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Chapter: 90.

(Love Story. Pt:1)

Michael does not believe in love. He's always thought love is an illusion designed to trap the mind in this unrealistic fantasy and eventually the obsession will fade. Then the lovers will grow to resent one another. It all doesn't make any sense to him. He just doesn't get the concept of romantic love. He is not a hater of those who claims to have found this romantic love but he just wouldn't get it no matter how hard he tried.

Love is self-deception. Love is not real.

And here he was, standing in front of this opened door and staring at the most gorgeous-looking man he had ever seen. Once the other man took notice of him and their eyes met, Michael took his last breath. His heart pounds with nervousness as he stands by the door and stares at him for what seemed like hours. His face. His eyes. The hair which falls over his forehead in loose curls and frames his jaw perfectly. The skin so smooth, pale, and pink. And when his eyes widened slightly with surprise, Michael found himself mesmerized once more.  He was completely enchanted. He felt drawn to that very beautiful face, like an invisible force pulling him towards its owner. It made him feel dizzy and lightheaded as well as excited and anxious.

They stood there unmoving, eyes locked in this silent stare down. Their breaths were coming out short and shallow and it felt like they were stuck in this moment forever. Just them staring at each other. It made Michael's head spin, his stomach flutter and that damn feeling from earlier came back again. His hands started to tremble but he ignored it. He wanted to march over to the man and kiss him on the lips but he didn't do anything besides stand rooted to his spot, still unable to look away from him. The air around them was thick enough to cut with a knife, and suddenly Michael wished he could disappear.

Disappear into thin air because nothing about this situation felt right. Everything just felt wrong. Like he'd been thrown into a nightmare that would never end. But the longer this went on, the deeper he sunk and the stronger the pull became.

It was a strange territory he had just wandered into. An unknown land and he had obviously trespassed. Shouldn't he be leaving before he got into any more trouble? But, for some reason, he couldn't get his legs to move from that spot and his eyes stayed captivated in those seas of blues. He has blue eyes, he's looked into Matthew's blue eyes all his life but this man's blues were different like he was staring into a blue ocean and he was clearly watching the waves of wonder, nervousness, and confusion splash repeatedly against the rocks of his eyes.


How can a man be so bewitching?

He's had affairs with models, Young CEOs, celebrities even, he's seen all kinds of people and he's fucked them too but with this strange man before him, he does not only want to fuck him, no, far from it, this man ignites a fire within him, a fire he didn't know he had, one that burned from a place he never could have imagined. There was a pinch on the bunny's ears and his eyes had fluttered, the butterfly tie around his neck had suddenly become too tight, and he felt suffocated.

It was scary and he felt afraid.

Afraid of this man who has the power to render him useless with just a glance.

Him. Michael Clayton, the one whose face floats across every playboy magazine.

He couldn't bear it anymore.

Finally, he broke eye contact, turning away quickly, averting his gaze to the floor, and walking briskly back to where he came. His heart was still pounding wildly inside his chest, making breathing difficult. He needed to calm down or else he knew he was going to go crazy. As his footsteps grew louder and louder he tried to focus solely on getting back home. What the hell just happened? Michael yelled inwardly. Since when has he wanted to kiss someone so bad? And worse, it wouldn't end with just the kiss or mindblown sex. Why couldn't he get his shit together? When he reached the car he slid inside and leaned against the window, trying to catch his breath.

When he had followed Matthew he didn't think his day was going to end in a pile of dump. What mind trick is this? Pushing his fingers forward to press them into the starter button the man froze at the sight of his trembling fingers. "Fuck!" He breathed out. Retrieving his hand to his side the confused man leaned further into the seat and shut his eyes. He needed to clear his mind and get his nerves relaxed and... "stop shaking so much you fucking idiot!" He yelled out loud. Taking deep measured breaths, Michael tried his hardest to relax and calm down, to keep his body from quaking even more than it was already doing.

"He's just one man, Michael, fucking put yourself together man." He muttered helplessly to himself. He could feel his heartbeat pulsating in his ears and sweat dripping down his neck despite the cold weather outside. "This is insane." He told himself. "You are so fucking stupid, you idiot! Why did you let yourself be sucked into these ridiculous fantasies?!" But that's the problem, he did not let himself be sucked in, all he did was visit his brother's lover and the other man happened to be right there, he didn't plan for any of this. The only explanation he could come up with was that he was under too much stress and that's why he got swept up in these foolish feelings. No other reason. Yes. That must be it.

With Maria and her lies that he was starting to uncover, it has all eaten too deeply into his heart and now making him think he's starting to feel things.

This... Whatever it was, it isn't real.

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