Erica Johnson

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As me and my auntie drive home in silence. tears falls down my eyes I was so hurt she kept me in the dark for so long. Erica texted me her address and how to get there I didn't respond so much was going through my head. I knew what Myra was doing when she told me about my auntie Angie she was trying to brake me and my auntie relationship up no matter how mad my auntie makes me, Myra can never take her place. As we pull up to the house I got out the car ran in the house got my duffle bag and left with out taking a shower or saying bye to my auntie it was now 6:30 I got on the bus crying and sobbing as people looked at me like I was crazy. I got to Erica house and her house was nice and big i sat on her porch for 15 minutes trying to stop crying but the fact of me living with Myra made me so mad and the fact that my auntie was dying was unbearable. When I finally stopped crying the door opened I jumped up and it was Erica. She saw my face and how puffy and red my eyes were from crying and she walked up slowly and grabbed the side of my face and asked
"Come in ?"
"Yes" I said with my head down
She grabbed my bag and pointed in the direction to go in to her room. I sat down on the edge of her bed and took a deep breath
"Do you mind if I take a shower? I've had a long day"
"Yea sure the towels are in the cabinets"
She said with a worried look on her face.
I went in the bathroom cut the shower on and took care of my hygienes I put my hair under the shower head as the hot water ran through my green and blue hair as it curled up really tight. I stepped out the shower and wrapped up in the towel and forgot I didn't get any clothes. I walked out her bathroom with my towel wrapped around me with my hair all wet and dripping she wasn't in there I ran over to her bed looking for my bag but I didn't see it I looked on the top of her closet it was there and so high I stood on my tippy toes and reached out for it and soon as I heard her door open my towel dropped.
I stood there naked and wet My hands was still over my head trying to grab my bag as I turned around to look at Erica and she dropped the bowl of chips as her jaw dropped.
"Uhm .... Erica .. I need a lil help ...with getting my bag"
I said blushing as I hurried up and picked up the towel
".......sure... Sure "
She said looking like she wanted to lick me like her favorite ice cream.
She grabs my bag and smile as I pushed my hair behind my ear. I put on my red spandex shorts and my red and white Mickey Mouse shirt that stopped in the middle of my stomach when I walked out the bathroom my hair was curly as hell and dry I threw it in a high ponytail. I pulled back the cover to lay down to watch a movie I glance up and seen Erica. My oh my she had my undivided attention foreal she had on her black Nike sports bra with her black Tommy Hilfiger boxers she was a brown skin stud with tattoos and pink juicy lips, hair that stopped at the center of her back but she walked in with a messy ponytail.
"Hey you ready A'mor?"
"Sure Erica "
"Well slide over "

30 minutes passed as we watched focus I was trying my hardest to keep calm I just wanted to kiss and lick all over Erica.
Hours past and I find myself waking up in the middle of the night to 5 missed calls from Megan and a text from my auntie that says goodnight sweetie. My auntie knows I need space to clear my head otherwise she would of been calling my phone asking where I was. I rolled over and there she was. I looked at her and wondered. She woke up and smiled at me
"What are you doing up mor ?"
"Looking at you ....honestly "
"For what creep ?"
We both started laughing
"I don't know Erica ..your very attractive and I don't know how I'm laying in this bed with you with out even touching you my mind is telling me to do so much more than just lay by you and act like I'm not feeling you"
"A'mor I know and I feel the same way but you know , I don't need the drama and I don't want drama you and Megan it's obviously something going on with you two and it isn't my business to know ,I like you and I can tell I'll fall hard for you"
"But Megan , she's a bestfriend nothing more yea something happened but like it was nothing really but a moment waiting to happen "
"Is this just a moment waiting to happen A'mor? "
"No Erica lately I haven't got you off my mind I'm serious "
"Would you ever lie to me?"
"No Erica "
"So answer this question and don't lie don't tell me your answer because your actions will tell me , you can't tell me you wasn't feeling like this with Megan, I don't want mixed emotions with you I want all of you like all attention on me not me and Megan, are you over Megan ?, how I know it's not going to be another moment waiting to happen "
With that being said I rolled over to Erica window and starred at the sky wanting to cry but I knew she would hear me so I just went to sleep.

I woke up and smelled breakfast cooking. I got up and took care of my hygienes and made my way to the kitchen downstairs.
"Goodmorning sleepy head"
Erica said
" listen about last night I'm sorry, I needed that ,I mean you was straight forward with me you didn't lead me on at all , the truth is i do have feelings for Megan and love her she's my best friend....but ever since I seen you its like ..I don't know how to explain it but I really like you and I guess i need to really figure out what I want before I go around leading people on"
I explained as I played with the end of my hair.
"A'mor I un- "
I cut her off .
" you understand? So you understand how it feels to look in someone eyes when you first meet them and feel like you love them and you don't even know them, or understand when someone you like is totally like fuck the fact that You cut your bestfriend off to pursue me and im not willing to try or listen"
She looked at me like she wanted to say sorry
"Look I should go Erica it was a really nice night breakfast smells good but I can't stay I just can't" as I speed walk to her room to pack my stuff I felt a hand on my back I turn around.
"A'mor I didn't mean to hurt you stay for breakfast "
I shook my head no
She kiss me passionately as I wrapped my arms around her neck as our tongues swims around in eachother mouths she grabs my ass.
" Stay ....For...Breakfast "
"Okay Erica "
As I shook my head yes like I was hypnotized.
We ate, we laughed , we kissed and we fed eachother.
Erica told me last night she heard me crying that's why she walked out side I tried to tell her what was wrong but I didn't want to ruin the morning being a cry baby. It was one o'clock and it was time for me to go home I was going to stay another night but I couldn't get my auntie out of my head I need to see her and hug her. I left Erica house it was cute because she didn't want me to go she has been texting me a bunch of crying emojis for the last minute saying"come back princess" . As I walked in my house I threw my house keys on the counter and sat my bag down. I went to my auntie room and she was up messing with her jewelry box like always.
"Knock knock" I said as I stepped in
"A'mor come in we need to talk "
"No let me go first "
I said as my auntie sat down on her bed looking surprised
"I'm sorry about how I acted you mean the world to me your all I have with out you I'll crumble I need you auntie and I don't want you to go ,what you need to stay alive? a liver ?a rib?...Shit a lung ? I'll give it to you because without you man ... I can't even imagine "
She giggled as tears ran down her face
"Shhhhhhh it's okay I should of been upfront with you the first day I got it, but I didn't want you stressing or worried I'm fine sweetie I am I love you A'mor May Phillps "
As I cried trying not to
"Auntie I haven't been real either"
She looked at me like she knew I was go say something to piss her off
"About what"
"I like girls and I want to date them but I'm not sure how you'll feel about it"
"It's YOUR life if that's what you want so be it BUT them hickies and shit needs to STOP while we are going back and forth to court and to your mother house "
" you mean Myra house and okay I got it "
I said as I stood up kissed her on the cheek and hugged her tight and went to go into my room
As I get to my room I look at my phone and it says open the door it's from Megan I threw my phone on the bed and went to open the door I opened the door and she walks in went to my room and sits on my bed.
"So wassup you can't text me back wtf A'mor ,or call ?"
"Megan look ...I'm so sorry for leading you on but it's just... I needed that I really did but what I really need the most is our friendship back and you to be my best friend and not my girlfriend because I just can't see you in that way Meg"
She looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language, she stood up slowly
"You don't see me in that way ? How did you see me when we was kissing and licking on eachother Amor ? And friend...ship HOW ?you don't fuck friends and "grow feelings " for them like you said you had and think shit is Finna go back to normal NO! You can't have your friend ship back because now it's more"
"But I don't want it to be more Meg"
I said as I felt my tears building up because I knew I was hurting her.
" you can't have a friendship with me, fuck being your bestfriend ,fuck you period Amor because you think the world revolves around you and it DONT! So one day you need to fucking WAKE UP and realize your really out here hurting people"
"But Megan its-"
She cuts me off
"Amor ....just stop ,please your hurting yourself more than your hurting me or should I be hurt because my first love telling me she just wanted to fuck me OH AND FILLED MY HEAD UP WITH LIES TELLING ME SHE HAVE FEELINGS FOR ME WHEN SHE DONT"
As tears falls down her eyes I was shocked at what she said I couldn't move . She walks out the room and out my house and slams the door behind her. I collapsed on my bed crying I just lost someone I love, my bestfriend i didn't mean to hurt her but damn I didn't want to be with her. Am I wrong?

If you guys want to read Erica and Megan p.o.v let me know because I was only making it about Amor life ... But if you demand it I'll make it happen :)

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