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It didn't take long for her to grow tired of his embrace. The bond was gripping her heart in a vice, its roots writhing around like they needed all the nutrients her soul could provide. She wanted to reach into her chest and rid herself of the unpleasant sensation.

"Let go of me," she said through gritted teeth. "Please."

His arms relaxed a bit at her request and she took the opportunity to push away from him, breathing in deep. Her gaze veered to the darkness that surrounded them.

"This is the void." Not a question, simply a matter of fact. She stretched out her arm, watching as her hand disappeared into the thick mist.


She pulled her hand back, flipping it over, checking that it was unchanged. Kaiser's soft chuckle caused her to stiffen. Her gaze shifted to his face, lips pulling down into a pout.

"You controlled me somehow. Was it the bond?"

He held her gaze. The weight of his stare made her shift a step back. "Yes, but it is only possible cause your mind is open to me."

She nodded, not happy. "So not teaching me how to build that barrier was intentional."


"But you promised—"

He began speaking before she finished her thought. "And I will keep my word. This was only a temporary measure until you had more control of your emotions."

She stared at him, unable to mask her doubts and suspicions. He might be telling the truth, but he might not be. A tiny growl of frustration rumbled in her chest. She turned away from him, hugging herself tight, fingers digging into her arms. It's true that if he hadn't appeared and stopped her—her Uncle would be dead. And everything they did the past two weeks would be pointless.

Still, knowing someone had that much power over her body and mind made her stomach churn. It was invasive. No one should have that kind of power. 

"Don't ever do that again." There was only silence in response to her comment. Lenore spun around with a sneer planted on her face. "I mean it, Kaiser. Never. Again."

He conceded, holding up both his hands. Even had the audacity to give her a sheepish grin in return. "You have my word. If there's a problem, I'll find another way to....subdue you."

They held each other's gaze in silence—the darkness shifting around them. Lenore blinked, turning her face away. "I'll try to reign in my temper."

"I won't ask for the impossible," he muttered.

She stiffened at his retort but held her tongue, mostly out of spite. There was a faint rumble in the darkness then the ground shifted under their feet. Lenore staggered forward a few steps; strong hands gripping her arms to keep her upright.

"What's happening?"

"The paths are crumbling."

"Isn't that bad?" she asked, heart thumping hard against her chest.

"Mm. Only if we happen to be on one that's crumbling."

She lifted her face, eyes wide. "And are we?"

The rumble got louder, ground quaking underfoot. Kaiser tilted his head, hands still holding Lenore up. "We might be."


The ground shifted again and she grabbed onto his arms, digging her fingers in. His face was a calm mask of complete indifference to the situation they were in. It might have eased her anxiety if it were anyone else. This was madness. She couldn't believe that Emilio even suggested that she try to navigate through a place like this.

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