Chapter 01

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In the time of night, the silence was all over and crickets, grasshoppers were making the scenario scary. A big mansion is shown which was decorated beautifully with fairy lights and pink curtains and there was complete darkness inside it and the sobbing of someone were clearly heard in the silence.

A room was lit by lamplight and a girl was sitting on the floor by resting her back to the bed and a picture frame was in her hand, the picture was of a boy who was handsome his eyes were blue and hairs were light brown.

Girl: why Neil, why did you do that to me? Why did you break my trust? Why? Where my love lacks that you...

The girl's eyes were red and tears were rolling from it, her skin was fair and her hairs were black and long till her waist, her hands were covered with Heena.

Girl: no, Avni, don't waste your tears for a cheater he does not deserve you, he does not deserve your tears, he never loved you so why you are wasting your time and precious tears for him.

Avni wipes her tears.

Avni: no, I will not cry for him. Never. I am going to start a new life and I should not think about him it is wrong now I should think about my future with Karan, not about my past which I spent with a cheater...

Avni thinks. She looked at the picture frame.

Avni: but my heart is saying that he is not a cheater, he can't cheat on me.

Avni looks at the picture.

On the other side, a mansion showed there was complete darkness and the cloud of sorrow and grief were hovering about it. On a window, a boy was standing it was Neil he was looking at the sky and his eyes were teary.

Neil: Trust me, Avni. I did not cheat you, I can't even think of it. Trust me.

Neil closes his eyes and tears rolls from it. He opened his eyes.

Neil: Neil, whatever is happening is right. You can't snatch her happiness, you know you...

Neil stops.

Neil: no, Neil you can't snatch her happiness she deserves a good life and I am sure, Karan will make her happy... Karan.

Neil thinks.

Neil: tomorrow is her wedding!

Neil shocked.

Neil went to the bed and picks a picture frame it was Avni's picture, Neil caresses the picture he hugged the frame and cries, Neil falls on his floor.

Neil: I love you, Avni. I love you. I love you, wifey. I love you.

Neil cries.

On the other side, Avni was looking at the picture of Neil and tear rolled from her eyes. Neil also looks at Avni's picture. Avneil thinks about how they met and how everything changed.


A big building is shown and Khanna Industry was written on it. A girl was passing from the corridor by holding a file in her hands she was wearing a simple casual dress.

Girl: I got late. Avni run else you will be scolded on your first day.

The girl was Avni she walks fastly and a man was coming from the other side by talking on the phone he was looking at the other side and Avni looks at her watch and they collides, the papers fly in the air and the man's phone landed on the floor, Avni was about to fall but the man holds her and her hands reached to the shoulder of a man who was Neil, he looks at Avni whose eyes were closed, unknowingly a smile appeared on his lips, Avni feels that she is in someone's arm so she opened her one eye to see the floor, Neil can't help he just smiled on her cute antics then Avni looks at Neil and opens her second eye she look into Neil's blue eyes, their eyes lock which was broken by the ring on Neil's phone and they stand properly. Avni was feeling awkward, same was with Neil he picks his phone and was shocked to see the crack on it.

Avni sits on the floor and starts collecting her papers.

Neil: what the...

Avni looks at him and he stops. Neil shows her phone.

Neil: see Miss, what you have done? You broke my 3 lacs phone.

Avni narrows her eyes and got up she replied sarcastically by cupping her face.

Avni: oh three lacs. Can we call heaven from it?

Neil: what?

Avni: yaa my phone is of Rs. 50,000 and I can talk to everyone from it but only on earth. Your phone is of lacs so it must have the technology of talking to other planets. Did you ever talk to Aliens from it?

Neil: Are you mad?

Avni: ho, you call me mad? Am I looking like that?

Neil: yaa.

Avni: yaa...

Neil cuts her.

Neil: see miss, whatever your name is. You have the free time but my time is really precious which I don't want by talking to you so, ba-bye.

Neil turns to go.

Avni: Oh hello, Mr, whatever you are. I also don't have time to waste today is my inter...

Avni stops and widens her eyes she palm her head.

Avni: oh no. my interview.

Avni glared at Neil.

Avni: today I got late because of you.

Neil gives her are you serious look. Avni sits and collects the papers and with that, she was scolding Neil.

Avni: If I got rejected then I will not leave you. Already I was late and you waste my time. Don't know why people can't see. God give eyes to see but some people use it only to glare at others else these have no use, sell them on wholesale it will be beneficial for someone else.

Neil was looking at her. Avni took her file and gets up. Avneil look at each other and their tashan.

Avni: I wish we will never meet again.

Neil: Well, the feelings are mutual. I want the same, you brainless girl.

Avni grins her teeth.

Avni: well the talk about the brain does not sound good from your mouth. You, you, you.

Avni thinks but did not get anything.

Avni: whatever.

Avni goes from there in attitude and Neil was looking at her.

Neil: crazy girl.

Neil shook his head in disbelief and goes.

Avni comes to the reception.

Avni: hi.

Receptionist: hello ma'am what can I help you with?

Avni: ab aan I am Avni Mehta and today is my interview. Ashish Mehta talked to Mr Prakash Khanna.

R: one minute ma'am.

The receptionist called someone.

R: Sir, Miss Avni Mehta came she is saying that she has a meeting with Prakash sir.

The receptionist heard the other side.

Receptionist: ok.

She keeps the phone's receiver.

R: you can go, ma'am.

Avni: where?

R: this side, ma'am. You will find a lift there. The office is on the 4th floor there is Mr, Shah he will take you to Sir's office.

Avni: ok, thank you.

Avni smiled and goes.

Avni was standing at the door. She knocks on the door and heard the voice of the man who permitted her to come. She sighs and goes inside.

Avni: good morn...

Avni was shocked to see the person and looked at the person with wide eyes.

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