Chapter-44 Can you show me your angel form?

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Taehyung being humiliated like that looked at Xerith in astonishment, his face pales seeing the darkened eyes of the devil, he could not attack this body that belonged to Jeongguk. Jeongguk was still inside. Taehyung stands up and steps back, golden light forming around him, “Jeongguk you are in there this Prince knows” Xerith laughs hearing it, and then approaches Taehyung his intentions evident on his face.

“There is no Jeongguk, he has long lost the battle, there is only me here to kill you.” Xerith sneers and attacks Taehyung with a violent black mist, the clash between white and black was just like their personalities while Taehyung was just focusing on defending himself Xerith was determined to harm him in any way possible, not letting him even get a chance to use his powers. All Taehyung was able to do was dodge the attacks and not harm Jeongguk’s body. Hansen watches in interest and asks the attendant to bring him more wine enjoying seeing the two devils viciously attacking the immortals.

Namjoon and Jimin were struggling with Hybreus who seemed to be acting like a maniac. He laughs and attacks and dodges their every move. Jimin was breathless in just a while and also worried for Taehyung who had to deal with Xerith, he wanted to help but Hybreus doesn’t let them move away from him.

Xerith was not satisfied with Taehyung only blocking his attacks, “What? Scared he will be harmed?” Xerith asks and then makes a cut on his wrist causing blood to drip from his wound. “Ouch…His Highness it hurts” Xerith acts pitifully and then laughs as he sees Taehyung’s hands tremble. A white light pushes Xerith away making the devil smile wide in satisfaction. “This is more fun than I thought.” 

Xerith’s palm moves and two dices roll out in the air dark red color revealing the number “Don’t cry Your Highness, let’s play a game, if the dice rolled seven I will take the chance to attack you if it rolls to another number you can attack me” he feels amused seeing the clenched jaw of Taehyung. “We will play fair, if you don’t attack me this devil will attack himself.”

“Don’t do this to him.” Taehyung shouts angrily “Jeongguk this Prince knows you are in there, this Prince apologizes for the things that happened to you” his voice cracks “Wants to see you, hang in there this Prince will save you.” Xerith rolls his eyes listening to the emotional talks and throws the dice in the air, it turns out to be a seven he grins and takes out his sword and stares at Taehyung and then vanishes but this time Taehyung was prepared as soon as Xerith appears in front of him, Taehyung dodges in time but the sword still manages to tear the skin of his arm. 

Taehyung hisses, the mark on his forehead glows and Orru attacks the devil. Xerith smirks and starts to attack the golden flame. 

Namjoon, on the other side of the hall, manages to cut off the arm of Hybreus but that doesn’t stop the devil, he manifests another with the dark mist. Jimin shivers as he sees the mortals die and their souls sucked in by Hybreus to grow his arm. He calls Taehyung nervously, not knowing how to end this all.

“Your Highness, we can’t kill them without harming the mortals.” Hansen laughs hearing it, he applauses for the demon, and the devils standing next to him smile in pride.

“Good that you noticed, don’t you know Pride doesn’t give up easily.” The two devils grin “You made a mistake coming here,” Xerith says to Taehyung who was staring at the mortals who just lost their lives.

Taehyung getting frustrated turns to Hansen and asks the question he had in his mind all this while, “My worth has nothing to do with you, this has never hindered the emotions and feelings this Prince felt for you or the angels gave you, what made you feel like it was pretense?” Taehyung felt pain in his heart, his voice trembled and his eyes watered as he asks this. The happiness that he felt was dissipating with the harsh words thrown at him and the distant act of his brother. 

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