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Lenore slept like the dead. And when she woke it was to a heavy knock on her door. She stumbled out of bed, nearly falling on her face when her legs got tangled up in the bedding. Kicking herself free, Lenore let out a loud yawn before opening the door. Emilio stood on the other side with an apologetic expression on his face.

A groan began to build in the back of her throat. She held it in, leaning against the door frame. "What now? Haven't we beat on me enough?"

"I'm not here for that. It's Kaiser."

Her eyes narrowed. "What did he do?"

"Nothing. He said you should get dressed and meet him in the garden."

"He sent a messenger instead of coming himself. How very like him—" Lenore understood that Kaiser was a man who didn't do any task that he considered below himself. That's why he gathered people to him like a queen bee making a hive. It was honestly brilliant and a bit terrifying, the way he commanded and controlled everyone.

It seemed that their moment together the other day was being swept under the rug. Gods forbid that he go more than twenty four hours in Lenore's good graces before pissing her off again. She pinched the bridge of her nose, releasing a deep sigh. Tonight was the night. Why couldn't he allow her a couple of hours of respite?

"Alright. Consider your message delivered."

Emilio shifted from one foot to the other, a wary expression on his face. She blinked at him, brows lifting. "Is there something more?"

"You are going to meet with him, right?"

Lenore almost laughed out loud at his doubtful tone. He was obviously concerned that he was going to be trouble with Kaiser if she decided to ignore the summons.  

"Tell that bastard I'll see him after I have some breakfast and not a moment before."

He nodded, giving her another apologetic smile before leaving. She slammed the door shut behind him, letting out a silent yell.  

Lenore took her precious time getting dressed, even taking time to make the bed for the last time. She had no intention of ever returning to this manor after today. Honestly, today was going to be the last day she spent in this rotten city. The past couple of days she contemplated what she was going to do if they succeeded and decided that she would travel to the next city—maybe travel to all of them. The unexpected trip to the ocean yesterday only solidified that for Lenore.

She headed downstairs, freezing up at the sight of her Uncle sitting at the dining table, enjoying a meal in peace. A tremor worked its way from the crown of Lenore's head down to the tips of her toes. The rage from yesterday buzzing beneath her skin. She gritted her teeth and headed straight for the table.

Camila appeared from the kitchen with a plate of food, the door swinging open and closed. She was still outfitted in the Knight's uniform. When her eyes locked on Lenore, a welcoming smile lit up her face.

"There's our girl! Fixed you up with a fresh plate." She sat it down on the table, pulling out the chair for her.

It was strange how helpful Camila was. Definitely not something Lenore was used to. She suspected that she must have come from a large family, probably the oldest of her forgotten siblings. Some behaviors were ingrained in people—unshakeable. The thought made her heart clench painfully. It was better not to think too deeply about what was in the past; what could never be remembered or returned. Plus, Camila appeared to be happy with the family she built with Kaiser and the others.

She took the seat with a small smile. "Thanks."

"You should thank Emilio. He's the one that asked me to fix you something."

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