Please don't stop talking

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Dabi+headache+moody personality+Hawks with insecurities= angst
That's my summary. That's it.
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Dabi was having the worst headache he has ever experienced. He woke up with it up until now and does not have any painkillers to help him with it. But of course he couldn't rest for the day because Shigaraki was planning out a new attack and wouldn't let the league rest for one goddamn minute.

Toga was being annoying, Twice was being annoying, Shigaraki was being extra annoying. They just wouldn't shut up. Dabi had kept his cool but the growing headache was becoming too much.

And fuck he still has a meeting with Hawks. Normally he wouldn't mind. Hawks, who's a hero, was still nice company to have. He would never admit it though even if his life depended on it.

But today, Dabi just couldn't handle listening to the pigeon's talking.

When Dabi arrived at the warehouse he was greeted by a cheerful little birdie.

Hawks immediately started talking about just anything.

Their meetings have become so random, it sometimes wasn't even for information. Sometimes Dabi would call Hawks just to annoy the bird or have a quick fuck with him. Their relationship has become..a little confusing.

Dabi won't deny it, he has feelings for the bird. He knows a lot about Hawks too, little secrets the blond whispered to him when cuddled up after their session. Clinging onto Dabi as if the raven was something he treasured and would never want to lose.

Sometimes Hawks has nightmares and Dabi will comfort him. It has also happened the other way around where Dabi woke up and ran straight to the bathroom in Hawks' penthouse like apartment, puking his guts up after dreams about his childhood, his father.

Dabi doesn't know what their relationship was. Colleges, fuckbuddies, lovers..? He mentally slapped himself at that thought. Never, nope, no no no.

Dabi was suddenly snapped out of his own thoughts when he heard Hawks mention Endeavor. Something about the flaming trash being splashed by water by a villain who has a quirk called 'Water manifestation' and Hawks had to deal with him being grumpy the whole time after.

That's when Dabi snapped. He could tolerate anything right now, not really, but Endeavor right now. Thinking about Enji just makes his blood boil and fucking hell his headache just got worse.

"Can you shut the fuck up for once?!" He yelled at Hawks. Not really thinking about what he was saying.

"Every time you come here you can't keep quiet for one goddamn second." He kept ranting, yelling and cursing Hawks out for a solid thirty seconds until he was finally calmed down.

Panting while his head pounded like hammers hitting the inside of his skull.

Hawks looked at him for a moment before gulping. "Right, alright then." He said softly and turned his head to the side for a moment.

Good. Dabi thought while getting a cigarette and lighting it up before going into the details of the new attack Shigaraki planned and what Hawks' task was.

Hawks just nodded and sat there quietly, not uttering more than two words before leaving.

It was a little weird how Hawks obeyed so easily. It wasn't like this was the first time Dabi had cursed him out, until now Hawks hasn't cracked once because of Dabi's words so he didn't really pay any mind to it.

Well, that was until the next four meetings played out the same. Hawks just..sitting there listening to Dabi, not uttering a single word. He was like a doll listening to a kid's nonsense stories.

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