Day 1 Greenie

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This was just for fun, and I'm still reading the series, so there may be a couple mistakes about the Maze, Gladers, etc. This does include parts of the book, so I take no ownership of that. This also is before Thomas, so the descriptions and how they do things may be different because they haven't perfected it, keep that in mind.

You awoke in a cold darkness, the sound of metal against metal the only comfort. The room jerked upward like an old lift in a mine shaft.

Harsh sounds of chains and pulleys, like the workings of an ancient steel factory, echoed through the room bouncing off the walls with a hollow tiny whine. The lightless elevator swayed back and forth as it ascended, making you slightly nauseous.

A loud clank rang out above you and you looked up. A straight line of light appeared across the ceiling of the room. A heavy grating sound revealed double sliding doors being forced open. The brightness woke up your senses and you put your hand up to shield the sun from your eyes. There were murmurs above you, and you felt someone land in the elevator in front of you.

"Hello, love," a British accent said. It comforted you and, squinting against the light, you looked up to see him. A boy, maybe 13 years old, smiled down at you. He offered you a hand and you took it. Pulling you up, you noticed about twenty-five more boys above you.

He climbed out, and you followed. You were scared by how they looked at you. As if they'd never seen a girl before.
He turned back to the other boys, who were still standing around, and shouted "Oi, ya shanks get back to work."
"I'm Newt," the boy said, holding a hand out.
You took it willingly and began, "I'm..." But you couldn't finish. You didn't even know your name. Instead, another memory came to mind.

Your confusion must of shown on your face, because he said, "Don't worry, you'll remember it shortly."

Another boy came over, taller and seemingly older. He had the same hair and eye colors as you.
"Hey, Newt," he said in a gruff voice. "This the new Greenie?"
Newt just nodded. The older boy looked at you, looking up and down you, as if he were sizing you up.
"She's the youngest one yet," he said, talking more to Newt than you. "Odd for you to be done this early. And to get the Greenie out of the box, what's up?"
Newt shrugged, but obviously gave the other boy a look that told him they'd talk later.

Turning back to you, the older boy said, "You remember anything yet?"
"Uh..." you internally debated if you should tell him the name that you remembered, even though you were certain it wasn't yours. He stared back at you, not in a mean way, but not too kind either. "No."

Raising a shoulder, he shrugged. "It'll come. In the mean time, how about you get shown around."

Newt sent a small smile your way, then turned to talk to another guy over by a makeshift house. The other boy turned, intending you to follow. You were going to, but first you took a look around, sizing up wherever you were for the first time.

"This is called the Glade," he spoke as you caught up to him. "And you, until you remember your name, will be called Greenie. But, really, there's no guarantee anyone will stop calling you that until the next Greenie arrives. You're basically the newbie.
What you just arrived in--" he pointed to it, as if you didn't know "--we call that the Box. Every month, we get a newbie. Every week, though, we get supplies--clothes, some food. Don't need too much. We pretty much support ourselves here." He sounded proud, as if he was the one who's figured it out. Maybe he was.

"Don't know anything 'bout it, though. Where it came from, how it gets here, who's in charge. We got all the electricity we need and raise most of our own food, get clothes and such." He looked back at you, and sighed. " 'M probably going to regret this, but any questions?"

You wanted to make a good impression, and decided on asking all questions you had to Newt, who seemed much more approachable. "Just one. What's your name?"

The guys smiled, his voice turning a hint kinder. "James. Guess I forgot that." You turned to look at him, to find him looking at you differently, as if he decided he liked you more.

"Right, now, Glade's cut into three parts. Gardens," he pointed to the northwest corner, where the fields and fruit trees were located. "Pretty self-explanatory. Water's pumped through the pipes underground. Hasn't rained here yet, wonder if it ever will. You work there, you're a Track-Hoe." He looked at you momentarily, as if debating to say something else, but continued on.
Pointing to the southwest corner, at the animal pens and barn. "Blood House--where we raise and kill animals. We've been getting a steady supply recently. Hope that continues. Uh, Slicer's are there."

Continuing on, he pointed to the living quarters. "Call that the Homestead. It's been growing, more than we thought it would since we built it. Some of us have taken to sleeping outside anyway." He paused a moment, as if considering something. "Guess you'll be needing your own place, considering everything."

Pointing to the southwest corner, the forest area fronted with leaves and branches. "That's the Deadheads. Ain't nothin' there, really. You could go sit, rest, hang out. Whatever."

You continued on your steady walking pace till you were almost at the South Door. "You'll spend the next two weeks working one day apiece for our different job Keepers-so far there's Slopper, Bricknick, Bagger, and Track-Hoe, like I said. Somethin'll stick. Always has."

By now you'd reached the South Door, between the Deadheads and the Bloodhouse. "Out there's the Maze. Five months we've been here. Me, Newt, and about twenty other guys. Since then, we've been trying to find a way out. Been tryin' different stuff, see what works. We're pretty sure the only way out is through the Maze. We got some people who run through it, everyday. Surprisingly enough, they're called the Runners. Got five of 'em. If you're fast, you can be one too. That's what Newt is."

He looked up at the sky, then over to you. "It'll be getting dark soon. And you'll need a place to stay. I'll have to talk to Alby about that. He's second in command, by the way."
"Who's in command after that?" You couldn't help but ask. James was a lot kinder then you had originally took him for.
"After that, all the Keepers are next in command, their vote together decides. In each job, they have unofficial second in commands. After that, there really isn't anybody. If we hold council meetings, the ones present are the Keepers, me, and Alby."

You had a ton of questions you wanted answered, but decided to go to Newt instead. But you needed one answered now.

"James, do you remember anything? Besides your name?"

He looked at you for what seemed like ages. Despite you wanting to look away, you held your ground and looked at him intently. Instead of answering he said, "Dinner time is coming shortly, we should go."

As you walked over to the Homestead, you had two memories: your name, (Y/N), and that you had a brother, James.

Ok, I like writing this, and I want to do a second part. Do you guys want a second part.
This was one of those 2 a.m. writings, so there will most likely be mistakes.

The Girl in the Glade; Newt x Badass!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now