Chapter- 34 The siblings

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Amarus was still mourning the death of the young Crown Prince, the citizens were busy in their work but the places held black flags, there were protests from time to time, people asking for revenge for the Crown Prince, to them the Royals were everything, their wrongs were right, their selfishness was also valid, the King was supreme his every word and emotion matters to them regardless of his barbaric attitude they were his followers as the one thing mortals kneel to is power. Their King is mighty if something happens to the Royal family it affects its citizen with the same intensity. The citizen had a fire in their eyes, bloodthirsty toward the travelers and the Zuershian, their loyalty, and faith in the Crown was to the extreme, this is why Jeongguk was delaying their visit to the Amarus, he knows how dangerous it can be if they caught the attention of Rielel from the beginning all these achievements won’t have been possible, but this unexpected event occurred ruining their plan. Jeongguk has seen major setbacks before, the war field is not the bed of roses, there are successes and failures, he doesn’t get worried easily but this is where the life of his loved one is at stake, whichever side he turns to there is one at the risk of death, it was worse than walking on needles, he felt crippled.

Amidst all the chaos, the royal court was buzzing with the chatter and arguments of the officials sitting around having snacks and openly expressing their views to the silent King who looked at them with grim expressions, not bothered to say a word, staring at his wine glass while listening to the arguments. Earlier his advisor announced to the officials and citizens their decision of pulling off the restrictions and taxes from Ciradyl that were imposed on them after the incident but now they took it off reasoning this is what the Crown Prince wanted and they will answer his wishes. The citizens were happy and sad, hailing the King but when the court settled there were all kinds of discussions positive and negative. Rielel was used to this kind of atmosphere and didn’t bother much his focus was on something else or rather someone who would be here at any moment; the excitement was not letting him focus on anything else.

Jeongguk looks up at the flag of Amarus, the guards around him greet him in respect bowing to him as he walks in his mourning white robes, a cap on his head depicting his position in the office there were murmurs as he steps inside the palace. The air felt suffocating and stagnant as Jeongguk walks through the long passage before reaching the hall entrance, stopping in front of a stone slab. There were few people still there showing their respects mostly belonging to the inner chambers. Jeongguk glances at the place it shows signs of the demise of the heir the one he trained and took in his arms when born. He stares at the big stone slab made new for the Crown Prince, the incense smell strongly wafting in the air, he burns the incense sticks and places them in the jar, kowtowing to the deceased heir. Emer standing behind him also follows him then moves to the other side sitting in a place far away in the corner. Jeongguk remains kneeling watching the smoke without a word. 

Mayeda was a fragile and good-looking child growing up in a very pernicious environment, surrounded by people wanting a chance to end his life; he was no different from Jeongguk and Marisha who had struggled to get to where they were. He was always subjected to internal conflicts and politics, and always had to show his worth and prove he was suited to the throne, this made him hate people around him and crave his father’s attention and words of praise from him, he was spoiled but it was just a way to get noticed by his father, he thought doing things his father does would make him look better as his mini self but now he was turned to dust. 

Jeongguk feels unsettled thinking about it, he took help from the immortals and came to Amarus in a short time, now being here and watching the table in front, he finds himself being so powerless and vulnerable. He clenches his fist knowing how they are just worthless pawns used for the amusement of the monarch sitting on the throne; their future is indecisive and dark. There will be no turning back once he enters the court and faces the King, maybe he would never be the same, various thoughts occur in his mind making him exhausted and lonely but he has to face them and face his fate. He makes up his mind and turns around with a heavy heart telling Emer to return home and walks out his steps moving to meet the destiny the Crown has decided for him.

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