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     During lunch I'm seated with Cassie at our table when I notice Josh walking to our table and I wonder why he is.
He gently sits and nods at Cassie acknowledging her presence and then turns to me.

"Hey Lola...been a minute". He says coolly

"I guess so". I respond shyly

"Saw you signed up for the cheerleading and music club that's cool"

"Yeah that happened" I say as I give Cassie a side look remembering how she did so without my permission.

"What..you need the exposure" Cassie offers as she sips her water.

Josh looks at her and chuckles
"Then you should have signed her up for basketball as well"

"What you can play?" Cassie asks surprised as she almost chokes on the water.

"I know the game...remember my brother Lucas"


"He was a captain for the Cavers"

"Hm...that explains why you have so many sneakers " Cassie muses.

"You know what you should come by the gym tomorrow for the tryouts" Josh says drawing my attention from Cassie to him.

"Uhmm....no thanks"

"No no no, not to tryout, but help with the scouting for the new players"

I stare at him confused.

"Well, your brother is Lucas Alvares and like you said you know the game...c'mon it will be an honour''
He stares at me expectantly.

I hesitate and look at Cassie for help and she nods with thus weird smile on her face.
Josh's friends stand up and start to walk out the cafeteria until they get to our table which is nearest to the exit.
Becky calls out to him
"You coming or not Josh?"

He ignores her while still waiting for my answer.
"Alright...but I'm not making any promises" I finally let out as I see his friends getting impatient.

He grins widely as he stands to join his friends.

"It's a date for tomorrow then"
he says all too loudly as he winks at me

And I couldn't help the blush the creeps up my cheeks as I giggle,  but they soon vanish as I catch Phil's glare as  they walk out.
Cassie looks at me with a smile on her face saying nothing


"He totally likes you"

"You think so...wait who?"

"Josh of course and I know so....and it looks like you like him too"

"I don't know he's cool though"

We giggle and continue chatting as we finish up our lunches.


After class  the following day I quickly send Lisa a text that I may not be home early so she shouldn't come pick me up. I head towards the gym alone which wasn't part of the plan cause I thought Cassie will come along but she said she had business to attend to didn't say what exactly though maybe some sorta mafia work.
I make my way to the bleachers and as I sit I  give Josh a shy wave as he waves at me from the court, only then do I notice the captains armband on his wrist.
I sit patiently and watch as the newbies go through some drills and can't help the smile on my face as I see Josh and his teammates finally choosing those who qualified .
I feel someone's stare on me and turn to see Becky in Phil's laps on the bleachers behind .Why will they even be here it's not like they are on the team...well technically I'm also not so.....

"Don't know where you came from but
it's considered rude to stare at people"
Beckys says as she picks at her nails.

"Well I'm here cause I want to make sure they choose cheer worthy guys for the team..you know can't cheer for losers ....what's your excuse?"

"Uhmm...."I stutter a bit..."Josh asked me to come"

I say and Theo glances at me for a brief second.

"Oooohhh...ohk the new girl's got some game, already working her way up to the captain". She says smugly

"We should go"
Theo cuts in as he shifts in his seat and  makes an attempt to stand.

"Cmon babe they're almost done let's wait a bit."

I turn to see only 2 players left and they seemed to be in a dilemma as to whom to choose.
Josh calls out to me from the court to join them and I don't know why I hesitate but I do, and I look at Phil almost as if I'm asking his permission but why will he even care I mean why should I even care if he cares.
I make my way down to the court.
I turn to Josh and his teammates
Oh my gosh why so many eyes.

"Alright Lola meet the team ....the team Lola Alvares "he introduces emphasising my last name.

And the other guys just stand back and look at me in awe.

"Uhmm....hello everyone" I say shyly
And I cant tell if that's what they were all waiting for but they all start buzzing excitedly

"Okay guys autographs later"
Josh says as he grabs my shoulder and turns me to face the two guys.

"Okay Lola ...there are two guys left but we need just one and the thing is they both did so well so now we can't decide whom to pick"

"And how will I know who to pick"

"Well....." he scratch his neck and  shrugs and I sigh.
OK....now I also don't know what to do cos like he said they both played so well so I decided to go with the oldest  trick   in the book.

"Why basketball?"

"It's been with me ever since I was a kid  and I've really got passion for this game and I want to be as good as Lucas someday." The first guy answers but did he have to involve my brother.

"Well I guess I just enjoy the game and the thrill of winning and I  really do need this to get into a good college, well not really but hey."
The second guy also answers.

Okay I think I know who to pick
I look at the first guy.

"Just so you know I don't really like it when people make references to my brother  and even though that's not the reason why I'm making this decision  but I'm sorry you didn't make it."

He looked happy for a second and then he did not but I didn't have time to feel bad for him.
I turn to the second guy

" Welcome to the team "

The guys cheer for him and console the first guy.Well I guess I did a good job though.

Josh asks me to wait for him at the parking lot so he takes me home as he and his teammates go to freshen up.
I'm still wondering if I made the right decision with the players. I spot Phil standing by the car and just then do I remember they drive home together. I slowly walk to the car and offer a small hey.

"You're still here I say to him as I look at the floor."

"Where else were you expecting me to  be."
He says curtly and I don't respond as we just stand there silent for the rest of  of the moment waiting for Josh to come out.
I sigh in relief when I see Josh's head come out the front door as he heads towards us.

"Okay Lola so why the second dude" he asks as soon as he is within earshot.

"Well... he needs it for college and he may not know it yet but he is going to love the game soon and besides he wants to win and thats what every team needs."

"But the second guys got the passion" He says confused

"Yeah so that means he's going to keep trying every year till he is picked"

"Alright I see what you did there...such a genius" He reaches out to give me a bear hug as he laughs happily.

" We should get going"
Phil says with an annoyed look on his face.

"Alright coach..right after you"
Josh says as he opens the door for me to sit in and then we drive off as he continues to be amused by my logic.

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