Ruined Surprise

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Taehyung's Pov:-

I pulled him with me almost running outside.
"Not going to introduce to me?"a voice I didn't wanted to hear ever in my life said. We turned around anger already rising inside me.
"What the fuck are you doing here eomma? Oh should I even call you eomma?"I spat out angrily.

"What the fuck are you doing here eomma? Oh should I even call you eomma?"I spat out angrily

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"Can't I come to my husband's party?"she said shamelessly.
"I growled,"ohhh what a fucking are hearing yourself right now??.....what you are saying is fucking ridiculous."
"Keep your voice down and we don't need everyone to hear."my father said in low tone.
I clenched my fist in anger. A small hand wrapped around mine squeezing softly. I looked towards my baby looking at me with sad expressions.
"Calm down..are you okay?.. should we get out out of here?" he asked rubbing my arm.
"I can't leave my grandpa alone in this mess."I whispered and he nodded.
"I thought you were going to get married to one your father choose."she said smirking.
"None of your fucking business."I whisper-yelled angrily.
"Stop creating scene here."grandpa said pointing at mother glaring at her. She rolled her eyes crossing arms.
"Taehyung come with me..I want you to meet some of my friends and partners."grandpa said.
I looked at yoongi and he just nodded assuringly.
"Go. Don't worry. I will be with hobi hyung and Markie."he whispered giving me his cute little smile calming my heart. I nodded kissing his forehead.
"I will be right back."I whispered and walked towards my grandpa.

Yoongi's Pov:-

"So you are his new boyfriend?"taehyung's mother said looking me up and down.
I nodded nervously bowing,"nice to meet you."I said politely.
"He could have done better."she said  making me gulp in fear.
"I will do my best to prove that I am good enough."I said bowing again.
"Whatever you do, it is useless. Remember, taehyung is really from rich family. There will be time when he has to take over the business and soon he will get tired of you. He will find someone of his status and will throw you away. You don't know how rich people work little better watch out for yourself before taehyung dump you like a garbage."she said rolling her eyes.
I feel tears gathering in my eyes and I sniffled.
I bowed at her,"I am sorry."I turned around and ran away.
Is the things she said are true...
Is taehyung gonna leave me like he is not like that.....
But what if he get tired of me....
Afterall I am just a simple boring boy with boring life......

"Yoongi.."a voice exclaimed as I bumped into someone. I looked up and see hobi hyung looking at me worriedly.
"What happened yoongi? Are you ok?"I shook my head.
"I am okay. C-can you t-tell t-tae that I-i went h-home because I a-am not f-feeling w-well."I stuttered.
"But why suddenly yoongles?"Mark's worried voice said as he hold my shoulder.
"Just p-please."I cried and ran away from them before I break down completely infront of everyone. They called my name but I ignored running towards entrance.
""taehyung's voice boomed.
Oh shit.....I can't let him catch with me...what will I tell him...
I ran away fast with all energy I had. I ran outside looking around for any cab or vehicle. I saw cab coming and signalling it to stop.
"Baby please stop."taehyung yelled but I quickly got in to the cab. I knew what I am doing is stupid but I couldn't bring myself to face him. I am not confident about myself. I leaned my head against windows shiel looking out.
"Taehyungie, I am sorry but what she said made me think I am not good enough for you."I mumbled as tears fell down my cheeks. I am being ridiculous and doubting taehyung's feelings for me but I just can't help it.
"Will you get tired of me taehyungie? Will you dump me if you find someone better?"
I held my head in my hands as thoughts run through my head. I feel like my head is going to explode.
"Are you okay?"the driver asked softly.
"Yes I guess..I don't know."I mumbled as he looked at me with sympathy.
He handed me bottle of water,"don't think bad of yourself just because someone said something about you. You know your worth better than anyone."he said giving me small smile.
I smiled back sadly,"thank you."I said drinking the water.
"You can take a nap. I will tell you when we arrive."he said as I signed leaning against window.

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