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Emilio's workshop was filled with scraps of metal, wires, gadgets, and strange substances. The walls were lined with tools, and those that weren't on the wall were in large red, rolling bins. He was hovering over his workbench, a pair of safety goggles secured to face as he dropped a dark purple substance into the beaker that sat over a small flame.

Lenore had spent most of the morning with him, watching and periodically helping him. It was better than being trapped in the house listening to Camila and Patrick bicker with one another. Although they had invited her to join them on a hunt, she had declined—not particularly interested in being used as bait.

A puff of smoke billowed out of the beaker and Emilio pulled back with a round of horrid coughing. He quickly rushed to the small square window in the tiny space and flung it open. It only took Lenore a moment to realize why—a pungent, gag worthy odor hit her nose. She buried her face into the crook of her arm, eyes watering.

"What the hell are you making? I want to knock them out, not stink them out!"

"I just need to fine tune the quantities."

"I'd say—" she said, gagging a bit.

A sheepish grin flashed across Emilio's face. It appeared he had the annoying gift of making others forgive him without trouble. "I'll get it right by tomorrow night, don't worry." 

Lenore shot the offense concoction a wary glance before she turned and left the workshop, breathing in the fresh air. The moment of respite was quickly diminished when her gaze fixed on a familiar face. A face she had been avoiding since breakfast.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was taking a walk."

Her eyes narrowed. "Well, you enjoy that."

"Why don't you join me?"

"I'm good, thanks."

He snorted at her response, but she saw the amusement in his gaze. "Come on, there's something I'd like to show you."

Lenore had the distinct feeling that this wasn't a friendly request. He intended for them to go together, wherever it was he wanted to go. She sucked in breath and heaved it out. "Fine, whatever. I wanted some fresh air anyway."  

#  #  #

The small garden was swirling with the smell of lavender, rose, and honeysuckle. It was awash with the brilliant, blinding colors and the busy flutterings of small insects and birds. Lenore lost herself in the wonder of it for a moment. Had she adventured into a new world? This was nothing like the cold concrete and metal world she grew up in. It appeared untouched by any sort of corruption.

It felt wrong to be there–that somehow she might ruin it. Lenore turned to Kaiser who stood, leaned against the arch of the gazebo, watching her. He appeared content where he was and—odd enough, he didn't seem out of place as one might expect.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"Because I wanted to see you here, among the lovely and living things."

She tilted her head, squinting against the rays of sun as it peaked out from behind a drifting cloud. Kaiser was incomprehensible, she decided. It was impossible for her to ever figure out what he was going to do or say next. Lenore was only certain that he only ever did exactly what he desired–without question or hesitation.

"Now what?"

"Does there need to be anything else? Life should, above all things, be enjoyed."

She rolled her eyes, but felt the twitch of her lips like she might actually smile. Quickly, she suppressed the urge, not wanting to give him any satisfaction—he was more than satisfied enough with himself without her encouragement. 

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