Chapter 14- Live a little

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Iris P

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Iris P.O.V

After the announcement, Iris headed to Annalise's shop.

"Hey, Annalise," Iris said.

"Hi! I swear you're a different person when you're making those announcements." Annalise told Iris, who laughed.

"Well, you gotta start somewhere," Iris responded.

"So, I'm assuming you didn't just come here to have a random chat?" Annalise asked in a low tone, sitting down.

"What makes you think that?" Iris wondered.

"2 reasons. 1, You just made a huge announcement about how everyone in the Lost Cities is in danger, and 2, I'm an empath."

Iris sighed and sat down. "Can you keep a secret?"

"Cross my heart." 

"I- I had a vision." 

Annalise gasped. "You're not lying..."

Iris shook her head. "I had it the night I found out Zhan went missing. It's how I know where he is."

"I've never heard of anything like that," Annalise said.

Iris stared at her hands. "Why can't I be normal?"

Annalise scooted closer and put an arm around her shoulder. "You are normal, Iris. Sure, you're Queen, and you have awesome powers, but that doesn't mean you're not a proud Shagwyn. Nothing will ever change that."

A tear slipped down Iris' cheek. 

"Something else is bothering you," Annalise pressed.

Iris nodded. "Is it bad that I miss my fami- my adoptive parents and friends from the Lost Cities?"

"Absolutely not. Iris, you're the bravest person I know. And they are your family. Zhan told me what they said to you, and I agree that it was horrible. But I also agree that giving someone a second chance is the right thing to do."

"Thank you, Annalise."

"Any time. Now, we need to cheer you up. Have you ever tried Shimmer Berry Pie?"

Iris shook her head. Annalise pulled out a pink and purple crystal and leaped them to a shop.

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