The Story Changes 2-4

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:some things stays the same unfortunately

<Ramshackle dorm>

I was taking a break chatting with the ghost after doing some cleaning and that was when I heard a knock on the door, I outwardly sighed I hope it's not Ace tho I know it's just false hope.

I opened the door... Well to be honest I never had any faith in him anyways, I invited him in.

"Let me guess did you stole a tart?" I pretended to guess unamused, "how did you know?" he asked. I took a deep breath, tugged my hood and groaned loudly.

"I'm so close to deciding that you're a lost cause" I mumbled, "explained why you did it" I demanded staring blankly at his collar, I prevented him from going back to his dorm late so he should have eaten and not be hungry...

"I was hungry so I checked the fridge and there was tarts chllin inside, three whole tarts! So I thought no one would notice if just one was missing" he defended himself, "what did I expect" I pursed my lips into a flat line.

"but isn't sealing my magic for stealing a bit of tart too far?! For wizards it's like having your arm and legs chained up" he retaliated, "and there was three whole tarts! There's no way he can eat them by himself! There's got to be a limit to how narrow minded you can be!" he continued.

"first, it's possible for a person to finish 3 tarts themselves and you are looking at them. Second, probably almost everyone holds grudges over food, especially since you didn't asked in the first place. Third, if I was Riddle I would do the same if not worst, don't underestimate food grudges. And lastly, its for a party not him only specifically. " I bluntly stated.

"eh- " he wined.

"...this who's why you're missing brain cells, go apologise tomorrow" I strictly said, "fineeeee" he reluctantly agreed.

"I know we got off the wrong foot but please let me stay here tonight" Ace pleaded, "as I predicted this might happened I cleaned a room for you but currently have the urge to make you just sleep on the sofa" I sighed.

"please let me have the room" he politely asked sweat dropping, "well fine, follow me" I tugged my hood.

I led him to his room and proceeded to finish cleaning as planned, after finishing I looked at the moon, "why did I decide replace Yuu... So troublesome" I groaned.

-the next day

Know knock knock
"Ugh... Who comes pounding at the door this early" Ace yawned, "gehh! This place is so run down dust comes falling at the smallest shake! I'm coming so stop hitting the door!" he complained.

He went to open the door, "so you did come here" Deuce said. "eh? Deuce?" he questioned, "I'm glad that you came, but seriously you're an idiot" he deadpaned.

"shut up! I don't wanna hear that from you!... By the way is he still mad?" Ace questions, "not really. He looked a little irritated at some guys who were late for the morning roll call but... Three people met the same fate as you" Deuce mentioned.

"he hasn't calmed down at all! He's definitely pissed" Ace exclaimed.

"ofcourse he is, he's a rules manic" I said standing behing them, "ark! Yuu when did you get here?" Deuce asked.

"who knows" I answer walking to the kitchen, "hey Deuce! Want a cookie?" I asked taking out a box.

<Main street>

"hehe Ace how does it feel to be a regular human being~?" I teased, "grnn! I'll remember this when I get my magic back!" Ace swore.

"nevertheless, you're going to have problems in class with your magic sealed" Deuce pointed out, "have you thought about apologising to dorm leader Rosehearts and having him remove it?" he suggested.

"Crap! This won't go well at all!" Ace wined, "you both still have some time before class let's go apologies" I suggest, hehe actually I just wanted to meet Carter.

"why are you coming?" Ace asked, "to observe you duh" I dead paned. "this isn't a show! Screw this!" he yelled

Tho I prefer not to be caught up in troublesome things, chaos is fun sometimes when your not the one in trouble...

We then proceeded to the halls of mirror and entered Heartslabyul.

<Heartslabyul Dorm>

"wow" I whispered, I'm really here... "

We walked together and soon reached a Rose Maze, there I noticed a ginger panicking.
"pff-" I giggled, Carter looks kinda cute panicking.

"crap, crap. I gotta get these roses painted" Carter said to himself, "oh, watch out. Any paint splatters and my head is done" he noticed us.

"Carter Diamond" I said, "hm? Do you all need something?" he asked. "what are you doing with that?" Ace questioned, "this? As you can see I'm painting the roses red" he answered.

"eh? Why would you?" Deuce asked shocked, "hmm your fresh reaction is so cute! Now that I take a good look at you, you are the one that was punished for stealing the dorm leader's tart last night!" he looked at Ace

"I feel so lucky getting to meet the notorious newcomer first thing in the morning" he continued, "hey, hey, hey let's take a selfie. Yayyyyy!" he whipped his phone out.

I immediately tugged my hood trying to not let as much of my face show if possible, "can I put this on Magicame? Tell me your names so I can put you in the tag" Carter said.

"I'm Deuce Spade"


"you can call me Yuu, I'm the Jack of all Traits"

"hoi! Upload finished!" he pressed the upload button, "who are you?" Deuce asked.

"Ah, I'm your senpai, third year Carter Daimond. Call me Carter, Cay is fine too. Nice to meetcha~" he introduced himself, "nice to meet ya" I replied.

"Ah, you're from Ramshackle dorm right? I've heard about you! Good for you, living in a place like that! It's super dark and you can't get a good Magicame in there. You have sympathy" he blabed, I simply looked at him blankly.

"Ah- I don't have any time for small talk! The party is in two days, I don't wanna lose my head for being late." he suddenly remembered, "hey you guys, will you help with painting the roses?" Carter pleaded.

"sure" I responded curiosity taking over me, I've never painted roses red after all.

"but why are you doing something so weird?" Ace asked, "red roses at a party are the most photogenic I guess?" he smiled flashing a peace sign.

"I've also got to change the flamingos colour for the croquet match, so I'm busy with all these work" he continued, "so the tart that Ace ate was going to be used for the dorm leader's birthday party, that why he was so mad" Duce spoke.

"nope? That's not it" Carter denied, "it's not? Then who's birthday is it?" Ace questioned.

"it's nobody's birthday. The day after tomorrow is our dorm's traditional 'Unbirthday Party', the dorm leader chooses a random day that isn't anyone's birthday and we have a tea party." Carter explains, "the heck is that?!" Ace exclaimed.

"later, worrie about the reason later! All you have to do now is make the roses red, "Ace, Yuu, since you can't use magic here's some paint" Carter gave me a tin of red paint, "we can change the colour with magic..." Deuce said shocked.

"Ok, just relax! we'll figure it out! We better hurry if we don't wanna lose our heads to the dorm leader~" Carter grinned.


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