Chapter-28 Adapheus

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Jeongguk hearing that praise didn’t comment or showed any reaction his mind was just filled the thoughts of Taehyung surrendering to the devil and going after him alone, it was fine if they had not met or known each other but since they had been together for months on a long journey he felt that Taehyung will rely more on him and trust him, right now his confidence was wavering he keeps on defending his people from the monsters attacking them and tries to come up with excuses to convince Taehyung to go together with him. Orru understanding his dilemma taps on his forehead as if telling him to focus. 

Jeongguk sighs “If you want me to focus then why not convince your master to behave?” He says angrily. Taehyung had his eyes closed and was gathering his energy in the form of a small golden ball, hearing the words his hands tremble and the flames dispel away. Namjoon looks at him in worry unaware of the brewing tension between the two teammates.

“His Highness, are you okay?” Taehyung just nods in affirmation turning to look at the General who had his back towards him, a smile crosses his lips but instead of reaching to the person, he remains where he is determined and focused. Laphleus claps seeing those winged demons her eyes shining and lips eerily stretched. She looked very excited and admiration fills her eyes watching Jeongguk and Namjoon. Jimin notices it and sticks to Namjoon’s side glaring at her, she grins seeing that loud action, her laugh echoing in the place. 

“I forgot how fun it was back then, but now it has increased since I am in this skin permanently, I can’t help but look at your handsome army His Highness,” She says shamelessly.

“Then keep looking as they take you down to hell” She laughs more hearing the biting comment of the Angel. It was an understatement to say she was not thirsty looking at the delicious meal in front of her, it could be seen from her eyes and the way she licks her lips watching them. 

“You have not changed at all,” She says while grabbing a demon and kissing him roughly, the demon starts melting in her hands turning to ashes, and blows away only the wings settle down on the ground, she picks them up then blows them towards her enemies chanting incantations “As the darkness covers your eyes, sins fill your heart, recall your loved ones who can never turn around” Her eyes shine darker, face turning to a grim smile.

Before Taehyung could warn the others, demons around him starts to panic and cry, Namjoon looks at them worriedly knowing very well what this deviless is capable of, he glances at Jimin next to him, his eyes softening and filled with concern then closes his eyes and ears, “Hold your breath” he says in a gentle voice to not scare the demon.

Yoongi who was left behind and easily affected by the spell, falls on the ground as the scene of a girl burned by the Amarus army wails in pain, her eyes fear-stricken, wide and calling for his help, he could see her charred skin trying to crawl in the mud, he steps back in fear not knowing what to do, he knows her, they had been together since childhood, when he lost his family she was there for him but while she was on the brink of death he stood there watching her in horror as tears flowed down his cheeks and cries of her name filled the place. Zuershians stopped him to go near her, she could not have been saved but here she was again in front of her, that nightmare playing again and calling for her help, he gulps trying to moisten his dry throat and before he could gather the courage and reach out to her Jeongguk slays her head, watching Yoongi with a serious face.

Yoongi shouts in anger, wanting to take Jeongguk down to the same route but Taehyung grabs him, trying to control the human who was diverting to insanity as curses leave his mouth giving a murderous glare to Jeongguk. The General bends and picks up the head of the ugly creature he just slew looking meaningfully at Yoongi. The human stills, understanding the implication, his face looks like a white sheet, mouth dry. Taehyung takes the chance and whispers something in Yoongi’s ear making the human lose consciousness, he carefully lays Yoongi to one side and glances at Jeongguk. Unfortunately for Taehyung, he was able to see along with Yoongi that dreadful scene, various questions coming into his mind as he recalls the snickers of the army of Rielel, he feels if the army was there then their General might be there too when the lady was begging for her life. 

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