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Chapter: 19.

Walking down the roadside he enjoyed the cool but refreshing breeze, his little town was surrounded by the sea, mountains, and rocks, the air is always fresh and the birds would sing from every tree. A perfect place for tourists and they got them a lot in the Beachlands.

At the beach, he was surprised that there were already tons of people. Children played in the sands, surfers surfed the peaceful waves and many others just swam or took casual walks while others rested under the umbrella shades made by the many coconut trees.

It was calming, the salty smell that blows in with the wind, soft chatters, giggles of chasing children, splashes from the waves, Seagulls squawking, and birds chirping, it was all too calming and he enjoyed it, soaking up the different sounds surrounding him, it cleared his mind and filled his thoughts with nothingness.

The sand was becoming harder to walk on so he stopped and took off his shoes, filled with sand, he turned them over to let the sand out then tied the laces together he hung the shoes on his neck and resumed walking but he hadn't even taken a step when he stumbled into a wall.

But that could only be wrong, it was an open beach, there were no walls. Looking up to find the strange object to which he had crashed into, his eyes fell into those familiar yet attractive blues he had seen just a few days before.

Fuming in anger he yelled. "What are you stalking me now?!" tumbling backward, he lost his footings but the other man caught him with ease.

"Careful, grumpy." A baritone voice sipped into his ears, soaking into his throbbing heart and drenching his anger until it became a puddle of confused thoughts as he gawked sheepishly at the man, his sharp gaze looked as though it was piercing right through him. It felt hot when he was touching him, even as he helped him balance his steps and he was standing, he couldn't look away or utter a word.

He was speechless. Struck dumb by this man who would not let him breathe easy.

What was this feeling?

And why couldn't he make out any words?

How could someone like this have this kind of impact on him?!

It was beyond irritating.

He wanted to punch him again, to knock that devious smirk off his face. But how would he manage a punch when he couldn't even form words?

The other man laughed calmly. "You have got to stop bumping into me like this--"

"And you have got to stop being in my way, I mean this is the beach, you could have walked anywhere else yet you chose in front of me!" He snapped biting into his lower lip unconsciously.

"--It makes it so hard not to lunge at you when you fall into me like that."

"What?" Alex asked incredulously. "What does that mean?" Hasn't he just heard what he said? He had just gone and finished with his sentence as if he hadn't just thrown a fit about him being in his way all the time.

He laughed again. "It wasn't so nice the undeserving punch you gave me the first day we met." He scolded and Alexander for some reason lost his voice...again.

Why is this man so gentle with him? Treating him like he was fragile, an annealed glass that needs to be handled gently, knowing that when broken could cause significant injuries. What does he want from him? Looking around to spot those bodyguards, he did see them a little farther down the beach.

"You know, I had refused to get it treated because I wanted to wear your scar for much longer." That broke into his line of thought and he was tempted this time to look at the side of his lips where he had punched him that day and truly, he wore that scar still. His rebellious heart skipped at the view.

This man must be a pervert. What the fuck is wrong with him? Why would he go and do that? But, even knowing why...piqued his interest and triggered his next question.

"Why?" His curiosity couldn't withhold that question.

"It was a gift."

"A gift?" He scoffed in near laughter.

"Yes, albeit given undeservingly or rather wrongly, yet I have wanted to wear one from you in so long."

"Undeserving you say?" He asked, that annoyance returning with vengeance.


"You hit my daughter!"

"I would never do a thing like that, I love that little monkey, I spoil her silly whenever I see her."

"Whenever you see her?!" Alexander seethed. Something is definitely wrong with this person.

"Yes." He replied as if it was right the way he said it.

"Well, I'm not surprised, she had told me that neither you nor Maria make time for her!" He was furious at this man.

"I don't know about that, but as I said, I do try to spend some quality time whenever I see her."

"Lair." Alexander returned.

"Your anger, it's cute, you make this so difficult for me, Mr. Alexander."

His heart skipped again for some reason. What does he want from him? "Dude, you're weird." The other shook his head as if feeling pity for the man.

"Is it weird to love?"

"Okay, don't ask me that." Alexander blurted, the least he wanted to do is talk about love with his ex-wife's husband no less.

"Why not?" He demanded and Alexander raised confused brows as he stared deeply into those sinful eyes.

"Why not what?" He threw back irritatingly.

"Don't you want to talk about love?"

"Seriously," Alexander scoffed, folding his arms. "You of all people, asking me that?!"

"Why did you run away from the job?" He switched the subject just immediately as if he hadn't asked the bizarre question just a few seconds ago.

"I wasn't interested."

"But, you needed the job."

"And how would you know that?"

"I know you have been out of a job for some time now and you haven't found any yet."

"What is this?" He blurted, "are you investigating me?" Alexander has about heard it with this pompous jerk. "Just because your thugs are right there doesn't mean I wouldn't hit you a second time, it sure didn't stop me the first time." He warned.

"Did I assume wrongly?" When he didn't get a response, he smiled and Alexander stared up at his face, his lips curved nicely to the side in a rather sexy smirk. How badly he wanted to knock that off but he couldn't.

The man has got an interesting aura.

It's maddeningly alluring.

This strange man confuses him.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Where stories live. Discover now