This is who I really am part 2

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"If I tell have to listen with an open mind. The only way for you to understand is to start from the beginning" I watched Zack as he moved away from me pacing getting ready to explain. I took a seat on the sofa and nodded to let him know I was ok with it. It took him about two minutes to find the words to start but nothing could have prepared me for this. 

"I was born 10th July 1810to a pauper women with no family and no husband in a work house. Mymother died at birth leaving me in the care of the workhouse matron.I never knew anything of my mother other than those few details. Asyoung as four years old I was put to work to earn my keep. Smashingstones for cobbled roads, crushing animal bones by hand and my leastfavourite job, being sent out to chimney sweep. Sweeping chimneysclaimed a few lives during the years I spent at the workhouse. Inever had the chance to actually be a child. All I ever knew waswork. If you cried no matter how young, you could be whippedprofusely without mercy. Few died from receiving lashings when thematron or master got carried away. One girl at the age of six wet herbed one night. She was forced to stand in the front of the dininghall holding up her wet sheet only dressed in an old dirty sack. Sheused to smile no matter how hard life got in there. After that dayshe never smiled again. She only ever looked helpless and never spokea word with her angelic voice again. She died of the common coldwithout treatment just a year later. This was the fate of most. Thefood was bland, if we we're lucky enough to be fed that was. Allmoney earned through our work was spent on the matron and master andwe only received scraps which could only pay for groul. We ate thesame meal every time which led to many health problems and someyounger children dying of starvation as they refused to eat. Babieswould mostly be left on the filthy floor screaming for hours at atime. It was the older children who took pity and fed the babies.Sometimes newborns would die from the filth and disease. I was luckyto get out of there when I did. It was no life but that was howthings we're back then."

I watched him feeling even more confused. "Hang your saying you are not even from this century?" Zack nodded to agree. "Please just listen. I need to explain everything for you to understand. I am telling you in so much detail so you know I am telling the truth" I stayed silent to allow him to continue.

"There was a man of high communitystanding that would donate toys to the workhouse yearly. Not that heshould have bothered. The matron and master would take the toys awaythe second Sir Edward was a street away from the workhouse entrance.They only let us clean up and look presentable when we had visitorslike Sir Edward. This one particular year when I was eight Sir Edwardstayed a little while longer because he brought many sweets and cakeswith him for us to eat. He sat down to spend some time with us andenjoy our company. He couldn't have any of his own children so heenjoyed seeing us when he found the time to visit. His wife wassterile by fault of a genetic illness. When he left that particular day, the matron foundSir Edward had dropped his money bag on the floor. I watched as thematron and master laughed about how they would never return it and uschildren should say we never saw it if he should come back and ask. Ifelt so enraged that those people could steal from the one humanbeing who had ever shown us children kindness. We we're poor childrennobody wanted. Some of us dumped there and others had the samebeginning as myself and we're now orphaned. I had to return thatmoney bag but that meant taking it and sneaking out. None of us we'reever aloud to set foot outside those gates without the matron ormaster. I didn't care I had to do something. That night I sneakedinto the masters study and took the money bag. I knew exactly whereSir Edward lived as I once was his chimney sweep. I sneaked out thegates in the night and rushed to his house. Once outside I panickedthat he would be mad I sneaked out and turned up on his doorstep evenwith his money bag. I even started to worry he may think I took it..Without thinking I knocked on his door, dropped the money bag on thestep and ran away as fast as I could. I didn't think I was seen. Ithought I got off scott free till I sneaked back inside to my prison.The master immediately stopped me and demanded to know where I hadbeen. I refused to tell him knowing what would happen if he knew Itook back the money bag. To try and force answers out of me hewhipped me lashing my back repeatedly till I lost consciousness."Zack paused as I watched him silently. His eyes welling up with tearsbut not one single tear fell. He was fighting it back. I could feelthe pain of the memory radiating off of him. I didn't want to believe this was possible but the pain in his words told me it was all true. He was telling me something I doubt he had told anyone in a long time.

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