III. The Ball

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Author's note: Hello, dreamers! I'm on a roll with this story! So, where we left off, Dio was plotting to get rid of Dire and Lilith forever! So, the two of them will go to a ball together, and waltz for the first time! So, that's all I have to say again! Enjoy!
Disclaimer! Any of the characters, ideas, locations, or stories that aren't my OCs or part of my personal ideas aren't mine and I do not claim to own them. (I've been forgetting to put these!)
Tracklist for this chapter:
1. Émile Waldteufel - The Skater's Waltz, Op. 183 (For Dire and Lilith's waltz) (Dance starts at 0:58)
2. Tchaikovsky - Swan Lake Waltz (For Dire and Lilith's second waltz)

Dire and Lilith were walking through the Haventown Botanical Gardens, holding hands.
"Dire, there's something I would like to ask you," Lilith said.
"Go on," Dire said.
"Well, Aurora told me about this big ball they're having at the Mansion of Lucidity for Christmas. And I was wondering if we could go." Lilith said.
"Of course, Lilith! You didn't even have to ask. I'll go to the ends of the earth with you." Dire kneeled and kissed Lilith's hand.
"Dire, you're so old-fashioned Well, in a good way! You make me feel like a fairytale princess!" Lilith said.
"Because you are my princess, Lilith," Dire said. The two of them continued their stroll, being embraced by falling petals...
Meanwhile, Dio was plotting.
"Hmm, what should I do? I have to get Lilith alone because I know Dire will never let me bring harm to her." Dio said to himself.
"But there's just one more thing... that necklace. Even if I find Lilith alone, she'll just press that infernal gem and that wretched knight will come running." Dio pondered for a moment. "That's it! I'll use Nightdreamer magic to take it while no one's looking!" Dio grinned evilly.
Meanwhile, Dire and Lilith were arriving at the ball. Dire was wearing his finest suit, and Lilith was wearing a big, beautiful blue ball gown with flowers all over it, a faux fur shawl, and a golden hair clip covered with stars.

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