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Chapter: 119.

Matthew woke up first to the sound of singing birds and a grumbling stomach. He peered one eye open and signed while he stretched tired muscles, his movement was restricted when he felt the body curled into his. A smile tugged at his lips as he propped himself up by the elbow to take a better look at his sleeping Lover. Alexander was still very sound asleep, looking like he had just dropped down from the heavens straight into his bed. Even in sleep, he looked handsome, with hair sticking out every which way, his face scrunched up slightly and his eyebrows furrowed. He was adorable. After taking a moment to take in all that beauty, Matthew reached over and ran his fingers through those locks of hair, careful not to disturb him.

He could have just stayed in bed forever, just watching him sleep like that, but his stomach let out another growl, reminding him that it wasn't going away any time soon. With a sigh he gently kissed his lover's forehead, and carefully extracted himself from the limbs holding him bound to the bed, then slowly, he pushed away the covers so he could get out of bed. He went into the bathroom and showered quickly, trying his best not to wake him. When he finished, he dressed in a fresh set of clothes, and then left the room, closing the door softly behind him. The kitchen was his destination, he walked down the flight of stairs, passing maids dusting and cleaning and responding to their greetings. They all had smiles on their faces since the man was wearing a contagious one himself. Matthew made it into the kitchen and found DuBois among the cooks and a few servants as they rushed around the kitchen, preparing breakfast for him and his guest.

"Bonjour Monsieur," DuBois greeted upon seeing the man, and immediately everyone in the kitchen looked up at once to give their greetings to the man. Matthew nodded slowly and smiled grandly at them.

"Good morning, how are you all?" He asked. Everyone returned his greeting, before getting back to work, and Matthew turned to address the Butler. "DuBois, what's for breakfast?"

The Butler smiled and then replied. "I didn't know what Monsieur Alexandre would prefer so I asked for a little of everything, the last time he spent the night you sent us away remember." He eyed his Master warmly and Matthew chuckled.

"Yes yes, I remember," he said fondly. "But, I am Starving, I feel like I haven't eaten in months!" He grinned wide, showing off those perfect white teeth of his. All the servants laughed heartily at this, and Matthew smiled broadly as the sound filled his ears.

"I will order the tables to be set immediately!" DuBois said. "Do you want coffee, Monsieur? Or perhaps some tea?" Matthew gave his answer and watched as the Butler hurried away, then he began walking around the kitchen, inspecting each dish and preparing it for serving all the while Matthew stood there and just watched. "Any specifics you would rather we add to the menu for Monsieur Alexandre, Sir?" DuBois asked after returning from inspecting the dishes. Matthew gave him an idea of what Alexander would like best and once again DuBois hurried away to give the orders to the cooks. "Where would you like them served, Monsieur?" The Butler asked as he returned to his Master's side.

"Have a few maids bring the trays up to my bedroom, we'll set the breakfast there but my lover is still asleep they mustn't wake him." He instructed and left the kitchen, making his way back to the bedroom. Alexander was still curled up amongst sheets and sound asleep when he entered, and it wasn't long before DuBois came knocking softly on the door, Matthew ushered them in and watched as he ordered the servers over to the table to begin laying out the dishes.

"Is everything to your liking, Monsieur?" DuBois asked in a soft voice, although the bed is a lot farther from the sitting area everyone spoke and moved silently as none wanted to be responsible for disobeying orders and waking up their Boss's Lover. Matthew rose from the sofa he sat on and calmly walked toward the set table, he inspected the dishes while DuBois continued to speak. "Croissants for you, Les oeufs brouillés, for Monsieur Alexandre, and of course the tartines as well, café au lait, just as you ordered and fruits." Matthew nodded approvingly and motioned the servants to follow him and DuBois out of the room, he heard their murmurs of gratitude and then walked behind them and closed the door firmly upon exit. Outside the bedroom door, DuBois noticed his Boss was following closely behind, he paused and turned toward him, he seemed somewhat restless, he dared to ask. "Is there anything else you would like, Monsieur?"

Matthew smiled and nodded before replying. "Roses, DuBois, have the gardener bring me a single Pink rose, hurry." The Butler bowed and headed to fulfill his orders while Matthew went back into the bedroom, he sat on the edge of the bed and waited impatiently until DuBois returned. Opening the door quickly he took the presented rose, thanked DuBois and shut the door then faced his sleeping Lover.

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