Chapter 26

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I wanted to finish this last night for y'all, but I fell asleep. -_- but here it is.


    I recognized the familiar sounds of the machine to my left and wondered how long it had been this time as I slowly opened my eyes and adjusted them to the light in the room. I looked to my right to see Vincent looking at me with a smile on his lips and looking relieved.

    "How long?" I struggled to ask.

    Vincent placed one hand on my belly and stroked my head gently with the other.

    "Two days," he said softly.

    "What about..." I started to ask, terrified of what the answer would be, but Vincent already knew what I was asking before I got the chance to finish my question.

    "The baby is fine," he said, putting my fears to rest.

    I laid there quietly for a moment and soon began to cry as I remembered the events that took place a few days ago. I hadn't forgotten. No. I remembered everything. I could still feel everything. I cried, not because of all the physical pain- the lashes, the choking- - none of that mattered. It was the fact that I had been violated by another someone I thought was my friend. I have never felt so disgusted in my life. As I remembered what happened to me, I found it hard to look at Vincent. I didn't cheat on him, but I still felt guilty just being touched by another guy. I felt something inside of me change. I loved Vincent with all my heart- and I always would. But I couldn't stand to look him in the face now. I felt like I had betrayed him.

    "Thank you for getting me out of there," I said, avoiding looking at him.

    "What are you talking about," he asked in a confused tone.

    "For rescuing me from Danny," I said as if it was obvious and I looked at him this time.

    He shook his head, "That wasn't me," he said remorsefully. "That was Sean. He and Meghan are the ones that ran to your rescue. I was clueless as to what was going on until the paramedics showed up and I hadn't seen you since the night before." His face hardened and his voice was full of regret. "You were in trouble and I wasn't there. If it wasn't for Meghan and Sean you could have died. They said that you screamed for me. You screamed for me to help you and I..."

    "Stop it," I said, he had tears in his eyes at this point. "There was no way you could have known any of this was going to happen. And I don't blame you for anything. But I'm so glad that you were the first person I got to see when I woke up." I said as I forced myself to smile.

    "Actually, he never left your side," another voice said, entering the room.

    I turned my head to see my dad walking in with a plate of food that he handed to Vincent.

    "He got up a few times to use the bathroom, but he never left once to get a shower or food and he hasn't slept at all either," my dad explained. "If it wasn't for me bringing him food then he wouldn't have eaten anything."

    I looked closer at Vincent's face. My dad was right. His face was completely drained and there were dark circles under his bloodshot eyes.

    I began to feel an overwhelming sense of guilt for all that I had put him through. He risked his job just to be with me. Then I got pregnant and he probably feels responsible for the baby, not to mention how my dad treated him upon finding out. And now he's completely drained himself just to sit beside me while I was in a coma for something he had no control over. 

    I didn't feel like I had the right to be in love with him anymore. He deserved something easier and less stressful. I made the decision in my mind right then and there that I would end this. I just had to find the right time.  Now was definitely not the right time.

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