Trial Run

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You woke up, a couple hours later, still wearing your pants from earlier. With a stretch, you yawned, then stood. As you brushed your hair with your fingers, as a brush had not arrived yet, for the box would come up in three days time. A knock at your door pulled you attention from the thoughts of the night previous.

"(Y/N)? You up?" A voice sounded from the other side.
"Yeah," you replied, walking over to the door.
"Um, you decent?" They awkwardly asked.
With a laugh, you opened the door, revealing a slightly nervous Minho. "Yes. What's up?"

"Well, I got some good news," he said, recovering. "You've been voted to try out to be a Runner. You just need to meet with us." He gestured for you to follow him off to breakfast.

You did your best to seem surprised as you caught up to him. "Really? When do I start?" Many other questions flooded your mind, but you've learned it best to hold off and ask Newt.

"Today, Greenie," Minho replied, appearing to be satisfied with your performance. "After we get back from the Maze, and you finished your other jobs, you and a couple other shanks will see if they can make it."

By now, you had reached the designated 'kitchen' area. There was no official cook, yet, anyway. Different Keepers and their second-in-command took turns, and would make the three meals for the whole day, the position would move onto to the next people; today was the Slicers turn, who had made eggs and bacon, which weren't half bad.

You followed Minho to find a seat, next to a grumpy Newt, angry Ben, and smug Alex. You had grown used to sitting with them, even though Ben wasn't your favorite person. Conversation ensued, and the main topic was you and the other train-ies.

As the conversation shifted between Minho and Alex, you turned to Newt, who had been quiet the whole time.

"What's up with you?"
"What?" he asked, clearly shocked from the sudden attention.
"You're really quiet, are you okay?"
"Yeah," he said, regaining his composure and turned stony-faced again.
"Are you mad?"


An obvious lie.

"Are you mad at me?"

A pause, followed by a sigh, then a more emotional filled response.


"Please, talk to me." You gave him your best puppy eyes.
He crossed his arms and looked away.
"Are you mad about me going into the Maze?"

Wrong thing to say, apparently.

He shot a look your way, filled with anger and sadness, then stood. "We need to get going, we're already late." He picked up his plate and walked away.

Minho, whom you turned to, stuffed the rest of his food in his mouth, not a very pleasant sight. "What's his problem?" Minho asked, a mouth full of food.

You shrugged, then got your plate and stood up. Minho caught up to you as you took your stuff to the kitchens. "Well, see ya later then, Greenie." He said, before running off.

You had to head to your first job; Builder. One of the guys there, Gally, had a reputation for being a straight out bully. You didn't want to get on his bad side, as you had seen what happened to those who did.

You arrived at the Builder's area, and there were about five other guys there.

"Hey, Greenie," a boy said, walking up to you and offering his hand. "I'm Carl, Keeper of the Builders." You shook his hand, looking over him. Carl was a lanky boy, with soft blue eyes and brown-blond hair. "You'll be working with one of the more experienced workers. Gally?"

The Girl in the Glade; Newt x Badass!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now