Chapter 17- Truce

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Don't start music until cue :)     

Don't start music until cue :)     

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Sophie P.O.V

Sophie lay on her bed like a starfish, taking up all the space.

It was happening.

In 2 hours there would be a peace summit.

Sophie had been to one before, but never did it cross her mind that she would be the one signing.

A ringing from her imparter interrupted her thoughts. She picked up her imparter to find all her friends and family's faces.

"Ahhhhh!" Biana squealed, "I can't believe you're signing a treaty! With your own tribe!"

 Sophie laughed. "Nor can I."

Keefe smirked. "Does this mean we have to call you Queen Foster?"

Sophie rolled her eyes. "Call me that," She said, showing her claws, "And you'll have some wicked cuts."

Fitz cracked up. "Remind me not to get on Sophie's bad side."

"We're so proud of you, honey," Edaline, her adoptive mother told Sophie.

Sophie smiled. 

"Am I interrupting something?" A familiar voice asked from the doorway. Sophie turned around to find Zhan, Calista, Annalise and Kalen at her door.

"Not at all," Sophie informed them. She scooted over and patted the spot next to her.

"Your treaty is in an hour, and we still need to do your makeup, hair and find you a dress," Annalise reported.

"Ooooo! Can I come???" Biana and Linh exclaimed in unison.

Sophie groaned. "Fine."

Sophie had made the grave mistake of giving them a rainbow leaping crystal so they could visit, but that meant now Biana and Linh could help Annalise torture her with style.

 Biana hung up and Sophie put her imparter on the bed. 

"So, you wanna tell me the real reason you're here?" Sophie asked.

Kalen sucked in a breath. "Yesterday, when you were fighting off the Neverseen, what triggered you to..." Kalen didn't know how to finish the sentence, so Sophie finished for him.

"Turned into a werewolf?" Sophie asked.

"Exactly," Kalen replied.

"I'm not completely sure. Something inside me snapped, and next thing I know I'm going full werewolf on them." Sophie told Kalen.

"Fascinating," Kalen muttered, getting up to pace around the room.

"What?" Sophie questioned.

"You see, Annalise told us that the amount of rage you had that day was off the charts. And if my theories are true, when one of the Shagwyn get angry enough they turn into a werewolf. That could also be the reason why we have much stronger abilities than elves. And why our minds don't break," Kalen responded.

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