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Chapter: 72.

The sound of his phone ringing distracted his gaze from where they lay claim in Matthew's eyes for the last forty-five minutes. They had only finished the meal Matthew made them barely a few minutes ago and Alexander had taken great delight in watching him cook, serve and eat. Groaning he nodded his excuse and moved towards the chaise where he had left his phone from when they had nearly fucked. Smiling as he saw his favorite person's picture flashing along with the name he’s come to love so much, Alexander picked up and pressed the phone to his ear.

“Hey, sunshine…” He called into the receiver and chuckled when he heard the other groan at the nickname. 

“You crazy son of a bitch!” Easton shouted back, knocking the smile off Alexander's face.

"Oh, what did I do!"

"What did you not do?" He returned.

Alexander frowned. "Okay, now you're not making any sense."

"I'm not making sense, wait until we both got murdered then you'd know I'm making sense."

Smiling he asked more calmly, something must have got him all worked up he could tell from the sound of his voice. "What crawled up your ass, baby?" 

“Some men just came to drop three ridiculously expensive cars in front of our fucking house! People are gonna think we joined the mafia and we could get mugged or even worse kidnapped or killed!” Easton rushed in one breath.

“Wait, slow down, you know I can’t understand you when you speak so fast, what men and what cars?” Alexander asked, with one hand digging into his hair. He often does that when he's nervous, well, that and mumbling to himself which he seemed to have picked up when he started working for Matthew. 

“Cars, Xander, I see a freaking Lamborghini and…and…”

“Wait, hold on…”


"Three cars, you say?"


"Did they say anything to you?"

"No..," Easton returned, confused. He had gone to speak with them and they had simply nodded with mischievous grins on their rough faces and now they just stood there like they were guarding the place. “Where in hell are you?” He fired back with a grunt of annoyance leaving his throat with that non-serious scowl plastered upon his face. “You didn’t come into work today.” He finished with a pouty frown. He missed him and Alexander could tell that much from how agitated he sounded through their phone call. It has always been a comfort mechanism for both men whenever they returned home together or even more gave each other hugs and kisses of assurance on how they have got each other no matter what the world throws at them. He would always know he would have East there with him. Fighting off his demons and helping him find his light while leading him through it. 

“I love you, Easton.” He assured him and a beautiful smile filled his lips when he heard Easton exhale then chuckled slightly.

“I love you too, but tell me, where are you? You said you had to wait for Falcon this morning, it's nearly dinner time and you’re not home yet.”

“Well, that is because I’m still not able to return home yet.” He clarified.

“Why not?”

“He took me sailing, East!”


“I know,” Alexander whispered, looking back briefly to be certain Matthew couldn’t hear him.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Where stories live. Discover now