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The ointment stung as Camila dabbed it on Lenore's cheek. She gritted her teeth, digging her fingers into her palm only to regret it an instant later. The pain was sharp and blinding. It sucked the air from her lungs and sent a wave of nausea through her. Fresh blood stained the bandage wrapped around her hand, the stab wounds throbbed in time with her heart.

Having an inhuman recovery didn't make things less painful. And these bastards knew that. Hell, they had experienced it first hand but Lenore doubted that they considered pulling their punches. Maybe, this was a right of passage. If they asked her it was one she could do without.

"Emilio gave you the full work over, didn't he?"

She snorted at the question. "I think he enjoyed himself more than he let on."

"Nah, it means he likes you. Wants to make sure you're around for a while."

"This is how he shows he cares?" She would be happier if he cared a little less, Lenore thought to herself.

Camila flashed a quick grin, reaching for the large piece of gauze. She pressed it to Lenore's cheek then taped it in place. It was odd how comfortable it was to interact with all of them. They only knew each other for a week at most, but Lenore was beginning to forget her life before them.

All the lonely nights spent cooped up in her apartment studying. How she watched families setting down for dinner while she waited for her table for one. The laughter shared between friends heading out for the weekend to get into good trouble. She never let herself think about things too deeply. But now she had a taste of it and knew what she was missing. She'd experienced a world without barriers. A world where people didn't keep her at an arm's distance.

And that scared her. A part of Lenore knew that it might be impossible to give up this life. But she also understood these weren't people she could rely on. At any moment they might turn around and stab her in the back under Kaiser's order. What happened when this revenge plot was over? It's not as though they were all going to become some kind of family. She needed to face the truth. 

Lenore was alone in the world. Even if she had people around her right now. They weren't her people and they could never be. A familiar ache spread through her chest; a longing for a place to belong.

"You're all set. Should be back to a hundred percent by the morning."

"Well, it feels like shit right now," Lenore mumbled, getting up off the stiff couch.

"That's the problem with human hearts. They're as weak as they are delicious."  

"Uh, gross!"

Camila gave her a toothy smile, amusement glittering in her ruby eyes. "Don't knock it until you try it." 

"I might be a killer but I think I'll have to draw a line at cannibalism. Thanks."

"What's this about cannibalism?" Patrick asked as he strolled into the living room. He was missing most of the day, and from the splatter on his clothes, she suspected he was out hunting for Kaiser.

"Told her that human hearts are delicious."

"Mmm. Second only to the Liver." 

"Liver? Heart?! Gods, are you two trying to make me vomit? Please tell me you don't eat just anyone."

Patrick shrugged his shoulders, sending Camila a sidelong glance. She leaned back into the couch, lifting her arms to rest them behind her head. "We respect Bosses's rules."

"What does that mean?"

"It means we practice self-control. Blood is usually enough to keep our hunger under control."

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