First Day

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Twilight seeped in through your window, illuminating the room around you. You quietly crept around, getting dressed, but also sure not to wake any of the boys sleeping next door. You busied yourself with cleaning what little you had around the room.

As the early morning light crept in, replacing the light blue of the moonlight with the warm orange sunlight, you decided you couldn't take it anymore. If Minho didn't come and get you yet, you would go and meet him.

You started for the door handle, determination etched across your face to hide the fact that you were scared and nervous for your first day of being a Runner. Running your fingers through your hair again, distressed about the lack of a brush, you put on a brave face and opened the door. Your facade quickly fell as you met a familiar face on the other side of the door, his hand raised as if he were about to knock, but you, apparently, beat him to it.

"Morning, Newt," you said, a smile finding its way to your face.
"Morning, love. Ready for your first day?" He smiled at you, and your nerves were eased a bit.
You let out a shuddered sigh. "As ready as I'll ever be."
"Good that, love. Let's go." He turned on a heel and walked down the hallway.

"Not that I mind, but where's Minho?" You ask. Normally he would come and wake you.
"He's going to meet up there," he said. You assumed he meant the Maze, but he lead you to a storage room. "By the way, do you know what today is?"
"How could I forget? I've been looking forward to it all week. Box day." Today you would get some much needed supplies, and be able to drop down a list of things you wanted. You had been working on one after all.

"Correct you are, love. Through here." He opened a door to the small building the Runners claimed as their own. Inside was a circular table with chairs all around it. A large paper covered most of it, with drawings of the Maze, like some sort of model. Around it were smaller pieces of paper, ranging from scraps to full pieces.

"Here you go," Minho, who was standing next to a large, weathered and rusty cabinet, said. He threw you a watch. It was silver and had green numbers that read 7:02.

"Now you need to try on these shoes, see which ones fit, and we'll be good to go. I got your bag over here." He lifted up a backpack for you to see; you assumed it contained supplies. After trying a couple pairs, you found the right size.

"Good, now you can ask for a woman's size later. Now we got to go to breakfast. Then, onto the Maze."

The butterflies that had left momentarily now reappeared in full force. You sat down and picked at your breakfast as the Runners around you were in full conversation.

"You ready for your first day, Greenie?" Alex asked, stealing one of your grapes and popping it into his mouth.

"I guess. I mean, not even a week and I'm a Runner. That's got to be a record, right?"

He let out a small laugh, sneaking another grape. "Must be. A record that will never be broken, held by our very own (Y/N). But really, aren't you nervous?"

"Yeah. I am nervous," you admitted.

"It's okay, love. Who could expect you not to be?" He shot a glare Ben's way as if to dare him to say something.

Alex took another grape, and you just pushed the bowl toward him. He smiled shyly.

"It's time," Minho called, alerting everyone.

"Let's go, love," Newt said, sending a smile your way. You grabbed the pack that Minho had gotten you earlier. You sneaked a glance at what was inside as you walked to the Maze doors.

A knife lay at the top, sharp and shiny. It had a leather sheath that held it, nothing fancy. You grabbed it and slipped the string through your belt loops. Next there was a sack--lunch, you presumed--, water, and a note at the bottom. You looked up quickly to make sure that you weren't wavering from the group of boys that headed through the Maze door, and grabbed that too. Slipping it inside your pocket, you stepped up your speed and caught up with Newt and Minho.

"I was thinking maybe we would start the new plan when the Greenie was settled. 'Bout a week for now, what do ya think?" Minho asked, looking through Newt.
"Good that," he said, his accent thick. He smiled down at you.

"Lets go," Minho said.

As you neared the Maze entrance, Newt broke into a jog next to you, Minho on the the other side of him. You followed their lead, and you could hear the others behind you do the same.

You weren't quite used to running for an extended period of time, so you tried to control your breathing.
"Best to inhale when you land on your left," Newt said beside you.
"Oh. Okay. Thanks." You tried out what he said.
"Talking wasted energy, so only do so if you need to," Minho added.

"Right, Greenie," Minho said as you turned a corner. "We run through and cut off vines. That way we don't get lost. All we know is something's out there, but nothing more. We record what changes in the Maze, then we go back and be home in time for dinner."

This caused the guys around to laugh. Everyone turned left. A long corridor starched for about ten more yards, and Newt called, "Okay." Everyone began to slow their pace, and came to a stop. They sat down, and began to pull out their lunches. You did the same, sitting next to Newt and Minho.

Lunch consisted of sandwiches, an apple, and water, which was consumed in quiet conversation.
"What's down there?" You asked Newt, who was finishing off his sandwich.
"Another section. We haven't really explored it yet. We have plans though."

Sighing slightly, slightly mad about everyone hinted nothing's but never explained, you got up. Finding a seat next to Alex, you half paid attention to their conversation as you rummaged through your bag. You wondered what Nick was doing right now. Was he in the field? Doing the ever so boring task of pulling weeds? Probably. You crossed your legs at your ankles, waiting for everyone to finish.

It was then you remembered the note. You pulled it out of your pocket and examined it. It was scribbled quickly and was rather sloppy. It read:
Hey, (Y/N),
Hope this note isn't found my Minho! I had to sneak in and put it in your bag. Can't wait for you to come back and tell me how you showed all the guys there how to do their job. Come and sit with me tonight so we can talk about it.

You smiled to yourself, slipping the note back inside your pocket, going back to Newt and Minho. Your happiness was short lived as you heard a whirring and clicking noise, far away, but coming closer.
"What was that?" You asked in a hushed voice, as everyone had gone dead silent.

"Everybody move!" Minho called out in a normal volume, but in the silence, it sounded like a shout. Everyone scrambled to their feet, throwing things in their bags and running. You sprinted to the front with Minho.

"What was that?!" You asked again, raising your voice to be heard over the others heavy footsteps. He just shook his head and pushed faster. Everyone followed his lead, and sprinted to the Maze doors, following the trail of vines you'd left earlier.

The sounds were getting louder, and you couldn't help but look back. A huge beast, slimy and spider-like was following you. Spikes, spears, and rods stuck out of it in every direction, making it scarier. You had slowed your pace, and someone grabbing your arm alerted you.

Newt was pulling you back to a faster pace, and you ran side by side next to him. Making your way back up to the front, the Maze doors in sight.
"Come on!" Minho encouraged. A small group of Gladers, including Nick, had accumulated at the door after hearing Minho's cry.

You sprinted to the Maze's doors, barely noticing the retreating sounds the hideous creature that had followed you.

You gasped for air, disregarding Newt's advice from earlier. Nick, who was becoming clearer, reached his hands out, beckoning you. You were the first one back, followed by Minho a step behind. Your lungs gasped for air, never having ran that long, and you collapsed in Nick's arms.

"So," he asked, handing you a water with a smile on his face. "How was your first day, Greenie?"

The Girl in the Glade; Newt x Badass!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now