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Chapter: 147.

As if knowing where Matthew would be, his legs carried him and he walked, taking fast pace, leaving the others behind. And when he got there, the little tree stood there and by the side was Matthew giving a hug to a stranger. A frown blew over his face and he groaned at what he was seeing. Knowing, neither twin appreciates close contact with anyone only made his anger more profound.

"I swear to god, Matthew, if you do not stop hugging him, I am personally going to cut your balls off and make an omelet out of them then feast on it beside your bleeding corpse!" He announced angrily, his voice rattling the leaves on the trees. The stranger gasped and pulled away from Matthew and bolted the other way.

Alexander walked closer and stood in front of Matthew. The same spot he stood on when he crushed his foot with textbooks years ago but Alexander was too angry to acknowledge the significance of where they stood at that very moment.

"Really?!" Alexander snapped, his voice raising an octave at the end and Matthew jumped at the tone but didn't dare say a word. "Really Matthew... You abandoned my graduation without as little as a congratulation just so you could come hug some fool!" Matthew remained silent, his lips slightly parted and Alexander turned his attention to him, his eyebrows furrowed. "Is he more important? So important you couldn't at least wait for the ceremony to be over?"

"Alexander--" Matthew tried to speak but Alexander continued before he could utter another word.

"No, Matthew, just shut up!" He roared, causing Matthew to flinch violently. "Do you have any idea how worried I was? I fucking almost died from panic attacks, I was losing my mind and" His voice broke, feeling tears begin to fall from his eyes as he watched how the color drained from Matthew's face immediately as if regretting his life choices and reaching to grab ahold of Alexander who flinched away from his touch.

"Baby, you gotta listen to me..." Matthew started and Alexander shook his head vigorously backing up. "No, please, you have to listen to what I have to say... it's not what you think, baby please." Matthew continues quickly. He was ready to call the whole plan off seeing just how hurt, how broken Alexander felt at that very moment.

Understanding what was about to happen the almost twelve-year-old glanced over at Michael and as if on cue both went on their knees and Allison asked.

"Will you marry me, Alexander Rodriguez?"

Hearing his daughter's voice, he snapped his gaze away from Matthew only to find both Michael and his daughter on one knee with Allison holding open a white box nestling a gorgeous ring.

"What?" Alexander breathed out, his eyes wide open and mouth hung agape. He blinked several times hoping his vision would clear and the scene before him would change or move or something... But, of course, nothing changed, no one moved. He was confused and when he met Easton's eyes the man wore matching expressions to his. "Allie?" He asked and she nodded at him but her eyes stayed locked on Matthew's then Alexander turned back to Matthew who is now on his knee and stared back at him.

"Will you, Alexander Rodriguez, make Matthew D'Aureville the luckiest, happiest man in the world by marrying me...?" He asked. It was quiet and calm but the words caused a wave of emotions to wash over Alexander who covered his mouth with his hand to muffle a sob escaping his lips.

So, this was all planned all along. While he was dying out of worry, they knew what was going on. The hug, his sudden disappearance, all was staged and leading to this very moment? Ignoring his question he turned to his best friend and asked.

"You knew about this?" He questioned, his voice cracking slightly.

"What? Of course not. I would have told you the second I saw you breaking down, I can't keep secrets for that long not with you more so when you're crying, you know I can't stand seeing your tears." Easton responded looking genuinely shocked at the events unfolding.

"Which was why we didn't tell you because we knew you would not be able to control yourself if you saw my Daddy hurting," Allison said and got on her feet, she blew her father a kiss then walked past him to hand the ring box over to Matthew. "Say, yes already." She exclaimed, poking her father with her index finger and Alexander laughed and wiped the tears falling from his eyes.

"Of course, yes, I will marry you, dumbass! I was planning on asking you tomorrow." He confessed.

Matthew smiled warmly and asked with wide eyes. "Really?"

"Yes, really... but first slide that ring into my finger while I'm still in a good mood before I change my mind." Alexander teased and Matthew obeyed, pulling the ring out from the box and slowly sliding it into Alexander's finger, it fit perfectly then he kissed it.

Beaming Alexander reached into his back pocket and retrieved his own box, surprising Matthew and the other three all let out loud laughter.

"You really were going to propose." Matthew laughed, his eyes crinkling up happily.

Alexander grinned sheepishly, nodding and pulling the box open. "Of course I was but clearly you're better than me at surprises so you beat me to it." He said looking at Matthew with a soft smile.

"You still surprised me, even better than ours, if I have to say." Matthew commended and Allison nodded from behind him.

"He is right, yours is a better surprise, Dad." She winked at her father.

"I still can't believe my daughter could team up against me," Alexander mumbled with a chuckle.

"Hey, it was worth it." She teased and laughed along with her father.

"Are you going to pop a question or laugh with your daughter?" Easton asked, startling both father and daughter.

Chuckling nervously Alexander went to his knees and laughed when Matthew wasn't getting on his feet. "You should get up now," He told him but Matthew shook his head negatively and Alexander laughed even more. Clearing his throat he asked. "Will you,  Matthew D'Aureville, marry me?" Matthew let out a gasp, grabbing Alexander's cheeks between his hands and kissing him passionately while Alexander held onto his waist tightly. After their lips parted, they exchanged a few quick kisses before Matthew rested his forehead against Alexander's and smiled widely.

"Of course, Alexander Rodriguez., I will marry you." He replied with joy, a huge grin spread across his face as well.

The group burst into cheers as they congratulated both Matthew and Alexander, their hearts felt full.

The warmth that radiated inside Alexander's chest and the butterflies dancing in his stomach were amazing feelings as he slipped the ring into his waiting finger and as if forgetting the rest of the world their lips met. They shared many passionate kisses and when they finally came up for air they couldn't help laughing softly.

"By the way, you are a terrible actor," Alexander informed him, referring to his reaction when he popped the question.

"And you are the sexiest dang person in the entire universe." Matthew sighed adoringly and leaned in for another kiss. This time Alexander took command and grabbed the tie around Matthew's neck, yanking the other male down so he could press their lips together once again. Their lips danced in each other's mouths and when one of them let out a moan that vibrated through the other, Allison made a barf face and Easton yelled.

"Who wants ice cream?!" To which both Michael and Allison replied loudly.

"I do!" And all three began to walk away leaving the couple to themselves.

Alexander pulled his lips from Matthew's panting, he asked. "Can you do that again?"

With brows furrowed, Matthew asked. "What thing?"

"You know, when you moved us from your office into your bed and when you took us from the beach into the seas... that thing,"  Alexander explained, voice teasing.

Blushing furiously, Matthew nodded in response and Alexander chuckled then pressed their lips together once again as the two began to explore each other's mouths with ease, getting used to each other's rhythm and taste, memorizing their bodies intimately. Their tongues explored each other's mouths, making it harder for them to breathe, and hard for them to focus as their hands wander each other's bodies as well. The kiss had gotten heated, their bodies pressing against each other with urgency and passion. A moan escaped from Alexander's mouth as Matthew placed a small kiss on his left shoulder when suddenly Alexander felt a gust of calm air begin to surround them and he closed his eyes knowing when he opens them again, they will be on that familiar bed.

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