Leaving then a return

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I rolled over to snuggle into Zack more only to find the space next to me felt cold and empty. I was too scared to open my eyes to confirm the empty space so instead rolled back over and opened my eyes facing the opposite way. I laid silently listening for any sound to suggest he was just up before me. Minutes later I had still heard nothing. The only thing I could hear was Rowan and Jimmy talking outside my door in a whisper but I couldn't make put what was being said. I sat up and grabbed my clothes not bothering to pay attention to Rowan or Jimmy by opening the door, I hopped into my shower and got myself sorted feeling numb and empty. I hoped Zack was just back home after having to rush out or even sat in the kitchen waiting for me. Once sorted I opened my bedroom door to see nobody stood there anymore. I slowly walked into the kitchen to see Jimmy and Rowan sat silently like they had been waiting for me. I looked them both in the eyes back and forth just standing there. They both looked saddened to see me. "He's gone hasn't he" I told them rather then asking. They both looked at each other then back at me. "He told us to give you this" Tears began to fall as Rowan slid a sealed envelope towards me on the breakfast bar table. I looked at it for a moment before building the courage to pick it up and read it. Opening the envelope I sniffled silently letting more tears fall. I didn't need to open this to know he was gone. I pulled out the paper and unfolded it to see what I presumed to be Zack's handwriting. His handwriting was extremely neat and old fashioned. I couldn't help but smile through my tears gently seeing how well he could write.


I'm sorry. I didn't man to cause any pain my leaving would have placed onto your heart. I truly do mean what I say when I tell you I love you. I love you so much this is hurting me to the point I wish I could just die to drown out the pain. If I stayed I would only hurt you more in the end. This is for the best. Live your life and know I have always believed in you. You could never disappoint me. Find someone good for you and let yourself feel love with someone who can grow old with you and spend their whole life with you. I could never do that. It would hurt me too much knowing one day you would leave me behind and I could never join you. Please don't dwell on us. You have so much love and care to give, you deserve to be happy.

I love you with all my heart,


I nodded to myself knowing now last night was his way of saying goodbye. As much as it hurt I had to let him go. I understood exactly why he was doing this.

One year later.

I watched as Rowan and Jimmy kept giggling between themselves as I set the table for dinner. Tonight they was announcing their engagement to everyone. I only knew first because it was hard not to hear when Jimmy started screaming in our living room at the top of his lungs that "she said yes!". I had kept it quiet for two weeks now and they decided tonight was he night. Matt, Brian and Johnny we're already here talking on the back patio while smoking. The guys had no clue. As close as we had all become they still hadn't figured out that these two we're becoming that serious. I quickly glanced at the clock to see Dave was running a bit late. After Zack left I moped around for a few weeks then started trying to move on and forget. I would never really forget but the pain settled enough for me to do as Zack wanted. Try and find new love. Try to be happy. We wasn't official yet but Dave and I had been going on dates for a few weeks now. He asked if we could make it official on our date last night but I asked him to give me some time to think. After a long hard think the night before I decided that I should give this a try and maybe the dull pain still lingering would fade more with time. I like Dave don't get me wrong but I love Zack, even knowing I would never be able to be with him. I continued to place the knives and forks down then grabbed myself a glass of wine to take a break. I had been none stop all day and had not even sat down once yet. Relaxing into the chair I must have fallen asleep. I was suddenly woken up by Brian softly nudging me. "Cass? You feeling ok?" I looked up at him and smiled softly nodding yes. Pulling myself to sit up properly I noticed the smell of dinner. "Shit! I forgot! I bet it's burnt!" Brian laughed lightly grabbing me as I was about to rush off to save Dinner. "I took over when you fell asleep. Dinner is ready and we're waiting on you" I sighed out relieved but also slightly embarrassed. I was falling asleep a lot the past six months. I swear it was all the hard work with my promotion. Yep that is right. I got promoted but what is even better than the promotion I lost before? It is for the Ceo's informant position. That meant I got to pick what was shown to the Ceo for decisions. Everything had to go through me. I was finally being recognised as an asset to the company. My wages had tripled and I was happy with my job.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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