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Chapter: 24.

"Tell me, how is my stepdaughter?" The second asked and the first smiled.

"Is she not my stepdaughter?" He returned bemused. "I'm the one who is married to her mother."

"Not after I'm married to her father she won't be anymore."

"How cruel." The other accused and they both laughed.

"That was the plan and why neither mother nor daughter knew about you and me, not now but surely." They both smiled.

"Well, not many people knew the famous D'aureville had two sons." The first added with a tint of sadness in his tone. He was stripped of everything. A disgraceful son no parents want to talk about.

Sensing the change in his brother's mood, he directed the conversation towards a little memory. "You know back in the days Alexander was the brightest pupil in school, studying Mechanical Engineering and was excelling so brilliantly, it's surprising how his life took this strange turn and even more surprising how he never recognized me even until now but then again, it wouldn't be so hard to believe since he had dropped out of school just three months I entered."

"That sacrifice wasn't worth it." The first said with a shake of his head.

"It just goes to confirm how falling for the wrong people can mess up an entire future in the long run." The second asserted.

"Things we do for love, huh."

"Only, he loved the wrong person, no offense, dear brother."

"Oh, none taken, please, continue."

"I have told this story too many times, why do you still torture your ears whenever I repeated them?"

"It's simple, my brother, it's because it brings this brightness into your eyes, they never get bluer when you talk about him."

"You're right, just the thought of him makes my heart beat go crazy."


His words faded as his brain took a short trip down memory lane to his twentieth year and fresh into a new university. He transferred schools since he didn't like where he was previously and on the first day he came to Bloomfield, he had stumbled into a clumsy brown-haired, trying to huddle too many books at once.

"Oops," the other had cried once they ran into each other, dumping the heavy textbooks all on his feet, he wouldn't say they didn't hurt like bloody hell. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going?" He apologized.

Matthew only smiled, how would he have seen where he was going when he was carrying a mountain of books. They were literally blocking his view! But, it wasn't only his clumsiness that entrapped him at first glance, it was those deep, deep soulful dark eyes. The boy has got remarkable eyes, the darkest eyes he had ever seen, like still undisturbed waters. The deeper he looked into those eyes, the more he found he was drowning in them, they pulled him in fiercely and he could not resist.

He wouldn't dare resist.

He wanted their fire, he wanted to disturb the stillness of the waters that were his eyes, to take a swim in them, to drink from them, and to sink even deeper if possible.

"It's alright, let me help you." He bent down and began to gather the textbooks, each weighed a ton and he was carrying nearly a dozen. "What are you doing with all these textbooks?" He asked when he noticed they were in pairs.

"They belong to me and my girlfriend." He announced with pride and at that moment, there was a pain so sharp sprouting up in Matthew's chest that he winced from it.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Where stories live. Discover now