Chapter-1 Amarus

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Taehyung has heard about the mortal realm quite many times during the meetings when Hoseok brought some news and developments. He had a great attraction towards them, he always liked to listen to how people lived there, he would ask Hoseok to accompany him for some time and would talk about his experiences in the mortal realm. Every official respected him and if he asked something it has to be told so Hoseok would tell about how colorful humans are, they have many emotions, they live very differently from the way angels live. Hoseok would carefully try to omit the things that might not be good to listen to and this way it became Taehyung’s best bedtime story. Hoseok only did his duty, he never acted, just watched mortals, he was the eyes and ears of the Emperor, they had powers and they also allowed demon Kingdom to live close to humans, it was important to check for them from time to time, Taehyung made it clear that their realm should never interfere with that of the mortals.

One day on a regular court session, Emperor and other officials were busy discussing some trivial matters. Taehyung was lazily sitting on his throne, watching them, giving his input only when required rest of the time either yawning or playing with the golden sphere he made with magic. The Emperor scolded him and told him to be attentive, his decisions are important but he waved and said he trusts Jin, defeated the Emperor went back to listening. There was always something to discuss, records to keep, and actions that required their review from time to time. Taehyung looks at the golden ball shining and pokes it with his finger, the ball as if having senses, flickers like getting tingled and tries to run away, it enlarges and jumps out of his grip straight to the angel’s face, who was in a heated argument with other angles on the matter of having fewer privileges than demons. After all these years, this was still a matter of argument, the ball bursts as it bumps with the angel’s face causing the face to blacken. The angel grits his teeth but seeing that it was Taehyung who did it, he didn’t have the power to complain, rest cover their faces, and hide their laughter. 

Jin looks at Taehyung and clears his throat “His Highness, might have his reasons, I am sure” he says emphasizing every word to give a hint to Taehyung to respond reasonably.

 If Taehyung was called spoiled, nimble, and playful, even after years of being on the throne, the credit solely goes to Jin, who would always support him no matter what he does, if he felt that something may cause harm to Taehyung he would just try to talk to and convince him but never force him. Taehyung smiles, brushing his hands together, he sits straight, the hall quietens down, ready to listen to his reasoning, says “This Prince just wanted to demonstrate, how it quickly becomes a subject of mock once your usual appearance is disturbed, black or white you say doesn’t matter, but you might have laughed on my angels when their wings turned grey, you say they are cursed…you can’t have everything right, they have some unusual powers, you have looks, greediness is a sin, are you defecting too?” The angel tries to protest but feels his body shivers, “You know it is easy to be defected” Taehyung flicks his fingers and the golden ball that had just busted quickly comes out from the angel’s body on Taehyung’s tips of fingers dancing like flame, but its color was now deep red, the angels and demons present in court look at it astounded. 

“Do you know why Orru turned red, it is because you are growing sinful desires, you can all have one, your desires are your choice unless it turns you into an immortal that is not angel and demon, can this Prince show the same magic on Namjoon” Namjoon who was sitting among the other demon officials stands up and kneel “Your wish is my command, His Highness” Taehyung does the same but this time the ball is more like a beautiful fire, Taehyung throws both of them towards Emperor who disintegrates them with a wave of his finger and shakes his head at Taehyung’s mien. “See this is how my angels are, form, color doesn’t matter, their mind is stable, now do any of you have any other argument to present” the officials look down in shame. He looks at the angel who felt humiliated and smiles “You are purified of your desires, you are all chosen ones, feel good about it, not proud, that would just waste our efforts” 

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