Chapter -37 I miss you

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“Three of them? Together?” Yoongi was shocked, his face ashen, he clenches his fist and looks around at the vast land now covered in snow. He laughs wiping his tears “It took three of them to finish us.” Jimin pats him on the back pitifully. The snowflakes fall on their head and then slowly melts away, Taehyung looks up at the white tears of the sky, his eyes wandering at the vast expanse of the blue sheet showering them with white pearls, his lips move slowly holding the sadness and longing in his words.

“They will be remembered.” 

They turn around to leave Yoongi takes another glance and starts walking not knowing what else he could do now, he was tired, lost, and defeated, the only thing that kept going in his mind was revenge for his land and people. He doesn’t say anything and quietly follows the two as they leave Zuersha. 

The three decide to remain hidden for some time and plan their next move based on the situation and the news they could get from people. They also had two options at hand that are to go back to the place they came from or head towards the east to remain hidden. Taehyung wanted to rest, he was exhausted and could not keep up the cover for long they had been on the journey for a couple of hours. Finding a cave not far away from them, the three take refuge inside. The place was not cold and they had to also fill their stomachs to move ahead. Jimin goes out to look for food while Yoongi remains seated at one corner, quiet and lost in thought. He wanted to start his journey to Amarus and kill the King, his hands were itching to put end to the King or his own life. 

Taehyung was sitting on another side, trying to heal himself, he coughs out blood as the pain in the meridians becomes stronger. It is not easy for immortals to stay in the mortal realm without feeding the source of their nourishment, like devils the demons and angels need to have this energy flow in their meridians to keep them going but the mortal realm lacks the pure form of cosmos that is needed by immortals, therefore, the immortals keep their stay shorter in the realm and then goes back to their world. 

Taehyung has used quite an amount on dealing with the devils and healing his mates, he was exhausting himself and the pain was becoming intense, he could either go back to the heavenly realm and stay there for some time or could show his true form and get the nourishment from cosmos. Unfortunately, neither could be done at this crucial time, he is aware of the condition of his friends and knows he doesn’t have much time left to take care of this situation, he has to keep this hidden from the two or they will feel more defeated than they already are.

Taehyung takes a deep breath and tries to focus back, wiping the blood from his lips, he closes his eyes to concentrate and hisses again in pain, tasting the blood in his mouth once more. Taehyung feels numbness in his body as his consciousness begins to fluctuate, he tries to pull himself harder but it was like he was trying to sit on the flowing water that wanted to pull him in and take him somewhere unknown.

He hears the light sounds of steps approaching then the speed increases and someone stops right in front of him, “You…what have you done to yourself?” Taehyung hears a questioning voice and tilts his head to hear the sound more clearly.

“Didn’t I tell you to take care of yourself?” This time he hears the scolding voice of the General but wasn’t able to open his eyes.

He whispers the name of the General surprised to hear him at this moment “Jeongguk”

“Shhh…don’t move you are going to hurt yourself,” The General says in a concerned tone.

“You…how?” He was not able to express his confusion, this could only be a dream or else how can he hear the General here?

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