Two wings, Six tails and I remember

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First I want to make things clear, I hate "Hiding the best things about you" it was a cringey chapter and idk what I thought lmfao. Second I will dump some angst on you guys for the time being but I promise I'll make it up to you guys.
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Summary: Dabi made a choice and regrets every single bit of it. That's it. It's also a fantasy AU with Kitsune Dabi and Harpy Hawks, I know really little about these two creatures (funny bc I needed to do research on Kitsunes for school) I'm not even sure how I made it work out for these two to hide the fact they aren't human but please enjoy either way ^^
TW: blood, character death
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"Do you think we can hide it any longer?" Hawks had asked one night after their little rendezvous. Now cuddled up together in Dabi's bed. Hawks' head was buried under his scarred chin, wings draped over them like a blanket. It was summer so it's hot outside and the wings made it even hotter, but Dabi didn't complain. It was nice and comforting. "Hide what?" He asked voice laced with sleep. The raven was almost asleep and didn't have the energy to think. "Well y'know, that we're uhm, not human?" The statement sounded more like a question. But Dabi had never really been worried about it, so he just responded with, "Don't worry birdie, they won't find out. Those idiots are too dumb for that." Hawks snorted and lightly punched him in the chest, playfully of course. "Don't say things like that, they're your family. Who knows, maybe Jin and Himiko will barge into the room and dump the newest drama they saw in town." Dabi couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Not my family, Birdbrain." Hawks kissed his jaw and relaxes more against him. "Whatever you say Hotstuff, just don't backtrack on your words." And like that, the angelic harpy fell asleep. Dabi listened to his heartbeat like it was a lullaby before dozing off.

Its snowing, it's cold, and Dabi is walking up a mountain in the forest. All his six tails were visible. He usually doesn't have a problem with the cold, only once, why though? Oh yea...He remembers.

"Fuck Hawks you're freezing!" The black haired man said, his tail that wasn't hidden swinging from left to right. "No shit. It's cold, now hold me." The blonde demanded, clinging to him like a little whelp desperately trying to convince its mother not to leave. The raven huffed, responding. "And why should I? You're basically frozen chicken." He tried to shake Hawks off but the harpy wouldn't budge. He stubbornly clings more onto Dabi and didn't let go. "Like you said, I'm basically frozen chicken. And you wouldn't want to deal with a frozen chicken in the morning right?" The noirette signed and hated how easily he gave in. He wrapped his arms around the blonde's waist, tangling their legs together and wrapping them up with his six tail, keeping them warm. "I love you Touya," a muffled voice whispered. Dabi couldn't reply and just burried his face into the blonde curls. "Sleep, Dove." And just like that, Dabi drifted off.

He was finally at the the top of the mountain. The snow was white, just like his mother's hair, his brother's hair, his sister's hair, his own hair. He remembers his mother whispering soft 'I love yous' to him before going to sleep. Weird...what's the last time someone said that to him? Oh...right. He remembers now.

"I love you, Dabi." The blonde whispered as they swayed across the dance floor. It was a stupid festival the group did, they called it 'The awesome Firefly show'. Such a stupid name. He remembered where he was and just realized what the blonde said. He ignored it and twirled him around once more before settling on the side. "You have gotten so cheesy." The blonde glared at him, but there was a playful glint in his eyes. Dabi felt the need to smile but he held it in and closed his eyes, leaning against a tree. "Who is the one using nicknames like Dove or Pretty bird?" That made Dabi smirk and he opened his eyes, standing up. The kitsune grabbed to harpy's chin to make him look up at Dabi. "I can't help it. I only speak facts." His smirk widened when a pretty shade of pink dusted Hawks' freckled face. "Who is the sap here?" The blonde asked and buried his face in the noirettes chest. "Not me Angel, not me." That resulted in a wing being slapped into his face.

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