A'mor Phillps

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I had 5 classes with Erica she didn't say one word to me. I shouldn't care but why does it feel like I should? I seen Erica waiting by the gate and school was over and I was wondering if she talks to me. As I walked towards the gate I made up my mind I wasn't going to speak to her. As I walked by her she asked me
"Where you going with out saying bye to me"
"Well you haven't been talking to me ever since 2nd period now you want a goodbye"
"Well I didn't want you getting snatched up by you "girlfriend " again "
I looked confused when she said that
"look she's not my girlfriend she's my best friend ."
Erica smiled
"I'm guessing your bestfriend gave you those hickies to Huh?"
Erica said as she walked passed me out the gate as she left me at the gate while I had a aww fuck look on my face. I jogged after her to explain and she turns around to say something but she was lost in words. We were so close to each other like nose to nose and I was so stuck. Looking up at her as she looks down at me i was 5"4 so she had to be atleast 5"7 .
"Did you...uh ...have something to say?" I asked stuttering and looking at her lips wishing she would kiss me already.
"Um " she responded biting her lips
"I forgot A'mor "
I cleared my throat backing up away from her and rubbing the back of my neck smiling at the ground. She looked at me like she knew she just did something to me .
"So where do you live?" She asked me blushing
"Far sorta I'm waiting on my ride "
"Text me ?"
"Okay" I responded sounding excited
she puts her number in my phone as she walks away she turned around and yelled "text me "
"Now ?" I yelled
"Yes" she answered and turned around continued to walk
I stored her number in my iPhone 5 and texted her with a smiley face as I seen my auntie pull up I got in and we went home

*friday night *

The week has past and Me and Erica been texting since she gave me her number and even hanging out after school we just don't talk while we in school it's kind of awkward. She's just so unreal she makes me smile every time my phone goes off I get happy. As we texted back and forth she asked me can I come spend a night with her while her parents go to New York she explained to me she doesn't want it to be nothing more or nothing less so I said yes. It was getting late and she texted me
"goodnight I'm sorry I'm going to sleep on you a little early but I'm tired it's been a long week beautiful" I smiled and responded with a simple goodnight. I plugged my phone up and turned around to go to sleep and my phone starts ringing I jumped up hoping its Erica and its Megan .
*Phone Conversation*
"It's 12 o'clock what's up ?"
"A'mor I love you"
"Megan ...... I love you too"
"I want to be with you"
"Well it's to late to get on a bus Megan I'll see you Sunday "
I said in a soft sleepy voice
"No like as in a relationship with you so I can have you to myself "
"Megan look I love you and I have feelings for you but ... I'm not sure I want a relationship I'm not even sure I want to be with a girl let alone even known that I'm with a girl yet "
" I don't know Megan its complicated can we talk about this tomorrow? "
And she hangs up in my face. I looked at my phone and threw it on the bed and went to sleep

I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock and seen it says 9:39 am I got happy , jumped out of bed got my All black Louis Vuitton duffle bag and put my clothes in there stuffed my shoes in there and grabbed my love spell Victoria Secret set and my toothbrush and my towels. I got my light blue Levi's ,my black & blue gamma 11s , and regular black crop top and my laced white bra and thong set laid them on my bed and ran up stairs to tell my auntie I'm leaving.
I ran in my auntie room
"I'm leaving in a minute," I said happily
"No you not ,we have to go see your mother today "
"WHAT ! Why do we have to go see that lady today we seen her two weeks ago !"
"A'mor Phillips"
"BUT really auntie all she does is talks about how I act now , she hasn't been around since I was 3 to understand me and she expects for me to call her mom and live with her now that she has a husband that's rich and looks at me like he wants to eat me like a fucking piece of pie I'm not ready for that life with her not now !" I said as I sat down at the edge of my auntie bed trying to catch my breath after I said all that with out breathing
"I'm not asking you to be ready sweetie just 3 hours with her that's all ,court orders baby come on now you no we have been going back in forth to court I'm trying to get full custody so we need to make this look good on our part okay ,? So go get dress your waisting time " she said as she scrambled in her jewelry box .
"Okay" I said sadly
She turned around and looked at me and smiled as I smiled back her smile went away,
"A'mor are those hickies ?"
I jumped up trying to hurry up and think of a lie I thought they were fading they were actually red now she hasn't seen them all week and they were purple all week didn't she see them then, she walks up to me slowly
"Yes but I can explain "
" what the fuck do you think this is ? We are going to see your mother, she's going to bring this up in court and tell any lie to get you ,your social worker is going to ask you all these damn questions like who did it and was you forced to do anything all that bullshit .... Really A'mor ? When you know we have to go see your mom? Put some make up over that shit and hurry up so we can go " my auntie said shaking her head in disappointment
"I'm sorry .....auntie I am I'm so sorry "
She walked up to me and put her hand on my cheek and said
" one mistake baby that's all it will take for your mother to get you ... So that's why I'm disappointed don't be sorry just no next time , I don't care who did it just as long as you WASNT forced to do anything you wasn't ready for "
She kisses me on my forehead
"Now for the last time AMOR go get ready " she said as we both laughed I ran to my room took a shower and took care of my hygiene ,flat ironed my hair , put make up on my neck and put on my outfit for the day . As I walked to my body mirror I starred at my self. I was 5'4 thick, small waist ,big round ass ,hair that stopped to my ass and it was all mines, brown skin with hazel eyes and tatted up. As I mesmerized at my self and my body my phone rings its a message and it's from Erica. The message says "still coming at 12?"
Fuck I said to my self "ima come around 6 " I responded she responded "awesome " I smiled and ran up stairs with my lv bag and phone.
"You ready"
"Yes auntie ... Where is Nyla ?"
" she's at her fathers house"
Nyla wasn't my real sister she my auntie daughter but she's been with me my whole life so she's my sister "

We pulled up to my mom house I got so angry for no reason . I see four cars parked in her driveway 2 black and white porsche truck, a silver bmw, and nice ass Mclaren all black. As I stepped out the car I walked up to the car amazed because this is my dream car I walked around it as I touched it .
"You like that !"
I turned around to see my mom ugly ass husband he was black, bald and buff no need to tell you how he look from that description you can already tell he's not to hot .
"Yea it's straight " I said like I wasn't interested when I really wanted to say HELL YEA
"Where's my Myra I have somewhere to be "
My auntie always sits in the car Everytime she don't they always argue during the visits. As I walked in the house my mom had a big ass nice mansion it was amazing but I didn't want this type of life I'm good with my regular two story home.
"Hey baby "
Myra screamed as she ran to me with open arms to hug me and kiss me on my cheek
" I just seen you two weeks ago Myra and why do you smell like grandma perfume ?"
"A'mor sweetie my name is momma to you and jimmy bought this perfume for me you don't like it? " she asked looking sad .I took a deep breath and responded
" it makes my head hurt it stinks and don't call me sweetie auntie calls me that" I responded as I sat down in a chair
As she sat besides me
"So did you get the money I sent you? "
"It was the whole 5 grand right because yo auntie might have took some "
"She doesn't take anything and yea you send it every month Myra she has her own money WE don't need you or your hand outs really "
"Well what is it that your doing with your money anyways and oh YOU WILL need me in about 4 months "your auntie " didn't tell you?"
"I'm saving it for something worth spending it on and tell me what ?"
She giggled as she got up and sat on the sofa and patted the couch for me to come
"Do I look like a dog lady?" I said
"Stop being stubborn A'mor lets have a chit chat "
As I sat down besides her we talked for hours about shit I didn't want to talk about just boring bullshit and It was all about jimmy and then she told me about my auntie and what she was talking about hours past and our visit was over it was around 5 so I rushed out her house. I walked to my auntie Benz opened the door and slammed it and a tear came down my eye
" what's wrong sweetie?"
" what's happening in 4 months ? Huh? We keeping secrets? I thought it was no secrets allowed between us" I said while I sobbed
"FUCK ...I Know she didn't do this I know she didn't "
As she opened the door about to go beat Myra ass
"Beating her ass won't help ! You was suppose to keep it real with me all the time and your hiding something from me that important and you had me in the dark for 6 months ! That's not fucking fair ! I yelled as I cried uncontrollably
"Listen sweetie I was go tell you but I .... I didn't no how to tell you ,that you was going have to stay with your mom for atleast 1 month before you turn 18 "
As I threw my back against the car seat and wiped my eyes ,
" great now your saying your going to past away a month before my birthday ,I have to stay with this lady and her creepy ass husband for a month what's the point of going to court on Monday if ima end up with her anyways ?"
"Because if we loose I loose you right then and there not in 4 months A'mor you have to understand this cancer is kicking my ass I need you and Nyla to understand that I'm done fighting it I've been fighting it for to long I just want to stop going through the pain and stuff."

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