Chapter 4

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--Chapter 4--

*Alex's POV*

At that point in time I was scared to death I didn't want them to get in a fight over me.

"Styles you don't wanna try me" Jeramy said thru tight teeth. I can see the anger in his dark eyes .They were still one inch away from each others faces.

"It's not like your gonna do anything, your a little bitch " Harry spoke right into Jeramy's face.

This frightened me even more Jeramy and Harry were about the same height and they were both buff and muscular . If they fought who knows who would win.

Jeramy stood there , shocked that he just completely embarrassed him in front of the cafeteria full of people.

Jeramy got back to reality and I can tell he was really pissed off.

He lifted his arm and took a swing to Harry face.

Harry's face swung to the left as he took the hit. Everyone in the cafeteria gasped , I gasped as well. I couldn't believe he just did that.

The corner of Harry's mouth has a stain of blood and I knew it was serious.

His head turned from the hit . He quickly swung back at Jeramy's face knocking him down to the floor.

I felt tears in my eyes. Why was this happening to me.

"Boys break it up!" The tall security guard dressed in black yelled out.

I was relieved.

One security grabbed Harry by the arms and the other guard grabbed Jeramy off the floor. Both securities took them out of the cafeteria and sent them to the office.

Pairs of eyes still staring directly at me in shock. People were whispering to their friends still glancing at me.

I was still in tears and confused. I just stood there frozen .

The bell finally rang and everyone got up from their tables and started to walk out the cafeteria and into the hall , pushing and shoving trying to get to their 5th period class

I grabbed my shoulder bag , folder and my book and headed to the hall as well trying to get thru the crowds of people.

I walked in my 5th period and greeted the teacher. The same thing happened as my first period except for Harry .

I sat next to this ginger with blue eyes and freckles . She was really pretty , except I didn't know her name.

"Hey why did you make them fight?" She spoke in an angry voice.

I was shocked that someone who doesn't even know me asked me such a thing.

"I- I didn't make them , it wasn't my fault " I exclaimed

She just rolled her eyes and went back to her assignment.

"You should have never done that , Jeramy and Harry don't get along at all , there enemies!" She spoke in an annoyed tone.

I gave her a confused look , I didn't Respond to her , I just went back to my history assignment.

The bell rang another time and everyone rushed out the door , the ginger who talked to me earlier gave me a little shove and glared at me giving me a dirty look. What the hell is wrong with her , it wasn't my fault.

I quickly walked to my next class that was art . It was a long hour since art was never my thing .

The period ended and everyone walked out pushing and shoving as always , eager to get out of school.

I walked out of the building and headed to the front.

While I was stepping down the steps I felt a vibration on my jean pocket , and no surprise it was a text message from Jeramy .

I sighed , rolled my eyes and opened the text up.

From Jeramy : meet me at the front near the parking lot

I sighed once more and shoved my phone back into my pocket , not bothering to text back.

I walked to the parking lot where he was leaning against his mustang giving me a evil smirk , I couldn't help but look at his barley forming black eye.

He planted a wet kiss on my right cheek and opened the car door.

I stepped inside feeling scared of what he was gonna say , or even worse , do.

He slammed the door and went around the car to get into the driver seat.

He started the engine and slowly began to drive out the parking lot into the crowded street.

The car ride was quiet. Until he broke the silence "What were you doing with Harry?" He asked with anger in his voice

"Why do you care?" I sassed back .

I guess that wasn't the best answer .He turned his head and stared at me , deep . His eyes turning black with anger.

"Don't talk to me like that!" He screamed. Inches away from my face.

I was really scared , to the point where I wanted to get out of the car and run . But I didn't . It was locked.

"Don't yell at me" I screamed back

I couldn't believe I was brave enough to stand by my words. But I did.

I saw his fists tugging at his jeans. At this point I felt like he was gonna hit me. But he couldn't have , what happened to the sweet cute boy I met yesterday? I was confused , yet annoyed

We got to my house and he parked in my garage , still quiet , but I felt his anger spreading thru the car.

He unlocked the door and i stepped out. I saw he was also getting out , but why ? I didn't invite him , specially since my mom wasn't home. She was at work , she doesn't get home until 8 pm. And it was barely 2:30.

He locked his car and walked me to my doorstep.

I thought he was going to leave but I guess not ..

"Can I come in?" He asked

"Um.. I'm- I'm- gonna shower right now" I replied

His eyes widen and a large smile spread across his face.

"Even better" he responded...

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