The Truth

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I just want to thank @biancalhurtt for voting for and reading my books your truly appreciated much love <3
"Amor baby wake up" Erica sung in my ear
"Yes babe " I said groaning
"If we wasn't on our school vacation we wouldn't be attending school on a regular basic"
"Yes we would silly!"
"Get to packing beautiful we have to go"
"But I don't wannnnnaaaaa poooookie" I said whining and pouting
"If you be good for the next 3 days I'll show you something better than this hotel"
She said as she grabbed her bag and started stuffing things in it.
"Fine fine"
"Oh and ....Megan called "
"What did she want ?"
"Does it matter ? pack your things and let's go"
I packed my clothes and we took care of our hygienes and left. We drove on the freeway listening to drake music and she turned the radio down.
"Remember that night you first came to my house and you where crying on the porch ? What was that about ?"
"I was visiting my mother and she told me my auntie has cancer she been having it for a totally of like 9 months but at 3 months it was there and she didn't know but I was crying because she had me in the dark the hole time and I didn't know I thought we was close and she just lied in my face everyday saying she was fine I Mean I was just hurt period you know ?"
She never looked of the road she grabbed my hand and kissed it softly.
"Don't be so mad at her mor do you know how hard it is to tell someone your basically dying ? Maybe it was too hard for her , stall her out you don't know what she might have been going through all the stress she had build up knowing that she has it but didn't let know ,just don't give up on her so fast. "
Erica was taking her side but she was so right we drove home in silence we pulled up to my house and she kissed me passionately and told me call her when I get settled in. I got out the car and didn't see my auntie car. I put my key in the door opening it and I seen Nyla crying.
"What wrong Nyla "
She looked at me and rolled her eyes.
"Don't talk to me Amor "
"Why what did I do ?"
She smirked as she wiped her tears.
"Have you seen the will?"
"She left you everything ! From this stupid ass house to that dumb ass box she messes with "
She said yelling out of anger
"That's not my -"
"AND i thought to myself how is it that I'm her REAL daughter and your not SHIT but a niece but your getting 3 million dollars ? Maybe just maybe I'm jealous but something in my heart is telling me im not fucking loved ! I had to look my mom in the eyes as she told me everything goes to Amor , ain't that some shit ! "
"Nyla this over money ? You can have it I don't want it."
"I didn't ask you if you want it AMOR it's the principle that you have it and she gave it to you and not me your mom gives you money every fucking month I just don't get it ! My mom don't even pay attention to me no more because she's to busy kissing your ass .... So what ! Who are you! Just another girl in a foster home taking somebody parents that's not fucking yours leave already bitch because your not welcome !"
Tears formed in my eyes
"Aaawwww Nyla are you mad ? Because your mom care more about me? I mean that's how you making it seem .... I wouldn't give a fuck if she left me 10 mill I'm not giving you shit ! You must have lost your fucking mind talking to me like I'm 10 years old ! You have a problem with the way your mom treats you talk to her ! Not me ! You be out all day and night at your dad house what do you expect she ask for you every time your not here how about next time you fucking be here !"
"You think your so fucking perfect huh ? Well guess what?, I have a note for you that you need to see "your auntie" told me to go get a stamp for it and mail it while she goes to the grocery store but I was soooooo curious what it was about since it had your momma name and address on it....I mean wouldn't you?"
My heart started pounding I grabbed it as Nyla smirked and walk to her room. I opened the note slowly,
Dear Myra I'm sorry I know you thought Amber ran away but I took Amber that night, she was just going through so much I tried to give you something new with Amor ,to try to make it better this time and get things right. Amber told me the things you did to her and made her do , I just thought it was time for her to be taken away from you without the police involved because I knew that was the next step. I'm not going to therapy or taking medication for my cancer just so I can give you back Amor since you lost Amber , I can look at your and tell your not off of drugs but make the right decisions with Amor .Amor isn't going to just go with you she's going to put up a fight so it's best I do it this way it's the least I can do since I started Every thing , hooking you on drugs making tommy and his friends rape you so I can have a high for the moment I turned you into a bad mother and a bad person I love you and sorry Myra .
I was so stuck I held my chest in stopping my tears from falling I couldn't believe my eyes I heard the door open behind me as my auntie said hi I turned around with the note in my hand tears started Falling .
"What is this !"
Her jaw dropped as she stood by the door


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