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It had been three days since the death of the fifth Apostle.

It was the news that had called Lenore home, much to her own reluctance since it was about time for midterms. But it wasn't only her household, every branch of the Gillard family had locked themselves away under giese of grief. The truth was they were all waiting, hoping to receive the call that they would be the next one to inherit the power of the blessing.

None of it mattered to Lenore. She might carry the name Gillard but that was it. Her Uncle had taken her into his house after the death of her parents – raised her alongside his children, given her the privilege of his circumstances. 

She couldn't complain much. Lenore had not wanted for many things – food, clothing, shelter and opportunities to follow her personal pursuits. All of that and more was given to her. But none of those things ever filled the void in her chest.

Maybe it was the childish longing for the parents she couldn't remember that created this strange separation between them. Or Perhaps they felt burdened by the fact that she was another responsibility forced upon them. One they may not have wanted to bear. Whatever the case, no matter how hard she tried, it seemed impossible for her to cross that invisible barrier. They were a real family, but she was an observer – an interloper. 

That's why this moment was surreal. The call had come in the early hours and now the entire family was gathered in the underground room – Lenore included.

It was a cold, windowless space hidden underneath the main house. Lenore had long suspected it existed but having it confirmed made her uneasy for some reason. Or maybe the unease that churned her stomach was the presence of the seventh Apostle. 

He stood like a statue, situated between two men dressed in black from head to toe–their faces hidden behind white, emotionless masks. Faceless knights were the special forces of the Gillard family, trained in killing arts. They were the hands and feet that moved only for the Saint and the Apostles. Anyone could become a target, blood ties mattered little in the face of Arkaydians will.

Lenore eyed the trio from across the room. She stood back from her cousins, trying not to draw attention to herself. This was normal behavior – the separation; the invisible walls.

The twins, Ethan and Gabriel were talking quietly amongst themselves. They had only turned eighteen a month ago, making them too young to receive the Blessing. Which only meant that they didn't care because this had nothing to do with them. Their attendance was as forced as Lenore's. 

All the ceremony was unnecessary. All of them knew that Dahlia was going to receive the Blessing. She was the oldest out of all of the children, Lenore included.

Dahlia had only attended college for a year, and most of that time she spent doing anything but school. After that year, she dropped out and took up some menial work within the family.

Lenore, on the other hand, was a semester away from completing a degree in communications. She had high hopes that it would make her more valuable to the family, considering public relations and covering up their real work was of the utmost importance.

Honestly, a part of Lenore questioned the will of Arkaydian in choosing someone like Dahlia to be appointed. She had never seemed like the type that wanted to fight on the front lines.

Lenore's thoughts quieted when her Aunt and Uncle entered the room together, their usual air of self importance more inflated today.

"We will now proceed with the appointment," A faceless knight said, their tone flat and robotic. 

The Apostle held out his hand, unfurling his fingers from a tightly clenched fist. In the center of his palm there was a wad of white cloth with tiny black runes inked onto it. Slowly, he began to unravel it.

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