Meeting his Grandfather

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Yoongi's Pov:-

"We will reach soon." Taehyung's driver said. My hold on taehyung's hand tightened as I looked down nervously.
"I know you are nervous sweetheart but don't worry, you will be fine."he said kissing my forehead.
"I just hope I don't mess up anything.."I said looking at him worriedly.
"You will not baby."he whispered kissing my lips.
"Hey, you will smudge my lipgloss."I said pulling out pouting.
"I can't even kiss my baby."he said frowning pulling me close.
"No you can't, not till we get back."I said crossing my arms.
"This is amazing. It's fun to watch this bad boy like this."taehyung's driver said chuckling.
Taehyung glared at him,"Xiumim, you better focus on driving or Ill tell grandpa that you broke his favourite vase and replaced it with same new one."he smirked and Xiumim glared at him.
"You sly traitor."Xiumim growled and taehyung laughed.
"You two seem close."I whispered in his ear.
"Ahh yahh, he is been my driver for 4 years so we sort of clicked together well."he said as I nodded.
"Yoongi, you have him wrapped around your finger. How did you managed to do that?"Xiumim asked smirking.
I blushed,"I didn't do anything but I was the one who fell for him first."I mumbled fiddling with my fingers.
"Oh really babe?"taehyung said in smug voice causing my cheeks to reddened more.
"Shut up."I said and he chuckled kissing my cheek.
"We are here. I will go out first"Xiumim said looking at us through mirror. Taehyung nodded taking my hand in his.
"Stay by my side and ignore people around you, just keep walking ok.."he said softly and I nodded nervously.
"Ok."I mumbled as he kissed my cheek. Xiumim opened the door for gesturing us to go out. Taehyung nodded at me assuring to step out. I got out and taehyung followed me.

"Who is he?"
"Is this boy is your boyfriend?"
"He is pretty."
"Will your father approve your relationship?"

Questions falled lile waterfall on us but taehyung encouraged me to walk forward. He wrapped hand around my waist as he walked with me following him inside. Finally made it through the door and walked inside the hall. I looked around with my mouth wide open. The event hall was so beautiful and magnificent.

 The event hall was so beautiful and magnificent

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"This really beautiful taehyungie."I whispered in his ear as he smiled at me nodding.
"I told you not to bring your sidechicks in my parties."a voice said.
"Watch your mouth."taehyung growled glaring at the man in suit with another old man. I guess they are taehyung's father and grandfather.

 I guess they are taehyung's father and grandfather

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