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Lenore stepped out of the Limo, with the help of Camila; curious eyes immediately falling upon her person. She stood out amongst the other party goers in her attire. It was strange, knowing what she intended to do here tonight and how the excitement would soon change to horror.

She turned to the fortress looming behind her; the beast was slumbering, mouth agape and welcoming to its unconcerned, unknowing prey into its hollow innards. Her cousins, aunts, and uncles greeted one another in their finest; gold glittering, jewels sparkling, sleek satins and pressed cottons. All the decadence soured her stomach—the true wealth of the city was here, used as a way to assert authority over one another.

Now that the truth of the family was revealed, Lenore found the whole display sickening. Their power and prestige was bought with the sacrifices of innocent people, her mother and father included.

"Dahlia," her Uncle called out the foul, false moniker. He stood at the end of the Limo, arm out and waiting.

She fought the urge to sneer, approaching him with calm, confident steps. It was important that she play her role. Dahlia was more entrenched in the family than she ever was. Some of these people may have interacted with her. Though, Lenore was certain that she knew Dahlia better than any of these fools, and could imitate her with ease. As long as her face remained covered, things should be okay.

Lenore folded her hand into her Uncle's arm, shoulders stiff. "I know you've been scheming something over the past few days. So, I'll tell you now, if you choose to double cross us and any of them get hurt or die—" she leaned over, lips inches from his ear and whispered, "I'll make sure to take my time with you when this is all over, carving you up and feeding you bit by bit to those monsters."

The muscle in his jaw ticked, and he gave her a sidelong glance. They stared at each other for a moment; two gunslingers meeting at high noon, sizing each other up. This was the real battle for Lenore. Purging the world of the Gillard family's corruption was a consolation prize, and slaying Arkaydian—well, she wasn't sure what that meant to her.

"Let's try to enjoy the night. It's all  for you after all," he said through clenched teeth and a tight smile. 

She allowed him to lead her away from the others, but didn't stop from looking back. Even hidden under the knight's disguise, she knew which one was Kaiser— knew that he was looking at her in return. There was a magnetic pull to him that sat at the center of her being. With a subtle nod, Lenore turned away, knowing that she was on her own now and it was time to dispose of the rat. The very one she helped trap. 

 They followed the stream of people into the house, the knights guarding the open door bowed their heads as they entered. Lenore was thankful for the veil because it hid her surprised and greedy gaze as she drank in the sight of the Gillard fortress.

The ceiling was high, and before them, set back was a grand staircase that lead up to a second floor. An enormous chandelier hung at the center of the room. Its design and metalwork was beautiful twisted and knotted, polished silver. She wondered if it was made by someone in the family and how long it took to get it to shine the way it did. 

At the top of the staircase was a large piece of art, it went from floor to ceiling and depicted several knights brandishing broadswords to strike down what appeared to be a demonic horde. It was a bit on the nose, Lenore thought to herself. There were quite a few people upstairs, milling about on the balcony that wrapped around most of the room.

Lenore scanned their faces, looking for anyone that might be familiar. Most of the people bore the familiar Gillard features, but those that married in, stood out. It didn't take long to spot an Apostle. They stood apart from a small gathering on the second floor, leaning against the gleaming wood rail. It wasn't one that she was acquainted with, thankfully.

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