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Chapter: 141.

Michael stood with his brother holding single white roses in their hands as they stared down into the casket. His eyes welled up and he blinked rapidly to keep back the tears, but it was all too futile as the tears soon came pouring from his eyes the second he laid his rose on the casket. Matthew placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and stood there with him after he laid his own rose. After a long moment, they both stepped away and took seats in their assigned family row. Alexander between Allison, Tide, and Matthew, while Easton sat beside Michael, a few of their trusted friends, employees, business partners, and some great friends of Lina from the Homes were all present at the funeral.

The priest began to read out the sermon from the Holy Book and Michael cried softly. Remembering all the times he spent with the woman, the wonderful memories they had together he knew he wouldn't forget her, not ever. As the Priest went on, Michael's vision began blurring again. He rubbed furiously at his eyes hoping to wipe away the tears that were threatening to spill. She was taken away forcefully by a crazy woman. Lina never did anyone harm, she loved all like they were her own. It was painful to know that she was gone from this world. The priest finished his speech, and Michael felt tears streaming down his cheeks and dripping onto his lap where Matthew placed a gentle hand. When the Priest asked that Michael came forward to give his eulogy, he nodded numbly standing up slowly, his legs suddenly weighed a ton and he could barely move them on commands, but he did manage, trying to avoid looking down into the casket, each time he saw her peaceful pose lying there it breaks him all over again. He walked to the pulpit and stood staring into the wet faces of those gathered around. After taking one last look around him, he began to speak.

"I wasn't a good son growing up, ran into a lot of trouble, did all kinds of wrong in my youth, my parents, they couldn't understand me, couldn't keep me in line when they say slow down I run, they couldn't deal with me and didn't hesitate to push me aside like I was never their son, I don't blame them for the harsh punishment, I deserved it, not a lot of people knew the D'Aureville's had twin boys, I was the one who never got mentioned..." He chuckled weakly. "... they never could do it, couldn't help me, heck, even my twin couldn't help me, I ran wild with the wind, never stopping, never looking back..." His voice broke and he wiped his eyes quickly before continuing.

"Lina," He started but hesitated at the mention of the woman's name. Matthew looked over at him encouragingly but remained silent, giving him time to gather himself. After taking a deep breath he continued, "She saved me time and time again. I had found her when I was at my weakest. I was missing home, missing my brother, and my sisters, like a fool I was, I had once again lost all the money I had, I was homeless and starving, just wandering around the store hoping to see what little money I had could afford, when I stumbled into this lovely all smiles little woman..." His voice reduced into whispers as he tried to control his emotions. "... she was gathering way too many groceries, hands full and her steps stumbling, I remembered walking up to her struggling and asked her how many children and grandchildren she had visiting to be buying this many groceries and she laughed and replied with a simple none," Michael chuckled dryly at the memory. Tears threatened again and he wiped them away hastily against his jacket.

"She was simply buying all the groceries for her friends in the Homes and finding a useless son, I was instantly included in her list. She was that kind of person. Her heart was bigger than she could carry and I fell in love with the older woman that day. She captured my young wayward heart, called me home, and in her eyes, I saw light, in her voice I heard wisdom, she was patient with me, she taught me to love, to care, she gave me a mother, a sister, a guardian, she was my angel, still is..." He choked out, lips trembling. "She was always willing to listen even when I wasn't speaking, she heard my silent whispers, she was there for me when no one else was and when I reunited with my twin, she couldn't be happier for me, and I could not wait to make her the happiest for all the times she wiped my sick dying body with her old little kitchen rags, nursing me back to life time and time again..." Michael sniffed hard, blinking harshly trying desperately to clear the fog that seemed to surround his eyes and blot out the world around him.

He looked up and his eyes fell into those of his twin who wore a matching heartbreaking look on his face. "She was an angel and I know she is in a better place, where she will get all the love she gave while alive and be happy forever. I love you, Lina, and I miss you dearly. The pain you left me with is unbearable, my heart is shattered, there's still so much we would have done together. The hole that has opened up with your departure can never be refilled by anything or anyone. This reality without you feels like a nightmare. Give me the strength to carry on without you here to guard my steps, help me heal, help me find peace again, my Dearest Lina." With that, Michael walked away back to his seat next to his brother who placed his arm around his shoulders and gave them a tight comforting squeeze.

The service soon came to an end and Lina was laid to her final rest. As per usual everyone said goodbye and then dispersed one at a time after giving their condolence wishes. Matthew did most of the speaking while Michael tried to control his emotions. Alexander and Tide watched little Allison as she made her way through the crowd hugging each member of Lina's close friends from the Homes, her eyes glazed and red-rimmed. The elderly men and women would hug and kiss her forehead. Seeing how much Allison loved these elderly ones had him thinking about his mother and father. He has not seen them in years and Allison didn't even know them. He will bring her to them so she knows she still has more grandparents who are waiting to shower her with their endless love although he knew none would ever replace Lina, he didn't even know the woman very much save it were the times he had spoken to her briefly on the phone whenever she was present and he was speaking to his daughter yet his heart feels weak at her death knowing it was caused by someone he once was madly in love with. Once it was all over, they all drove home to Michael's. They wouldn't leave the man to be alone at a time like this and mostly not in his current state.

He looked lost.


It breaks all their hearts to see him like this.

They all may have loved Lina but he was the closest to the woman and her death weighed heavily on his heart.

Michael had given his best effort to maintain control but now, once he reached home he broke down sobbing into his pillow and into Easton's chest who was doing all in his power to console him but nothing worked. Even when their parents disowned and disinherited him he didn't look this miserable. Like he's lost everything and nothing anyone said or did could console him. It broke Matthew's heart and when he couldn't bear it anymore, he pleaded with Tide and the Merman spelled his twin into calmness and he soon fell asleep.

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