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so guys my exam postponend due to opening so my exams are from 10 feb and are ending on 17 feb . so i get sometime and thought to write .  And sorry i could not be able to reply you all because I was busy. 

So let's start .


A girl is seen sleeping and one girl came and pured water on her making her wake up with Jerk. 

Girl 2  riddima what is this you woke me up when i was going kiss my prince charming said dreamil

Riddima : Sejal plz come out of your dream land and yeh price charming varming kuch nahi hota. this all is just shit . okay coming out of this get ready we have to go to plan a partry.

sejail : but think riddhu you also fall in love and your prince charming will be handsome like greek god . and then plz make a setting of me also with his friend . and we both will get married in samee mandap . how good our life will become if my this dream comes true . 

riddhima : sejal this is never gonna be come true so now wake yp and come for breakfaast . i am wating . 

and goes from there . 

other side 

at a manion 

man 1 : boss that shekwat 's deal is at a beach . and they want us to join them . 

man 2 : so angre say them we are ready but i want every thing to be perfect because VR likes to more than perefct then what others except . so did you undrstand it . 

( so i know you all have understoood they are none other than our angru and vanshwa ) 

angre : yes boss i will make them understand . 

vansh : now twll mary to make a black coffee for me . 

time skips to evening . 

riddhima was checking the all arrangements because they have gotten a strick order that they don't want any mistakes . so she was checking all this by herself . 

riddhima : bhayia what are you doing . held it on left side na . wait let me do .

sayng so she climbed on the ladder and start doing it by herself .but suddenly her ladder disbalnced making her fall . she closed her eyes being scared to fall on ground . but before she kiss the ground one strong arms held her in his arms . securly . 

( i know i know you all know can he be bcoz i am not good at kepping suspence )

he is none other than our vansh 

vansh POV 

i was entering the beach with my aura . and was checking that if everything is perfect or not but it was perfect . indeed the party planner had done briliant work . okay so i am not a person who praise someone but i am really impress by the work of this party planner . thdn my eyes fall on a peatie figure who is one a ladder . but suddenly the ladder disbalced making her fall but i run as fast as i can bcoz i don't want her to fall . and i catched her in my arms . oh she perfectly fit in my arms like she is made for me . vansh i stop this talk . i look at her she has closed her eyes being scarded . she had long  eye lashes . she has chubby cheeks and they are naturally red . and oh my .... my she had pink lips which are shivreing i really wanna want them on my lips . vansh are even in your senses, my subsious mind mocked me . 

vansh POV END 

riddhima opened her eyes to see herself insome strangers ' s arm . but she felt some connection wut him . and riddhima and vansh both got lost in each others eyes . there eye lock was broken by sejal . 

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