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Trigger warning: Discussion of rape

Kaiser was gone by the morning, though the empty chair next to Lenore's bed was still warm when she woke. Her face grew hot at the thought he sat there, watching over her while she slept like some kind of guardian angel. Lenore shook her head, and laughed at the wayward comparison. He might look like one but Kaiser was from an angel. Everything that transpired between them in the secret room was something she needed to forget. If she spent too much time thinking about it, that was bound to only confuse her.

She didn't waste time getting ready, making sure to dress in clothes that would allow easier movement. After yesterday she was going to be prepared for anything. Lenore noted that as everyone told her the wounds Emilio left her with were healed. She ran her fingers over the smooth skin of her cheek, amazed there wasn't even a faint scar left behind. Being—well, whatever she was—had its perks.

Her gaze strayed to the rest of her image in the bathroom mirror. There was a firm crease between her brows and a slight frown formed by dry, cracked lips. Dark, aggressive bag hung under her eyes. Honestly, Lenore wouldn't be surprised if someone mistook her for a walking corpse. Everything about her screamed, stressed out and sleep deprived. And that was accurate, because she was.

With a heavy sigh, she splashed some water into her face, hoping to sharpen her mind. There was a heaviness that clung to her limbs as she moved around the house. Maybe it was the past that haunted her or the truth of everything, whatever the case she couldn't wait to leave this place. Lenore was tempted to ask Kaiser to burn it down behind them. There was nothing worth saving or remembering about this place. 

No one said anything to her when she walked into the dining room. Emilio and Patrick were finishing off the food on their plates. They only deemed Lenore worthy of a passing nod of acknowledgement as they rose from their seats. The awkwardness of the previous day made her tongue thick in her mouth, words hard to find. Should she apologize? Did they know about what happened in the basement?

"Go ahead and take a seat. I've got fresh bacon and french toast coming out," Camila said, peeking her head in through the kitchen door as the boys passed her their dirty plates.

Lenore was grateful for her endless stream of energy. She took a seat, trying not to think too much about what happened at that table days before.

"You healed up well," Emilio said, pausing at the head of the table.

"Yeah, looks like it." Her voice sounded stiff and she averted her gaze, not sure how to fix the strange tension. "When is my next beat down?"

He chuckled at her question. Lenore gave him a sidelong glance, a tiny smile on her lips. "Pat and I have to finish up some preparations for Kaiser. So, it looks like your schedule is up to you today."

"What are you guys doing?"

"Nothing that concerns you," Patrick replied from the front door, sliding his arms into a leather jacket.

Emilio gave her an apologetic smile. "Rest up today. Try not to worry too much about this mess. Tomorrow you'll get back to your scheduled beat down."

Lenore watched the two of them slip out of the Manor. It was hard to ignore the curiosity and suspicion swirling around inside her head. She wanted to know what Kaiser was up to. But she wasn't tempted enough to call him back here to interrogate him about it, especially after what happened yesterday. Lenore would be happy to pretend that it never happened but she doubted he would let her forget (exactly because she wanted to, and he was keen on doing what she disliked the most).  

Camila walked through the kitchen door, humming to herself hands filled with the food she'd promised. She set it down in front of Lenore with a pleased smile. It was clear that whatever bad feelings she might have had yesterday weren't present this morning.

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