The Story Changes 2-5

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:did something occur early?

"red, red, there.... Gahhhh! It turned blue!" Deuce groaned frustrated, I ignored the rest minding my own business painting roses red while singing painting roses red from Alice in wonderland.

"Bum bum bum bum."

"Painting the roses red."

"We're painting the roses red."

"We dare not stop,"

"Or waste a drop,"

"So let the paint be spread."

"We're painting the roses reeeed."

"We're painting the roses red."

"Oh, painting the roses red."

"And many a tear be shed,"

"Because we know,"

"They'll cease to grow,"

"In fact, they'll soon be dead,"


"And yet we go ahead,"I sung getting deeper and deeper in to the maze.

"Painting the roses red."

"Painting the roses red."

"We're painting the roses red."

"Oh pardon me,"

"But Mister Three,"

"Why must you paint them red?"



"Well, the fact is Miss we planted the white roses by mistake and..."

"The Queen she likes 'em red,"

"If she saw white instead,"

"She'd raise a fuss,"

"And each of us,"

"Would quickly loose his head!"


"Since this is the part we dread,"

"We're painting the roses red."

"Oh dear! Well, then let me help you!"

"Painting the roses red."

"We're painting the roses red."

"Don't tell the Queen,"

"What you have seen,"

"Or say that's what we said,"

"But we're painting the roses red."

"Yes, painting the roses red."

"Not pink."

"Not green."

"Not aquamarine."

"We're painting the roses red."

"the end" I said smiling satisfied with the roses I painted, I turned around to see Strawberry rose

I sucked in my breath and forgot to breath for a second, "ello?" I said quietly tugging my hood. "your singing, It's beautiful" he commented.

I smiled, "thank you" I said quietly, "I am Riddle Roseheart, are you Yuu?" he asked. "uh-ha" I noded, "what are you doing here?" he asked.

"nothing much just helping out, is it time for you to go to class soon? I asked, "it is indeed, nice meeting you but I should get go" Riddle politely said then left unconsciously in a better mood humming the song he had just heard.

<Botanical Garden>

After finishing today's chore I had some time to myself and decided to visit the botanical Garden.


pls don't tell me it's what I think it is...

"oi, you got some nerve stepping on someone's tail without saying anything" a grumpy voice said, damn it it's Leona but wasn't supposed to only happen later??

"I was in the middle of a nice nap, then you go and walk all over my tail. This sucks" he complained, "sorry" I mumbled then kissed his tail.

"what are you doing?" he said startled by my actions, "I'm kissing it better?" I looked at him like this was completely normal.

He must be thinking that I have loose screws in my head, honestly I think so too.

"you...aren't you that herbivore that the mirror said can't use magic?" he question, sniff sniff
"ha, I really don't smell a speck of magic on you" he said.

"is that so" I shrugged, "I don't feel like taking on a opponent that can't resist" he smugly said.

"whatever floats your boat" I smiled, "hey Leona, are you skipping classes?" I asked.

"what does it look like?" he raised a eyebrow, "well why don't you go to classes?" I continued asking. "I don't need em" he mumbled, "hm sure" I replied.

"I need to tell you something" I suddenly remembered, "spit it out" he said, "Leona you're so breathtakingly beautiful" I said shamelessly admiring his features staring deeply into his summer green eyes.

We stayed like that for a bit before he growled and pushed my face away, but at the corner of my eyes I could see his red tainted ear.

"beautiful" I whispered then smiled to myself, "hey Leona, can I play with your hair?" I requested. "Haa, of course not" he refused, "come on, pleaseeeee" I begged.

"no" he rejected me, "nevermind" I sighed. "I'll make it one of my life's goal is to play with your hair" I said, he frowned "why would you-", "oh shizx its lunch time! got to go byeee love ya" I said running out the garden.

... "did that herbivore confessed to me?"


"D-drop the 'chan' please senpai" Deuce shrudded, "that's just how Cater show affection" Trey explained.

"hey guys" I said joining the table, "oh Yuu-chan" Carter greeted. "who's the guy next to you" Ace asked  looking towards Trey, "oh my bad, I'm Trey. Trey Clover, I'm a third year in Heatslabyul just like Carter" he introduced himself.

"and you're the one put in charged of the Ramsha-cough, the unused dorm right? I heard from Carter, sorry about all the trouble this guy from our dorm have caused you" he apologiesd on behalf of Ace, "I sitting right here..." Ace said unamused.

"We should put that aside and make up. We're in the same dorm after all, let's all exchange numbers!" Carter said taking out his phone, "I don't have a phone" I casually mentioned.

"you don't have a phone!? That's crazy! You're like an endangered species" Carter remarked, "I know a place to get the newest models for cheap~ how about we go on a date to choose one?" he suggested.

"Carter look at this freshmen, hold back a bit" Trey said, "ahaha sorry sorry, we were talking about the dorms? Sounds good a fresh convo we'll tell you anything you wanna know" Cater smiled.

Aw but I wanted a date with Carter

"first I want you to tell us about our dorms, the hell is up with those 'Laws of the Queen of Hearts'?" Ace asked, "you all know about the Legends of the Queen of Hearts right?" Trey stared.

"she created a wonderland of madness built on strict adherence to her rules" he continued, "out of respect for the Queen of Hearts, those of us in Heatslabyul traditionally Wears red and black arm bands, just like her dress and uphold the laws that she made" Cater explained.

"how strict we follow the rules depends on the dorm leaders, last year's was pretty chill about it all" he informed us, "Riddle is the serious among the serious of all dorm leaders, so he follows the rules to the max" Trey said.

"bleech, what a pain" Ace complained, "what are the other dorms like?" Deuce asked.

This is going to be a long conversation....

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