Amnesia in the head

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Summary: Keigo and Touya go to UA together, fall in love, fight right before Keigo needs to go on an internship mission, falls on his head during a fight, goes unconscious for a week and than wakes up not remembering jack shit.
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Touya's head started to malfunction right after he heard those three words. "Who are you?"
Those three little words coming out of his boyfriends mouth was enough for him to start overthinking everything in his life. Was this, a joke for there argument from before? Because if it was he was going to fry Keigo alive, injured or not.

"What do you mean who am I?" Touya asked quickly snapping out of his mind. "It's me, Touya," It took everything in him not to snap at the winged boy sitting on the hospital bed.

The boy blinked at him once, twice, and now three times. It went on like that for almost a whole minute until Touya finally lost his patients and snapped. "I swear to God Keigo if this is some sort of sick prank I'm going to burn you alive and feed you to the fishes!" He said making the the blonde flinch.

"Todoroki," Touya heard a deep and tired voice say wanted to immediately curse at the person that called him that but surprisingly held his tongue and turned around to see his homeroom teacher Aizawa standing in the doorway with recovery girl by his side.

Aizawa made a movement with his hand signaling Touya to come over. The white and red haired boy first looked at his teacher then back at the boy sitting on the bed, confusion lingering his face. He finally decided to walk out the room hearing the door close behind him.

It was silent for a few seconds before Aizawa started to talk, "We have ran some tests with Takami before you arrived, and the results showed that Takami is dealing with amnesia. We don't know if it's temporary or permanent but right now you can't just go up to him and trow all your problems in his face." He said in a stern voice.

Touya felt his body freeze, all the anger disappearing. He knew that Keigo fell on his head during the battle but it had never crossed his mind that it would actually make Keigo get amnesia.

"Can't Recovery Girl fix that with her quirk?" Touya asked clearly desperate. "Oh my dear boy my quirk does not work like that, it only heals injuries like broken bones not these kinds of brain injuries," Recovery Girl explained.

"We can only hope Takami will get his memories back soon but for now we need to
make him feel comfortable around us again," Aizawa said looking at him.

Touya wanted to argue back, he wanted to say something so bad but he doesn't know what and just nodded at the two adults.

"Now go back to the dorms, we still need to run some tests with Takami," Aizawa said before walking away with Recover Girl.

When Touya got back to the dorms Usagiyama immediately jumped into his personal space. "I hope you didn't mess up burnt face," she said but got pushed aside by Touya. "Leave me alone you overgrown rabbit I'm not in the mood."

He suddenly felt his shoulder getting grabbed and turned around only to get pushed down making him fall on the ground. "What the hell is your fucking problem?!" He shouted smoke coming out of his hands.

"Listen Todoroki, you are the only one who was able to see Takami until now so tell me how he is or else you're staying here until you are finally going to talk," she said looking at him with her red eyes.

"You think you can threaten me?" He asked while getting his ass off of the ground. "Aizawa and Recovery Girl are still running some tests so just wait until they come back," he continued while trying to walk to his room but before he could open the door and finally get in Usagiyama slapped his hand away.

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