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Yoongi's Pov:-

"Jiminie, I look fine right?"I said fiddling with my fingers.
"You look stunning yoonie, oh my god. Taehyung is gonna get awestruck."jiminie said clapping his hands in excitement.
"You look so pretty dongsaeng."Jin hyung said hugging me.
"Thank you." I said blushing while fixing my hair.

"Markie, made me wear so many outfit at store

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"Markie, made me wear so many outfit at store..."I said pouting as him hyung and jimin giggled making me huff.
"Let me do some make makeup to make you look more pretty yoonie."jimin said making me sit infront of mirror.

1 hour later

"Baby, I am here."taehyung said on call and I collect my sling bag, mobile.
"I am coming taehyungie."I said while waving at Jin hyung and jiminie. I cut off the call putting on my shoes.
"Have a great time yoonie."they said in unison as I giggled.

I walked outside and saw my boyfriend waiting for me outside the car looking like a hot model.

Oh my!!! He look so freaking handsome and sexy.

Oh my!!! He look so freaking handsome and sexy

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"Sweetheart."he called opening his arms walking towards me. I rushed towards him for hug and he wrapped hands around my waist.
"You look so gorgeous kitten."he whispered in his deep sexy voice making shiver ran down my body.
"Thank you and you look so good too."I said rubbing my nose against his neck inhaling his musky scent.
"Thank you sweetheart."he said pulling out kissing my forehead.
"Get in."he said opening door for me. I thank him getting inside the car. He got in the car starting the car.
"Before you ask me anything, everything is secret baby."he said smirking. I pouted and crossed my arms making him laugh.
"You are too adorable sweetheart."he said caressing my cheek. My cheek turned pink instantly as heat rush to my face.
"Just start the car taehyungie."I mumbled and he chuckled. I looked out of the window watching trees passing by soothing breeze hit my face.
"Weather is incredible today tae."I said looking at the beauty outside.
"Indeed but how can I see that when all I can see right now is my beautiful baby."he said and I turned my head my eyes widening.
"Taehyungie, stop it. You are making me blush."I said lightly hitting his arm.
"That's the point of praising to see my sweetheart blush beautifully."he smirked. I buried my face in my hands as my face turned into tomato.
"Don't hide your pretty face from me baby."he said taking my hands away from my face and interwined fingers with mine.
We reached in half an hour as taehyung parked his car. He opened my side door offering his hand to take. I put my hand in his and walked out of the car.
"Let's go sweetheart." He said as I looked at the fancy restaurant infront of me with my mouth wide open.
"Taehyungie, the restaurant is too fancy."I mumbled tightening my hold on his hand.
"Yes baby. It is my friend's restaurant."he said squeezing my hand in assurance. I nodded and let him pull me with him.
"Under name Kim Taehyung. I have reserved rooftop with you know"he said to the manager.
"Yes sir. Everything is ready as boss told me."manager said as taehyung nodded.
I looked at him but he just shrugged smirking.
"Let's go baby."he said as manager guided us to the elevator. We got in the elevator and bid manager goodbye. As soon as elevator door closed he pinned me against the elevator wall.
"T-taehyungie, what a-are you doing?"I said looking at me with shock.
"Kitten, I can't help but feel possessive. Didn't you see how all men were eyeing you."he whispered while kissing my neck. I shivered at his possessive tone clutching his coat.
"But I a-am not i-interested in anyone but y-you."I said as he pulled me closer by wrapping hand around my waist. He attached his lips to my neck and started nibbling my skin.
"Ahhhh mhmm tae s-s-stop what if someone w-will see us.."I stuttered trying to control my moan.
"Let them see that you only belong to me....only me."he whispered without leaving my skin as I whimpered. He pulled out still holding my waist.
"Now everyone can see who you belong to."he said smirking. I instantly turned around to look at the mirror. I see prominent hickey on my neck.
"Taehyungieeee."I whined as he kissed my cheek.
"Now time for our date." He said pulling me as elevator reached rooftop. We walked out hand in hand.
"Now."he said and covered my eyes suddenly.
"Tae, what are you doing?"I said holding his hand covering my eyes.
"Just walk with me sweetheart."he whispered in my ear. We walked for few minutes.
"Ok we are here."he said and removed his hand. I blinked sometimes adjusting to the light. I looked infront of me and my mouth hung open in amazement.

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