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The past week had been rather uneventful. The main thing on your mind was the note. You had not told anyone about it, and you doubted that you ever will. But you hadn't decided if you would tell anybody. For the moment, you were going to keep it a secret.

Speaking of secrets, James had not told anyone, not spoke on the manner to you at all. He was a tad kinder, but when you asked him about his change of attitude, he merely said, "It's nothing really." And you were forced to leave it at that.

In the Maze, you excelled. Even Minho was surprised on how well you did. The Runners had made significant progress, motivated by you. And with your new appeal--hair out of your face, in clothes that actually fit, and shoes you weren't swimming in--you felt comfortable. You were a bit of a risk taker, as curiosity often the better of you, and you want to see one of the monsters that ran the Glade along with you. Not just a fleeting glance, but to know what it actually looked like. It had to have a weakness, right? Newt had taken to seeing it as it was his job to protect you.

Nick had been talking to you when you got back from the Maze, but Newt as rarely your side--both in the Maze and out of it--, much to the dismay of Nick. You didn't mind Newt's company, but Nick most certainly openly shared his disinterest, as it was the main topic at dinner six days later.

"I mean, I just don't get why has to be with you 24/7. He doesn't own you."

"He just wants to make sure that I'm okay. I'm not Ben's favorite person, and it's pretty obvious he hates me even more now that I'm a Runner. And he's not with me 24/7."

"Seems like," Nick muttered. "And that's another thing that I don't get; why are you always defending him?"

"I'm not--"

"Hey, (Y/N)," a voice called. You turned to see who it was. Gally, slightly dirty with a determined look on his face, came striding towards you. "Runners meeting. You're needed."

"Okay." You stood.

"Hey, come by after, 'kay?" Nick looked at you as you rose.

You rolled your eyes, "Maybe."


A new, larger Runners hall was being constructed by adding onto the existing building, so you met next to the small forest that was growing day, by day. The trees, get larger each day, provided better shade than ever before, and it was the tallest one the Runners took refuge under.

As you walked over, you saw Newt was speaking. By the time you got there, he had nodded to Minho, who stood as Newt took a seat.

"It's time," Minho was saying when you sat down next to Newt. "to start our plan. As you all know, the Maze is a lot larger than we originally took it for. So, starting tomorrow, we're going to break up into groups of two, with one of three. To make sure we actually get something done"--his eyes seemed to spend an extra second on you and Newt-- "I've chosen the groups. Alex and Ben. Scott and Newt. And me, (Y/N), and Franny."

"Oh, haha, Minho. Very funny." You turned to the boy you hadn't noticed before. He had hooded chestnut eyes, and a small mouth that was drawn in a sarcastic smile. His fine, straight, soot-black hair was worn in a style that reminded you of a puffy dandelion. You could tell, even when he was sitting, he was tall and over muscled. He was deeply-tanned with a domed forehead. Overall, for some reason, he reminded you of a cautious chipmunk.

Minho just shrugged. "Most of you know Francine. He's been chosen to be a Runner. If this all works out, we may, eventually, break up and run by ourselves. If that become the case, we needed someone else. Seven sections, seven people. It's not rocket science."

Newt, standing up, said, "We have a long day tomorrow. Get some rest. We have a lot to do."


The next day, you were up bright and early, standing with Minho as you waited for your partner.

"So, what's his real name?" You asked, nodding over to the boy in question, who had insisted on bringing another water bottle. "Fernado?"

"Francis. But he's really fun to tease." He admitted with a slight chuckle. "So, I see you got new clothes."

You wore some pants that went just past you knees, and light blue shirt that was just a bit big.


Francis walked over, finally, a content smile on his face, that instantly fell when Minho said, "Got everything, Frankie?"

"Yes. And I also got some bandages, some extra snacks and water, just in case."

Minho rolled his eyes. "If you say so."

He led the way as the three of you entered the Maze.

-------------*Spongebob voice* a few hours later-------------

You had stopped for lunch, and you started wandering around as Minho tried to explain to Francis they didn't have time to stop and clean their hands when they stopped. Keeping them in sight, you wandered around the corner, on the wall, the letters WICKED were on the wall. You heard whirring, and you ducked back behind the wall.

You could hear it clearly, and then it started getting fainter. You chanced a look to see it was heading away.  You studied it, fascinated by the way it moved. You tried to remember every detail so you could record it later, and wondered if there was a way to defeat it.

You felt something grab your arm and turn you around, and you tried to scream, but the person covered your mouth too.

Oooh, slight cliffhanger. I just wanted to post something, and ran out of time. I'll probably update the next part soon. I think I'm getting better at updating, what do you think?

IMPORTANT: I have a Tumblr now. If you could, maybe follow me? Link in bio. :)

The Girl in the Glade; Newt x Badass!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now