in anger...

That woman gave my baby to my enemy.......

"I will kill you if you even touch my baby's hair."I growled angrily.
"Come to warehouse at 36th lane after crossing forest alone and save your little boyfriend and his friend. If you try to do anything, your boyfriend will suffer consequences. I will sending you video clip as a little gift."he said laughing like a maniac. He hung up as I almost threw my phone in anger.
"That fucking asshole..."I said angrily.
"What did he say? My peach is also with him."Jungkook said clenching his jaw in anger.
"He wants me to go alone to his warehouse."I said in anger. My phone beeped with message and opened the notification. My blood boiled seeing my baby tied up to the chair. His eyes puffy, his pretty lips busted and I could see he is crying his eyes out.
"Baby..."I whispered my heart aching looking at his state.
"I am gonna murder that asshole."I looked up seeing Jungkook threw his phone in anger.
"What happened?"Jackson said.
"He also sent me video of my peach tied up to chair and that asshole trying to touch him smirking at fucking camera.He is acting strong but he is scared. I can see fear in his eyes hyung"he said angrily.
"I am gonna go."I said as everyone looked at me.
"I am coming with you hyung."Jungkook said but I stopped him.
"Look if we have to defeat him, we need do everything with smart move."I said as everyone nodded.
"It could be dangerous tae. G-dragon must have some trap set for you."Jaebum said.
"I have plan in my mind to finish him once and all."I said smirking.

Yoongi's Pov(before G-dragon calls Taehyung):-

I opened my eyes with throbbing head while blinking my eyes. I tried to move but realized my hands and legs are tied to the chair I am sitting on. I looked around and saw jiminie also tied to the to some distance from mine.
"Jiminie, jiminie."I called him trying not to be too loud wishing that he would hear. He slowly blinked his eyes and his eyes widened as he tried to free himself.
"Yoonie. Where are we?"he asked but I shook my head.
"I don't know jiminie. Why would tae's eomma do that? Is this because she doesn't like me."I said sniffing.
"Calm down yoonie."he said as I tried not cry.
"Look who is awake?" We flinched at sudden voice. Our heads snapped in direction and our mouths hung open looking at people standing front of us.
Bambam, tae's eooma and G-dragon stood there smiling evilly looking at us.
"Why are you doing this?" I asked looking at tae's eomma.
"You have no right to ask me any questions bitch..." She hissed crossing her arms.  Bambam walked towards me and lean down.
"You know very well why I want to ruin you, you little bitch. Taehyung was mine but you came and destroy everything."he said pulling my head back holding my hair harshly. I winced as pain shot through my head.
"He he was n-never y-yours."I said trying to not stutter." he slapped me hard angrily causing my lip to bust. I taste blood in my mouth and my eyes filled with water.
"Leave him alone you bastard."jimin yelled thrashing in the chair.
"He got sassy mouth. I like that."G-dragon smirked.
"He is jungkook's bitch. You can have him as a bonus."bambam said chuckling as G-dragon smirked.
"Please d-don't hurt h-him, I-I will d-do anything."I plead.
"You are in no position to trade about anything."G-dragon growled and I felt shiver ran down my spine in fear.
"Let's make their videos and send to Taehyung and Jungkook." He smirked as my eyes widened. He walked towards me looking at me head to toe making me cautious about what he is gonna do to me. He leaned down as I shrunk in my seat not wanting him to touch me.
"No wonder taehyung is attracted to you, anyone would love to mark that pale skin but he is not gonna get to do that." G-dragon smirked as he ran down tip of his finger on my swollen cheek where bambam slapped. I whimpered biting my lip as it stung.
"P-please leave me a-alone."I pleaded but he laughed wrapped hands around my neck.
"You little bitch, I would have loved to play with your body but I promised to give you to him whatever he want to do with you while I will have my fun with that fiesty boy with you " He said pointing at bambam and then looking at jiminie.
"Don't hurt him. He have not done anything."I yelled and his grip on my neck tightened. I looked over to jiminie as tears streamed down my eyes. He looked at me with teary eyes giving me assuringly but I could see fear in his eyes.
"Leave him asshole." He screamed as his grip loosened. He released my neck and I coughed. He walked towards jiminie and slapped him. I cried as he started trying to touch him  while his man made video. Bambam started making video of me glaring at me. I prayed closing my eyes.

Please taehyungie come soon, I am waiting for you!!!!

Hey amazing readers ☺️
That's it for today's chapter.
Kinda short chapter.
Next one gonna longer one.
What plan taehyung has?
Stay tuned and keep reading
Be happy and healthy 😊
Borahae 💜💟💜💟

What plan taehyung has?Stay tuned and keep readingBe happy and healthy 😊Borahae 💜💟💜💟

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Jin's vocals in Astronaut song are heaven ♥️♥️🥺🥺💜💜🥰

Jin's vocals in Astronaut song are heaven ♥️♥️🥺🥺💜💜🥰

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