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       At least today I woke up early, partly because I listened to my alarm and because Lisa wanted us to leave early. I'm happy cause this means I may get to school before lots of people and they wouldn't have to see Lisa dropping me off.
Just like I had expected only a few juniors were at the parking lot and the hallways were empty. I decided to wander about a bit just to pass away time. I'm glad I  did  because I  chanced upon the music room where the janitor seems to have just finished cleaning.  I cross my fingers in hopes that he did not lock up as I turn the knob and voila it indeed does open. I scan the room and I'm in awe at the many instruments in the room. I spot an acoustic guitar by the drum set reminding me that I still have a lot of unpacking to do. I walk across to the back of the room where a piano sits on its own away from the others. I've always wanted to learn the piano but mama had only enough time to teach me the guitar.  I slide my hands over the black and white keys and imagine mama teaching me to play.

"Hey, get your hands of my piano"

An angry booming voice I believe is directed at me causes my hand to press down on the keys and I jump back in shock and cover my ears as the lound sound rings through the room.

"What do you think you are doing here playing with my piano, who even gave you permission to enter here in the first place"

I finally look up as I uncover my ears and meet Theos icy blue eyes staring furiously at me. I finally stand up straight and meet his gaze feeling angry at myself all of a sudden, I mean what gives him the right to be so mean.

"You seem to own a lot of things in this school, first a seat and now this piano."

I angrily shoot back at him still holding his gaze.

"If you payed more attention you would have definitely seen a  name on it indicating ownership"

"Oh please, a name you don't even  deserve" I scoff as I say.

"What is  that supposed to mean?" he furrows his eyebrows as he asks.

"It means, when I think of Theodore,I think of a little, chubby, cute,chipmunk who wouldn't even hurt a fly,but are just this tall, obnoxious guy ,with such intense blue eyes who thinks he is better than others"

"Really, that's what a Theodore should be like" he says as he fake laughs

"Of course it is..but unfortunately for you , you don't even look like one"

"Well then I am glad I am not a Theodore"

He  says as he puts his hands in his pockets,and smiles sluggishly.  And now I'm curios, what he's not a Theodore?

"You're not?"

I ask as I raise my eyebrows
I finally turn my eyes away from his eyes which I almost nearly began to drown in and look at the side of the piano where I see in gold calligraphic writing "Theophilus".

Okay now I've got nothing say, and my silence seems to amuse him. After an awful minute or two of silence the first period  bell goes off ,and I quickly rush away from his and make my way out.

"Next time do some homework before deciding to go off at someone"
He says after me.

"Yeah right and ........Phil suits you better anyway"

I say before quickly dashing out and he looks at me with a smirk that disappears before I could even register it properly.


After that day with Phil(yes cause I stand by the fact that he is more of a Phil than a Theo) the rest of the week goes by pretty fast and it's already Friday. I haven't  spoken with Josh as much as I wanted to because he has to practice for an upcoming game. At least I got to know Pierre a bit more and he seemed a bit cool even though he kinda liked to brag , but I guess it's just a normal thing for rich folks.The bell, which is a Bethoven number, plays to signal the end of the school day.

"So you're still up for coffee tomorrow"

Pierre asks as he packs his stuff.

"Uhmm...."  I stare blankly back at him not remembering arranging a coffee outing with him.

" You remember right, the other day"
He tries to juggle my memory.

I totally do  not remember but I have to find a way to get out of this, cause what does one really say on a date and I'm not even supposed to drink coffee.
I see Cassie on her way out.

" Yeah ,I do remember ,how could I forget, but I've got plans with Cassie for this weekend, I'm so sorry but I'll have to bail."

I rush out and quickly stand to catch up with Cassie before he could object.
I almost bump into Cassie when I reach her.

"Woah slow your roll, girl" She says as she looks at me with a startled face.

"I'm so sorry"

"Who's chasing you anyway"

"No one,  just didn't want to miss you"

"Aww see who's already taken to me, hope you're ready for tomorrow"

She bends to tap my nose as she says this. I dont consider myself really short but Cassie is on the tall side.

"Yep,  I'm so ready , you can only imagine how ready I am, still don't have my address yet"

"I told you I'm going to find you, will just need your phone number". She says as she hands me her phone to put my number in.

"Then I guess I'll see you tomorrow "

"Yeah, I guess"

"Bye then"


We bade each each other goodbye as I watch her walk to her car and I stand in the parking lot  waiting for Lisa to pick me up while avoiding meeting anyones eyes.

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