Special chapter

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The battle that took place between the immortals and the mortals was completely forgotten and lost in the dust with no history of it, no records could be found and it was good that way. The only human surviving that disaster also kept his mouth shut and just told it like folklore to his people which slowly got faded along with time.

Taehyung and Jeongguk had long conversations after that day. So naturally, this topic also came up. Jeongguk was not known of the fact that someone survived and knowing it from Taehyung, he felt shocked and a bit sad, when memories come then comes the loneliness and the longing for loved ones. The trust of his master and army made him feel a pain in his chest but they have all lived dutifully and completed their goals, he was sure his master is at peace and so is his fellow men.

Hansen and the devil lords may have evil motives and ways to conquer the world but the power they got was because the mortals were weak to desires, he knew that mortals want more than what they needed, they want to suffer and he fed on this weakness. Hansen in a way knew how to tame mortals and make them dance to his tunes, he might not have proven to be a good brother and friend but still was powerful and showed the mortals and immortals their flaws. 

Hansen could be born any day it totally depends on the mortals and their desires, wanting more and more of something they already have, is not it same as how Hansen wanted it to be, he was also the victim of his desires. Just like Taehyung, not many talked about it and said it openly but Taehyung became half demon half angel because of the effect of these desires that diseased him when he had the first battle with evil lords.

Taehyung however controlled it until he met Jeongguk and lost his wishes to be with the mortal and became fallen. Taehyung was the one most affected by the battles fought with the devil but he doesn’t complain as long as his angels and mortals are safe he is happy. 

Taehyung realized you can’t fight your inner desires but you can lessen their effect on you just like he controlled all this while, just like Jeongguk did. The mortals of the modern era were quite materialistic than the ones he saw before. Earlier, Rielel was greedy but also feared God, they offered sacrifices and does everything to please gods and in a way controlled their desires but mortals of now were not the same, they have matured in their thought on one hand while some have degenerated, some can maintain balance in the nature while some are ready to harm it. 

But Taehyung is not so worried about it for he has realized as long as there are even five people with pure conscience and control over their desires there is hope in humanity.

Taehyung learned a lot from this battle, from mortals and his friends but became helpless when the longing filled his mind, what could he do when the person whom he gave his soul was gone, he wanted to follow that path too. 

Maybe the cosmos ultimately took pity on him and gave him whatever he lost. Taehyung sighs thinking about it, he closes his journal which he used to write about each day to cherish every moment he is spending in this realm.

Taehyung stared at the book in his hand on the mysteries of the world, one of which showed the ruins excavated, it had charred stones and structures that seemed to be burned by something which is not fire and still a mystery. He stares at the ruins of Amarus being dug out and closes the book, though the ruins have been found but no links of history or records of the disaster could be made out thus, this era could never be revealed. It is better to be a mystery. He checks his wristwatch which shows the time for him to meet Jeongguk and walks away.

Taehyung and Jeongguk would immediately meet after their classes and meetings respectively and spend time together eating meals, roaming around, and walking hand in hand. Jeongguk teaches Taehyung other mortal things. By now the people in Jeongguk’s office headquarters know about Taehyung and they are a hot topic of discussion outside the office too. Several pictures of them being together are taken and Jeongguk is asked about him, he had ordered none to show the boy’s face and let Taehyung study in peace.

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