Getting to know you

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I turned onto my side groaning as Rowan opened my curtains. "Rise and shine lazy ass!" She chimed before jumping onto my bed. "Urghh leave me alone!" I moaned trying to hide my face with the pillow. Rowan yanked the pillow from me grinning manically. "What?!" I snapped as she stared at me. "Fine don't tell me then" She pouted sitting back on her knees folding her arms over her chest. I sat up rubbing my face with the back of my hand. "Don't tell you what?" I mumbled back. "Who was that guy who came to the door with you, didn't kiss you and just walked away?". "Oh Mr Baker you mean?" I questioned. "Hang on a minute....THE Mr Baker? Jeez Cassie! You said he was in his mid to late twenties! Not the same age as us. He must only be that age now" I hopped out of bed and went to the bathroom to clean up with the door ajar. Rowan stayed sat on my bed as I did so. "He is 36 I think he said...or maybe 37?". "Cassie, sweety. That man is no way in his 30's. He looks our age. I think he is having you on". "Not everyone ages to look their real age you know. I mean look at your mom. She is 49 and looks 30" I explained away as I began to get dressed, "I guess your right. going to see him again?" I came out the bathroom in my underwear and began to shove some skinny jeans and a vest top on. "No. Why would I?" I sat on the bed next to Rowan to put my converse on. She continued to grin at me like she was planning something. "Rowan no! He is too old and not my type". "But who cares?! He is damn hot. And very, very beautiful I might add" I rolled my eyes at her as I grabbed my bag and jacket and just as I was leaving my room I turned to say one last thing. "If he's that hot then go ahead and chase him up for yourself. It's not like you get laid enough". I didn't even get the chance to see her reaction as I stormed out the house. Once outside I noticed my car was there. I knew then Rowan drove back drunk and that was another thing to tell her off for later. But right now it had to wait. I had a family meal to attend at the new Italian restaurant in town. My sister had some special announcement and we all had to be there. 

I climbed into my car and noticed she left the key in the ignition. Yet again another thing to add to tonight's talk list. I loved that girl but she was so careless and I liked to be so careful. I sped off towards the restaurant once I realized it was a lot later than I originally thought. I was half an hour late and it would take me 20 minutes to drive there. I kept to the speed limit driving down the empty roads. That's when without thinking I put my foot down and on a 30 mile an hour stretch I picked up the speed to 40 then 50 then 60. Nobody was about in their cars so it didn't matter if I went faster right? In no time I reached the restaurant and pulled into the car park. I saw one spot left and before the car about to reverse into could, I decided I had no time to park down the road and I pulled into the spot and hopped out of my car fast. I didn't even look at the drivers reaction as I ran into the restaurant. I looked around to have a waitress show me where to go. A blonde waitress with the name tag Valerie led me to my families table and allowed me to sit down. "Your late!" My mom grumbled lowly at me as I took my seat next to her. "Sorry I had a long night, I got here the moment I woke up" I whispered back to her. "So now your all here..." My sister Katy smiled as she stood up. "I wanted to announce....I got promoted!" Everyone cheered and clapped and all I could do was grit my teeth. "Oh honey well done! I knew you could do it" My Dad chimed at her raising a glass. "See Cassie you don't always have to be a failure in life. It is always possible to do well if you take risks..." "Have you done?!" I snapped a bit too loud at my mom. Everyone stopped what they was doing and went silent. I stood to my feet. "So just because I like to do things the safer way, just because I am careful, just because I don't do as well as miss fucking perfect here...that makes me a failure?! You all can go screw yourselves!" I pushed my chair out further as I began to storm out the restaurant. People at other tables stared at me as I walked out. And near the door was the one and only Mr Baker watching me too. I didn't take notice of him and headed outside to my car. As I got in he grabbed my door stopping me from slamming it shut. "This really isn't your week huh?" I grumbled to myself at his comment. "Wanna go somewhere else to eat? I have always been a good listener" I stared forward, my hands gripping the steering wheel so tight my knuckles went white. I looked up at his eyes and felt myself calm instantly. "Ok get in" I gave in, he closed my door and got in to the passenger seat. "I parked my car down the street because someone decided to steal my parking spot" He grinned at me. "Oh god! I'm so sorry. It's just I was late and I already piss my mom off enough I just..." I rambled on till he placed a hand on my hand that was on the gear stick. "It's ok. No need to explain" I smiled softly as I watched the road happy he wasn't pissed at me. 

I pulled up to a small diner feeling the need for a burger. Once we parked in the small lot we headed inside silently side by side. It was a little awkward as I hardly knew this man but he was right, I was hungry. We took a seat in a window stall and instantly a waitress came across handing us menus. "I'll take the double cheese bacon burger and fries with a side of coke" I quickly spoke out without even checking the menu. Zack raised an eyebrow at me amused and asked for the same handing the menus back to the waitress. "You eat here a lot then I see?" He chuckled watching me. "I come here if I need something more filling than a salad" I smiled back. "So, you wanna tell me what happened back there?". I shuffled in my seat not wanting to admit my younger sister did what I could not. It was something I always hated in life. She had a fiance, a promotion, a house of her own...everything I always wanted in life. I never could get anything to go right for some reason. "That bad huh? I can see the upset in your eyes" I tried to smile it off. I didn't like people who could read me easily. I always liked to hide what I really felt. "Let's just say I have had enough of coming last all the time". His eyes stayed on me as the waitress placed our food down in front of us. I wasted no time digging in.

"So what have you done with your life the past ten years?" He questioned as he also dug in. A bit more delicately than me I must say. I was shoveling food into my face not caring what mess it made. "Nothing. Had a job, wasn't promoted, probably gonna quit Monday because it's embarrassing that the help got it over me". "Quitting is a bit extreme isn't it? Would you not rather just try again?" I shook my head no not caring for that suggestion. I wanted out of that job. I had nothing left for me there. "I may go into dog grooming". Zack chuckled at me almost choking on his bite. "Seriously?" I stopped eating and stared him down showing I was serious. Coughing some more he became more serious like it wasn't such a stupid idea. "I like dogs. What's wrong with that?". "Nothing. But you could just buy a dog" I shook my head no again. "Rowan is allergic to them". "Is Rowan your boyfriend?" I laughed embarrassingly loud. I always got asked that. "No! She's my best friend and room mate" I continued to eat shaking my head in disbelief. I really needed this burger. Especially the greasy bacon smothered in cheese. "So is there any boyfriend?" I glanced up at him as he sucked a finger to remove some cheese sauce. He was no longer staring at me, I almost felt disappointed. "Yeah and no. It's complicated" I said simply. "How so?" "What is this?" I laughed taking my last bite. "Your interrogating me now?". I smirked at him as he also took his last bite.

"I'm just interested" His eyes were now back on me but I wasn't as happy as you would think. He was ten years my senior asking me stuff about my on and off again. "He's never sure what he really wants. Kinda a loose cannon. A bit out of control but he is good to me". "That seems to opposite to you. I thought after seeing you again you would be with a top man" I scrunched my nose in disapproval at him comment. "He is a "top man"". Zack raised his hands in defense. "Hey, I was only saying. If he is such a top man then why are you on and off so much?". I sat and thought for a second. I didn't exactly know. "Rowan says he is using me for when he only wants me. To be honest I think he just needs some direction. I don't know why I just shared that with you". I looked back up at him. His hands clasped on the table as he listened to me intently. "Do you feel like she may be right?". "I don't know" I began to play with my napkin in my lap as I stared down at it. I wished he would be with me one hundred percent but it just wasn't like that. "Do you love him?" My eyes snapped back to his. He was really trying to figure me out I could tell. "Why are you so interested?" I pushed back. "Why don't you want to talk about it?". "It doesn't mater".

We kept our eyes on each other silent. Nothing was said for what felt like forever but it was only a few seconds. "You caught him with someone else" He stated confidently yet with sincerity. "A few times I'm guessing by that look. If he does that then why take him back?" "I try not to but I care about him" I mumbled wishing I just avoided this when I had the chance. I was in to deep now and Zack wanted to know. "But you don't love him. The sex good?" I choked with shock. "What? That's nothing to do with you!" I snapped. He didn't react though. He had that same blank expression on his face sat the same way as moments ago. His eyes never left me and somehow he mentally forced me to answer him. "It's ok, not amazing...can we talk about something else?". "It's clearly bothering you so just let it all out". My lips parted trying to find the words to say. I wanted to tell him no, get up and leave but something was stopping me. I felt pinned to my seat by his stare. "I hardly know you". "You've known me ten years Cassie". "That isn't what I meant!" I whined about to get up but he grabbed my hand gently and I paused. Looking back at him he nodded for me to sit back down and I obeyed. "This guy is clearly hurting you too much. After I "ruined your life" I want to help you. If he comes back don't take him back. Just be free without worrying about him...ok?" I nodded to agree unable to say otherwise. I couldn't really fault him for everything that went wrong for me. How was he to know?

Second Heartbeat. (Zacky Veangeance Fantasy Romance)ON HOLD fanfic Where stories live. Discover now