This is who I really am part 1

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The memory of how we first met came into mind. I remembered everything so clearly. It was during a storm just like this but with less rain. I couldn't let go of Zack's hand no matter how much people tried to ask me to move away. It was in this moment I realised I liked Zack. I had feelings for him. It wasn't love but I had strong feelings for him. The more I thought about it I started to come to know it was love at first sight years ago. "It is love" I whispered to myself but nobody heard. "I'm so sorry Zack" I cried as I pulled his hand up to my lips. I closed my eyes tight begging god to not take him now. I wanted to get to know him. I didn't want him to leave, not in a few days and not like this. The rain was falling harder and harder as everything became silent. My eyes opened again to look down at Zack's face. His green emerald eyes lifeless. I felt myself become angry at myself remembering he died saving me. He pushed me out of the way and got killed himself. "It should have been me" I continued closing my eyes again. I heard a sharp inhale which made my eyes shoot open to see Zack's eyes closed and his chest rising and falling rapidly. "Oh my god...He's not dead!" I shouted to the others. Nobody said anything as they just watched. I was so confused. Why was nobody trying to help him. "Zack?" I kept his hand in mine feeling his grip tighten. His face began ti grimace as cracked noises came from his legs which must have broken from the fall. Zack's grip began to get so tight on my hand it became painful. He screamed out in agony. I panicked not knowing what was happening. I was yanked back again this time by Brian. He held onto me tight to make sure I stayed back. Matt and Johnny got down to Zack to help him. I couldn't help but watch in horror as the blood slowly moved back to Zack's body from the floor. His legs jolted like they we're cracking back to place. The cuts and grazes began to heal before my eyes. I stared gobsmacked and extremely frightened by what I was seeing. 

"It's ok" Brian said into my hair as I began to shake uncontrollably. Within no time he was laying there like he had decided to just lay down in the street. The only damage was to his clothes. "You ok?" Matt asked him. I didn't hear or see Zack's reply as Matt and Johnny helped Zack sit up. "That one fucking hurt!" Zack snapped. ", no, no, no...You died! How is that possible?" I asked interrupting them. "We can explain" Matt looked at me sympathetically. "He was dead! His body healed itself...your..." I looked directly at Zack as they finished helping him to his feet and then it hit me. He wasn't normal. I fainted from the shock. The final thing I remembered was Zack stretching himself out while looking back at me worried. 

"Cassie?" My eyes shot open as Rowan was above me looking down. I breathed heavy trying to catch my breath. I was no longer outside but on my sofa in our house. I was still drenched but someone must have carried me back here. "You ok?" I nodded yes panicked remembering what had happened. "Did I dream that?" I asked myself out loud. I hoped it was some crazy drunken dream but I was sober now. "You mean Zack being killed then coming back to life without a scratch on him? Yeah...that happened" Rowan sheepishly smiled down at me. "Oh god! Rowan? How is that possible?" I sat up but froze when I saw the guys all sat down including Zack. They all looked like they we're worried for me. "We have already explained in short to Rowan. Zack wants to explain to you himself...alone" I didn't get a chance to reply. I was still in shock so my reactions we're now slow. Everyone left the room, Rowan reassuring me with a squeeze of the shoulder as she exited the room. I sat silent looking at Zack like he had five heads. I wanted to know what the hell happened, how that was possible but I was frightened. "Don't worry I'm not a vampire or anything weird" He chuckled. I stayed silent watching him which made him stop with his personal jokes. He knew I wasn't impressed. "I'm human...just like you and everyone else" He continued on. "So are they just like you?" Zack shook his head no. "Don't freak out please. This is the reason why I have to leave places after so long" I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. "This is going to be a lot to take in but please here me out" "Go on..." I said with a trembly voice. I needed to know and I had to fight my fear of him to hear it. 

"I was normal just like you and everyone else till I turned 25. That's when I realised I couldn't die.." "But you did die Zack! I saw you die!" Zack's face became soft and sympathetic. Was I getting what I saw all wrong? "Well yeah I can die but I don't stay dead. I don't age...I don't know why exactly this happens" I watched him as he stood and moved to the window to look outside. The storm had passed now but it was still raining. "I have been 25 for so long I sometimes forget how long. I don't want to be this way but I am" he looked saddened by that thought. I couldn't help feeling bad for reacting the way I did. "So your the same age as me? Always have been. Even when we first met?" He nodded yes keeping his eyes outside. "That isn't the first time that has happened. I have died a few times and come back. I feel the pain still, it hurts worse when my body heals itself. I didn't think you would ever witness that" I stood up feeling myself want to check his pulse myself. Now standing next to him his eyes watched me as I took his wrist. "Your still warm" I exhaled in a breathy voice feeling how normal he still felt. His pulse was strong and his skin felt soft just like before. "I never left Huntington because of meeting you" my eyes shot up to his as he said that. Shocked I dropped his wrist wanting to back away. He stopped me by taking my hand in his and smiling softly down at me. "How long have you been this way?" I had to know. I didn't believe he forgot. How could anyone forget? "You really want to know everything?" I nodded yes. Standing before me was a miracle. I didn't believe it myself but I saw what I saw. I watched his body heal itself. I had to know everything. 

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