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He wasn't breathing and I hadn't a clue what to do. It was all my fault, I distracted him by beeping my horn impatiently at him. Was it really such a big deal if I was late to my lessons that day? Not when it would cost someone's life. I was knelt in the rain with the dark brown haired man's head in my lap preying the emergency services would get here soon. I didn't want to move him anymore than I already had just in case, so I shuffled the best I could to move into position and try to resuscitate him. Parting his lips I felt myself cringe at the thought he may already be dead, this was my fault I had to suck it up and help this man. I inhaled then placed my own lips against his cold wet ones. Exhaling into his mouth before I could even do anything else, his eyes shot open staring deep into my own. His hand was gripping one wrist painfully tight and my own eyes went wide with shock and also relief. I fell back onto my butt almost wanting to cry. I didn't kill him! Thank god! I thought to myself. I looked back at the man as an ambulance appeared seeing he was now sat up taking in the scene around him. I knew I was in big trouble, but worse of all I had to live with the fact I almost killed someone today.

“Yes Sir, the rain was pretty heavy for a split second and I lost control of the car. That poor girl over there must have gotten such a fright when I nearly drove into her. Luckily the only damage was my car and not me or her” I sighed out in relief as I heard the man who the officer called Mr Baker deliberately lie. I was safe but why he would do that and save my ass was something I wished I could ask him. I had whiplash myself and a few beds over with the curtains drawn I sat waiting for my discharge papers. The police already tried to question me but I was so scared I froze and couldn't get a word out. They thought I was just in shock but it was far from that. I was feeling guilty, I stupidly got inpatient at the intersection and rather than waiting for that guy to drive carefully around the curve I drove at top speed beeping my horn frantically making him panic and causing an accident. I was at fault here but was somehow relieved I wasn't going to be arrested and could still graduate next week. “You ok?” I jumped as Mr Bakers voice entered the curtained area I was sat in. Feeling bad and rather embarrassed I just nodded. I couldn't even make eye contact I felt so bad. “How old are you?” He continued standing further in the room, hands in his pockets staring at me. “Eighteen” I mumbled in return. “Let me give you some friendly advise. Life is too short to be doing silly stunts like what you pulled this morning. You could have killed someone or even worse, yourself. You may not be so lucky next time. Nothing is worth losing your life over trust me. I have witnessed enough death in my life so far to know this. Now promise me you will be more careful from now on...” I nodded my head and looked at his emerald eyes briefly before looking back down at my converse that were now no longer white, due to the muddy rain water. “Anyway, take care of yourself I guess” Mr Baker began to leave the room with an amused look on his face. I let out a huff of frustration which he must have heard. He turned to face me just as he pulled back the curtain and that's when I got to properly take in his face. My lips quivered as I tried to blurt out a sincere apology, he was beautiful. His hair was still wet from the storm but his face was of an angel. His emerald eyes had soul and passion in them yet he seemed wise beyond his years. His two lip piercings sat proudly on either side of his bottom lip and complimented the smirk that now spread across his face. I was just about to say my sorry when he shook his head and chuckled. “See you around kid”. And that was it. This older man who must have been 10 years my senior had captured my heart. It wasn't love at first sight but I was definitely intrigued by him. I knew I probably would never see him again but I could still hope to one day meet someone as captivating as him.

Second Heartbeat. (Zacky Veangeance Fantasy Romance)ON HOLD fanfic Where stories live. Discover now